This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Attack on US Military base planned..
Published on May 8, 2007 By ShadowWar In War on Terror
OK people get ready. It has come to our home soil again and this could be just the tip of the iceberg as they say. Attacks on our military here at home? If they are willing to try this what will they do next, take a school like they did in Beslan Russia and kill hundreds of our children? Are you willing now to make the sacrifices that may be needed to stop these kinds of things? If we lose 10 soldiers and 50 policement in these attacks is that too many and we should withdraw and stop fighting and give in to these radicals. Oh my we had someone die and we can't have that, lets just give them the base and maybe they will leave us alone. Lets give in and withdraw. Its not a sign of weakness, it will not show them we can't stomach a real fight.
The attitude of the pacifist have done this to us. When terrorist feel free enought to plot attacks on our military bases here in the US then we have become way to soft as a people.
I went to Basic Training at Fort Dix.
Here is the info.
6 arrested in Fort Dix plot
Home News Tribune Online 05/8/07

MOUNT LAUREL, N.J. (AP) … Six men were planning to attack the Fort Dix Army base and ""kill as many soldiers as possible,'' federal authorities said Tuesday.

The men, Yugoslav nationals, were arrested early Tuesday, said Michael Drewniak, a spokesman for the United States Attorney's Office in New Jersey.

Five of them lived in Cherry Hill, he said.

Drewniak said the men would appear in U.S. District Court in Camden later Tuesday to face charges of conspiracy to kill U.S. servicemen.

The arrests were first reported by WNBC-TV in New York


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Comments (Page 3)
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on May 15, 2007

First and foremost I want to thank Bakerstreet for respecting my right to freedom of speech and opinion. You are a true American and it shows. Thank you very much. Your comments are insightful and well thought out and very respectful thank you very much. Hmmm...

Here are some more facts about this attack plot that some may not be aware of:

Six men were arrested the evening of May 7, 2007 for conspiring to

attack soldiers stationed at Fort Dix, NJ

• The men planned to storm the base armed with automatic rifles and kill

as many soldiers as possible

• The men were described as homegrown “Islamic militants” with no apparent

connection to international terrorist networks The cell was comprised of 6 men – Mohamed Shnewer, Eljvar Duka, Dritan Duka, Shain Duka, Serdar Tatar, and Agron


• The three Duka brothers were illegal aliens from the former Yugoslavia. Of the other three men, one other was from the former Yugoslavia, the other two from Turkey and Jordan

• All six will face terror conspiracy charges The suspects recorded a video of themselves training with weapons and gave it to a video store in Cherry Hill, NJ to be converted into DVD format

• Law enforcement officials were alerted to the plot in January, 2006 by a store clerk who had viewed the video and found it disturbing enough to report it to authorities

• The alleged plotters also attempted to illegally purchase AK-47 and M16 rifles Authorities were able to infiltrate the group by inserting a cooperating witness as a go-between aiding the group in its attempt to purchase firearms to conduct the attack

• One suspect’s family owns a pizza restaurant near Fort Dix; claimed it would be easy to penetrate the base because he knew it “like the back of his hand” The group allegedly trained in the Poconos where they practiced firing weapons. They also trained using paint ball drills at their house.

• The men pooled their savings to fund the operation and purchase automatic weapons illegally

• In addition to firearms training, they also conducted physical surveillance of Fort

Dix and used video surveillance using cell phone cameras

• They also obtained a map of the base The cell also considered targeting Dover Air Base in Delaware, Fort Monmouth in NJ, the Coast Guard Building in Philadelphia as well as the Philadelphia Federal Building

• They discussed the use of bombs and explosives

• One of the plotters, Serdar Tatar, discussed joining the U.S. military so he could kill soldiers “from the inside” U.S. military is targeted by Islamist terrorists domestically and overseas

• NYC is home to numerous US military facilities, including forts and recruiting


• Large, visible military presence in NYC during upcoming “Fleet Week” (May 23-30,


• One plotter had delivered pizza to the base

• Plotters discussed joining the military to attack from the inside

• Group outdoor activity training (paintball)

• Common to many plots, domestically and overseas

• Regional threat exists from small, self-radicalizing groups


Source: NYPD Counter Terrorism Unit


Thank you BakersStreet for being so respectful and the adult comments:

"I don't have a jihad against the site, just pig-headed, plagiarist hatemongers."

"If the site wants trash like you guys on it, great, but until I'm blacklisted I can say whatever I want pointing out what kind of trash you are."

"His shame is still hanging there, though, if anyone doubts he's a thief."


Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. I appreciate each and every one, especially since it’s so obvious you relish the chance to make sure I get my chance to express myself. I will not be baited into an intelligent argument with an unarmed individual.


on May 15, 2007
It has not "come home". It never left.

I agree, this has been here before 9/11 and is still here regardless of what the Gov't might say.

The fact is, attacks, threats, etc., happen all the time. Here is a site that maps them. Be sure and set it for the last 12 months so you get some perspective. Not all of them get on there, either. Ecoterrorists are planting bombs, kidnapping people, threatening property and the public safety all the time. You guys never seem to care much about that.

You are right that attacks happen in this country all the time. People in this country kills more people with guns for stupids reason than terrorist get a chance in this country. The problem is that when people like Ecoterrorists do terrorist attacks they are attacking specific locations and specific people. I seriously doubt someone in a mall or someone at a tall building would be worrying about an Ecoterrorists placing a bomb in those locations. But a terrorist like those we hear about so much that are usually of islamic connections attack any target that can yield the most mental damage. It's not even about how many die, they can kill 1 person in the process and simply because it was done in a place where people felt safe is enough to scare the hell out of the average American. Keeping in mind that the average American lives their life thinking they are untouchable, living with the mentallity that "that's not gonna happen to me, I know better".

People like the kids at Columbine are a read breed. There are no sleeper cells of this kind hiding all over the country just wating to be told when to strike. These things just happen due to the way our society works and how some people just don't know how to deal with it. But people in this country are far from using terrorist tactics as means to make a point everytime something bothers them. Last I checked people like "Ecoterrorists" tend to voice themselves a lot before resorting to terrorist tactics. On the other hand I have yet to see people like Osama and the likes looking to site down and talk things thru. Instead they just send a few of their brain-washed brothers over here and tell them that they will have a better afterlife waiting for them if they blow themselves up while trying to prove a point to us without even saying why they do it.

Try as you might Baker, terrorism is terrorism (that can not be denied), but the terrorism of an Ecoterrorists is far from being in the same group as terrorism from people like Osama. Hell, if anything Osama would probably call them amatures.
on May 15, 2007

Oh also no one has addressed the issue. Should these 6 be charged as criminals and afforded all of our criminal justice systems benefits or should they be charged as enemy combatants? Since none are American Citizens and some are illegally in the US what should be their status?

Hmm let me exercise my freedom of speech again. I say load them up and send them to Gitmo to await trial as Enemy combatants. Thats exactly what they were. Oh and for clarification, they were Islamic Terrorist (Radicals) and not representative of the Muslim Community as a whole in the US.

on May 15, 2007
Wow, in all the years I've been on this site I have never seen Baker like this.
on May 15, 2007
Oh also no one has addressed the issue. Should these 6 be charged as criminals and afforded all of our criminal justice systems benefits or should they be charged as enemy combatants? Since none are American Citizens and some are illegally in the US what should be their status?

True. Well since they didn't get to accomplish their mission I guess they would be considered criminals as oppose to enemy combatants which would have meant they accomplished their goal or were stopped in the process of doing it. That's how I see it.

Now, if we send them off, that will just give them a chance to come back and try again. But if we try them and send them to jail then that will cost us and then will come the constant complaining about how they are being abused, possible tortured and not having been given any rights or something. It's a lose-lose situation. In the end many will see it as it being our fault one way or the other.

on Jun 09, 2007
It doesn't matter what country they are's the religion that says it all. When will the head-in-the-sand liberals admit the world has a cancer, which may be incurable.
on Jun 09, 2007
"Wow, in all the years I've been on this site I have never seen Baker like this."

Because in all the years I've been here JU people haven't been this brazen and completely irrational about their hatefulness. People unflinchingly call the religion of over a billion people around the world "a cancer". That's the second or third time I've seen regulars here say that.

If even a million people around the world actively worked toward your demise, you'd be dead, and there wouldn't be anything you could do about it. If even 1% of the 5 million or so American Muslims wanted to terrorize America, that would be a thousand attacks PER STATE. All it takes is a saturday night special and a $5 box of bullets. Obviously, the "cancer" isn't very deadly.

People will look back on stuff like this in the same way we look back on the "Red Scare" now. A lot of sad, paranoid people, cowering in fear of Ivan the Terrible while a red blooded American molests their kids in the shadows. No such fear mongering is remembered with pride; not when it was the Chinese or Irish, not when it was Jews or Catholics, not when it was the interned Japanese during WW2, and not when it was communists thereafter.

If you guys want to ape such sad past mistakes and alienate people who are almost always good neighbors and credits to your country, fine. I wouldn't, though, count myself as a fit human being if I left such foolishness unanswered. I don't believe the average American feels this way, but the average people in all such times sat silently and let a hateful minority taint their place in history.

on Jun 10, 2007
on Jun 10, 2007
the liberals in this country tolerate everyone until they oppose their on ideas.

then they do nothing but attack. if they cannot find the truth that backs them up then they make it up.

EVERYONE in the USA has the right to think and do as they want to as long as it doesn't harm or cause others to do harm. and as long as you don't try to take the other persons rights away from them as some on here try to do.

homeland security is bad because it takes rights away from us.

by protecting the flag from being burnt you take away the freedom of speech.

in ever country where the right to bear arms has been removed crime rate has tripled or more.

because the only people who obey that law are the law abiding citizens.

criminals don't really care about the law otherwise they wouldn't be criminals would they.

the Muslim teachings are that you convert the infidels or you kill them.

you can argue that the majority don't follow this but that doesn't make the above statement wrong.

there was a Muslim lady on fox preaching that her religion was one of peace. a week later the pope made his quote, and she was on the front lines calling for his death.

so don't tell me that Muslims tolerate others they don't. they put up with others that isn't the same thing.

as for the Muslims in this country at this moment this country tolerates them.

unfortunately that will not remain for much longer.

and then i read that just because a plot to kill military and civilians was impossible to do that we should just let these people go.

if you plot to kill someone and you are found out you should be put away for life whether or not what your plan was impossible

I have one question for you bush bashers.

if bush was behind the 9/11 attacks. WHY?

so that we could attack Iraq if that is the reason then why did he wait almost 2 years going through the UN sanction route.

on Jun 10, 2007
the Muslim teachings are that you convert the infidels or you kill them.

You've said this elsewhere, daniel, this is complete and utter BS. Please do some objective research on Islam rather than quote what others say about it. Your ignorance shines through when you make incorrect general statements like this.
on Jun 10, 2007

I have one question for you bush bashers.

if bush was behind the 9/11 attacks. WHY?

Umm, not ONE point of my criticism of Bush has to do with saying he was behind the 9/11 attacks. And VERY few others who criticize Bush have used this as their rationale.

Get with us, daniel. I've always been an advocate for drug decriminalization, but you are fast making me rethink my position!
on Jun 10, 2007
"as for the Muslims in this country at this moment this country tolerates them.

unfortunately that will not remain for much longer."

If that doesn't give ya chills, you ain't completely human. I sincerely hope that the 5 million or so Muslims in the US are more tolerant if this hatefulness as they have been so far.

The boy in the story I linked above tried to kill himself because of hateful stuff like this. How big of a leap does it take from killing yourself, to taking a few of your persecutors with you? Our own non-Muslim young people end up doing it when they are bullied and intimidated.

If that had happened the JU crusaders would no doubt have blamed Islam. Would Islam have been to blame? A self-fulfilling prophesy of the worst kind, isn't it.

on Jun 10, 2007
unfortunately that will not remain for much longer."

before condemning what i wrote how about reading what i wrote
on Jun 10, 2007
not ONE point of my criticism of Bush has to do with saying he was behind the 9/11 attacks. And VERY few others who criticize Bush have used this as their rationale.

you are only one person on here

dictator col gene has been trying to push that theory through here so i ask my question again

on Jun 10, 2007
you are only one person on here

dictator col gene has been trying to push that theory through here so i ask my question again


OK, danielost. I issued this challenge on another topic on another thread.

Go back and find one post where I agreed with Col. Gene. If you look at posts where he and I share space, you'll see that we are CONSTANTLY at odds. Yet you chose to lump me with him. Why?
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