This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
All means all and even
Published on August 25, 2004 By ShadowWar In International
Ok Folks I have been watching CNN while sitting in my hotel room, nothing else to do right now, and all they are talking about is the ads again. President Bush has called for an end to them, "all of them". The Kerry gang keeps calling for the President to condem the ad of the Swift Boat Vets, and he has so why do they keep asking?

Here is what he said on camera and for the record:
While being asked about the 527 ads. One reporter cited the swift boat ads and asked, "When you say that you want to stop all --" "All of them," Bush responded. "That means that ad, every other ad. Absolutely. I don't think we ought to have 527s."

OK now someone tell me what part of that statement is not clear? I am at a loss. How can they still be saying that after he said what he did? Come on folks educate me.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 26, 2004
To address the point of the article, the reason that Kerry's folks won't acknowledge what the President has said is that there is no reason for them to do so. They can milk this more on the downside for a bit of political hay on Kerry' side. Why would they let it go? Altruism? There is precious little of that to be had here...

And there is no reason for Bush to do their bidding. Thanks to their endless whining and profane stunts like the one pulled by Max Cleland yesterday, they're just pouring gasoline on a fire they claim to be trying to put out, if you ask me. First rule for getting out of a hole is to stop shoveling. Now, unable to come up with a defense of his party's 527's, Bob Beckel has resorted to blaming Bush for the whole 527 mess - the democrats' 527's, too - because he signed the McCain-Feingold bill allowing them. "Did he sign the bill, Sean, Yes or No?" They get more pathetic with each passing day.

on Aug 26, 2004
"what part of all don't you understand?" "Depends what your definition of 'is' is"

The democratic party and semantics...:::shaking head:::
on Aug 26, 2004
They want him to harshly condemn them, so if they stop they can claim that Bush really WAS in control, because once he told them to they stopped...

Which would make Bush guilty of coordinating with a 527, something he can't do by law.

The safest bet legally would be to condemn all (as Bush has done) or none, thereby avoiding any direct connection with the 527s.

BTW - Bush is asking McCain to join him in looking at ways to hold the 527s to the same rules as everyone else, as far as, disclosure. The interesting thing will be if Kerry gets on board, or not.

I'm predicting he won't. I believe he likes the deniability the 527s give him too much.
on Aug 26, 2004
Kerry is getting a huge pass from the press over the last few days. I have seen all sorts of people online pointing out blatent conflicts between the Kerry campaign and 527s. Here's hoping he gets the grilling Bush is getting.
on Aug 26, 2004
Pam's submission seems to be the real question here IMHO.
on Aug 27, 2004
Really, XX. I hope you had your tongue placed conspicuously in your cheek when you wrote that, otherwise I dunno...

I don't know. I wasn't joking. I just commented on odd word usage.

Hmm I did some research on 527. So they're pretty much mud slinger ad groups.

I hope kerry will get on board on making those 527s follow thye same laws.
on Aug 27, 2004
"I hope kerry will get on board on making those 527s follow thye same laws."

Me too, but when invited to join McCain and Bush's legal effort, the Kerry campaign replied "That isn't the issue". I guess in the end it is hard to overlook the millions in smear. God knows, the only way to get someone like Kerry in office is to incite hate toward Bush. Kerry obviously would prefer to slow the stream of soft money after the election.

on Aug 27, 2004
Me too, but when invited to join McCain and Bush's legal effort, the Kerry campaign replied "That isn't the issue".

. They are so pathetic.

on Aug 27, 2004
I hope we find many more like Pam Johnson and the ones that recognize her.... Its amazing to me how [intellegent people] have been caught up in this meaningless nonsense. It is not by accident ,it is a consentrated effort between the two parties and the Media. Its a diversionary tactic,and its working like a charm. Why is it happening ?Simple!!! To cause dissention among the voteing public. Why ??To maintain control of a two party system. Why??? ask the Media..... Daaah!!!! thats where the money is.
How long has it been since an answer has been given about anything meaningful,like,where are we going with immigration?Why are we not upholding our laws.Why are we restricted to only a two party system??Why haven't we gotten a national health plan in place,and on, and on. We don't care what happened thirty years ago,[its only diversionary] Tell us what our childern can expect from America in the future.....Please!!!......Charlie Poore
on Aug 27, 2004
I'm with you, Charlie. I'm ready to move on soon as Kerry & his minions shut up about it. There in a bit of a bind, though, so I don't know how soon they're going to let go of it.

on Aug 27, 2004
Diawa makes a good point. Very few local TV stations are running this ad. It wasn't until the Left started spewing outrage that it even because a "headline" story. I think most people would have given it a harumph and moved on, but every single day Kerry has to say something else about it.

Maybe he should just leave the SBV to their opinion and MoveON? If Bush isn't talking about it, and the press want to leave it behind, the only reason for Kerry to dwell on it is to turn it into an attack against Bush.
on Aug 27, 2004
Kerry's folks seem to think they've found the Holy Grail and that by continuously and repeatedly shining their big bright light on it, it will work to their advantage. Hate to admit it, but they may be succeeding to some extent. Heard about a poll put out today (sorry, can't say whose) indicating that more people are inclined to believe the Bush campaign is "behind" the SwiftBoat vets now that Ginsburg (sp?) has resigned from the campaign. Never mind that several attorneys are playing the same dual role with the Democrats and, of course, have given no thought to resigning.


on Aug 27, 2004
Funny that people are complaining about Kerry repeating a topic over and over again to help him in his campaign when it is a common thing for Bush to do. 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction', 'Kerry is a flip-flopper', '..just shows he is not in the mainstream of america'...i've heard all of these continuously from big deal, Kerry is using the 'repeat message until it sinks in method'..good for him. Perhaps, yeah, if the press wouldn't have jumped in on the swift boat vet ads and made a big deal of it, it would have passed over..but I'm certain that those ads of course were placed in very strategic places where Kerry needs to win so it became a bigger deal to him. Anyway..there you..

on Aug 27, 2004
Funny that people are complaining about Kerry repeating a topic over and over again

Funnier still that what Kerry's complaining about over & over again is that a topic is being repeated over & over again. Ain't politics the sweet science?

on Aug 28, 2004
Wesley Clark, today, AFTER Bush commented on Kerry's record:

""I think that it's outrageous that the president of the United States can question the medals and the service and the valor of American veterans who have served," said Clark, a retired four-star Army general. "It's offensive against every veteran in this country.""

That is about as heinous as it gets, an out-and-out lie. At one time I had respect for Wesley Clark, but now in my mind he's a big for a tool as Dean, Gore, or any of the rest of them...
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