This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
They just want peace...
Published on August 3, 2006 By ShadowWar In Current Events

 Muslims have stated that England will be the first country they take over!

These are pictures not shown on American TV or in American Newspapers (as they might help Bush's war on terror), but were forwarded by a Canadian Friend who thought Americans ought to know!

These pictures are of Muslims marching through the streets of London during their recent
"Religion of Peace Demonstration."


Why would anyone think

that we should be at war

with such nice, peaceful Moslems?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 04, 2006
What about the Danish cartoon incident? Sure it was in bad taste, but people died because of it, just because they were foreign in a Muslim country. There have been plenty of cartoons (or worse) satirizing Jesus, Jews and other religions with little fan fair. These are not just isolated instances. I have never seen, in person, in the paper, or on TV any protesters asking to destroy or take over the Middle East (maybe there has been but I haven’t seen it in all my years and I think would be news worthy if it happened).

I have to agree with Good Point, if they don't like, respect, or tolerate the country they live in I'm sure they can go wave these placards in their ancestral homeland. The problem is they want the freedoms they can't have back home. Were will they go when they create their world and have to live with it? You cannot expect any peoples that don't value freedom or respect (and are unwilling to learn it) to embrace it, no matter who they are. Westerners sure are gullible; it's like trying to raise an alligator
on Aug 04, 2006
The BNP is nowhere near neo-nazi, and British voters are turning out to support them more an more each year because they are becoming more representative of the views of its citizens.

Thank you for that insight. At least we now know where you come from in the political spectrum...

"an openly Nazi party... whose leadership have serious criminal convictions". [European Parliament committee on racism and xenophobia.

"We are 100 per cent racist, yes". Richard Edmonds, Deputy leader, BNP (1993)

"Mein Kampf is my bible". John Tyndall, founder and former leader of the BNP

"I'd never say this on camera, the Jews have been thrown out of every country including England. It's not just persecution. There's no smoke without fire." Mark Collett, BNP youth leader.

Under the current leader Nick Griffin, the BNP has gone for a strategy of toning down some of its fascist, racist and anti-semitic rhetoric, a tactic that neo nazi groups have favoured in recent years when going down the electral road. I suppose I could give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you are 'convinced' by this changed rhetoric, but maybe you actually are a nazi apologist, in which case I suppose JU's spectrum of political opinion has just got that little bit wider...

By the way, the 'armed wing' of the BNP is a charming bunch of bonehead hooligans who go by the name of 'Combat 18' - as in 1 and 8 (first and eighth letters of the alphabet being 'A' and 'H' - Adolf Hitler, geddit?)

The BNP has a long pedigree of 'national socialist' politics, being descended from the National Front and a line of splinter groups going back to Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists. I am happy to report, however, that Good Point is quite wrong to suppose that these nazi thugs "are becoming more representative of the views of [British] citizens."
on Aug 05, 2006
Chakgogka, wikipedia offers a very extensive entry about the BNP which anyone is free to read. If you fear white Britons looking out for the interests of white Britons in Great Britain, then surely you'll have a problem with the BNP. Perhaps you should consider a move to"Ethniklashistan"?
on Aug 05, 2006
Wikipedia is hardly an impartial source, particularly when it comes to political parties. What makes you think the BNP hasn't edited it?
on Aug 05, 2006
Chakgogka, wikipedia offers a very extensive entry about the BNP which anyone is free to read.

Indeed. I have quoted liberally (pardon the pun) from it above, but I have not included anything that I didn't already know to be true because:
Wikipedia is hardly an impartial source

Perhaps you should consider a move to"Ethniklashistan"?

Non sequitur...

Thank you for clearing up one thing. You clearly know a lot about the BNP, so it seems unlikely that you have been fooled by their more recent imitation of respectability. You must therefore be perfectly well aware of the tactic of wearing suits and ties and espousing 'reasonable' white power ideas, while keeping the 'bovver boys' in reserve.

If you fear white Britons looking out for the interests of white Britons in Great Britain, then surely you'll have a problem with the BNP.

Let's be clear what this means, so that the good people here know exactly where you are coming from:

"The electors of Millwall did not back a post-modernist Rightist Party, but what they perceived to be a strong, disciplined organisation with the ability to back up its slogan 'Defend Rights for Whites' with well-directed boots and fists. When the crunch comes, power is the product of force and will, not of rational debate". Nick Griffin, current BNP leader.

Interestingly, Islamists are not the only people who have committed terrorist outrages in the UK. In 2000, David Copeland, who learnt his bombmaking while in the BNP, set off a number of nail bombs in London in predominantly black and asian areas in London and a final bomb in a gay bar in Soho. Three people were killed, including a pregnant woman, and 129 were injured, some losing their limbs. He told detectives after his arrest, "My main intent was to spread fear, resentment and hatred throughout this country, it was to cause a racial war." He also regretted his arrest before he had a chance to target the Jewish community.

So tell us, are you one of those people shoving excrement through the letter boxes of ethnic minority homes, or do you confine your activism to blogging? Enquiring minds would like to know...
on Aug 05, 2006
Generalisations of course. I'm not a Muslim, but Islam extremists take a few cases and apply them on the whole Western civilization, thus forming their anti-West worldview.

We should not do the same.

on Aug 05, 2006
Why not??
on Aug 05, 2006
Generalities are generally true.
on Aug 06, 2006
Good Point,

"Hell, I'll even throw the Irish in there."

You'll throw me nowhere.
on Aug 06, 2006
Must be a dwarf.
on Aug 07, 2006
.....I don't know how to start this..... okay..... I'm seventeen.... and I'm a Muslim..... and everytime I stumble upon articles or blogs or any sort of materials like those pictures and comments, I feel like crying. I will not say that those pictures were just an act to slander the Muslims, because I am not God and I do not know the truth...... I just pray that all of you could believe that not all of us Muslims agree to what these extremists are doing.

There ARE nice Muslims in this world, believe me! And the nice Muslims DO want peace!
on Aug 07, 2006
Um, tastes like Peta.
on Aug 07, 2006
There ARE nice Muslims in this world, believe me! And the nice Muslims DO want peace!

I want to believe you. I would have an easier time doing so, however, if the "nice" Muslims were shouting these people down.

In the Christian community, we have idiots like these, too. People like the vermin Fred Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church, or like the Ku Klux Klan. But when these cretins show their ugly heads, you will almost certainly find as many, if not more, GOOD Christians to shout these rats down. Why don't Muslims see the same need?
on Aug 07, 2006
There ARE nice Muslims in this world, believe me! And the nice Muslims DO want peace!

Wanting peace and actually doing something about it are two different things. The "peacful Muslims" who claim to only want to live in peace do nothing at all to end the acts of the extremists and often allow them to operate openly in their communities.

That's what the rest of the world sees.
on Aug 07, 2006
For somethings I have a very simple philosophy

If it moves, shoot it.

If you were wrong, bury it.

In addition, I just want all you vile, vicious, and savage animals that call your self militant muslims to know one thing.

The real God is the God f Moses and Abraham.

This is not the God you pray to, but He wil fight my battles.

Moreover, if it comes to it, I am wiling to load my glock-9, 12 guage shotgun, and hunting riffle and come looking for you demented towel heads.
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