I am not sure that focusing on flags or anthems or symbolism does anyone any good.
For those of us living in the United States: we should be good citizens. Follow the laws, vote, clean your lawn, help out around town, don't make an ass out of yourself when traveling abroad, etc. That's the way to make our country good.
I think that a lot of Americans get way too wrapped-up in their own national symbols.
Every country has its own flag and national anthem. So what? It is just a marketing tool. Street gangs have hand symbols and tags that they use as marketing tools too.
I like my life in America and I am a good citizen, I respect the forefathers and veterans; but I don't want to be so absorbed in symbolism. I think that it distracts from the actual issues.
I think one of the reasons why I think that flag burning is so disrespectful is that the flag and its use has a legal set of rules with it. If the flag needs to be decommissioned, the only proper way to discard it is in a ceremony were it is *respectfully* burned. Yes, some may just view it as a "symbol", but try to tell a war vet who watched their buddy get blown up while trying to keep the flag raised that is "merely a symbol".
Respect is something that this country really lacks in this day and age.....but that is a totally different rant.