Do you know during which period we have lost more soldiers?
During the Iraq War or during the Cold War Time from 1981-1984?
If you listen to our media, our soldiers are being cut down left and right. We are suffering a terrible loss. Its all you hear of news from Iraq. Every time a soldier dies, its a great headline according to our media. But the facts bear out otherwise.
3415 total deaths in Operation Iraqi Freedom. That's from March 19th, 2003 through May 19th, 2007. That's 4 years two months. Correct?
In one year alone DURING PEACE TIME in 1983 we lost 2,465. If you take the two years before and year after that (just 4 years, skip the 2 months.) we lost about 9,500!! In peacetime!!! The point is while every single soldiers death is a tragedy, the numbers are being manipulated by the press to make it seem worse than it is. More than twice as many in the same amount of time in peace time, did you know that??
It also shows how good our guys are! Less fatalities in war time than peace time!!
The left is being led around by the nose by the liberal media who wants to push an agenda and the manipulate the news to fit that agenda. The above is factual proof of that manipulation.