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One Americans view....like it or not..
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Bush using Wireless to perform in Debate?
The left is in melt-down mode..
Published on October 12, 2004 By
Thanks to my buddy Andy for pointing this one out to me. This is a typical example of how badly the left is melting down and grasping at straws. Don't you think the man in charge of the most advanced nation in the world, with access to all the CIA, DOD, NSA and other technology would do a little better than use a common wireless system if he was going to do this? Maybe a descrete in the ear only, transmitter/ Receiver?
Was Bush packing Wi-Fi in TV debate?
By Thomas C Greene
Published Tuesday 12th October 2004 09:58 GMT
Opinion Wireless technology might explain why US President George W. Bush performed better than usual in the last two presidential debates with his opponent, Senator John Kerry.
Unless he's reading a well-rehearsed speech, the President is normally much given to malapropisms and incoherent syntax. When confronted with questions for which he is not prepared, he typically muddles along unintelligibly when starting a reply, until he finds a path to one of his prepared talking points, as he repeatedly did during his televised prime-time press conference of 13 April 2004. It is not unusual for him to take refuge in his prepared points, regardless of what question is asked, and his answers are often irrelevant as well as confused. That is, he tends to stay "on message," rather than "on topic".
Yet, during both presidential debates, he miraculously spoke in clear, organized sentences that were fairly relevant to the questions asked. He stumbled only occasionally, and then only briefly. The public has declared Kerry the winner of both debates - the first by a wide margin, and the second by a narrow one - but it is undeniable that the President far exceeded his baseline performance when confronting the unexpected. Or, said another way, he may have looked bad in comparison to Kerry, but he looked very good in comparison to himself.
Bush's bulge
Interestingly, screen shots of the first debate, courtesy of Cryptome, show a cigarette-pack-sized object positioned between Bush's shoulders, impressing itself on his suit jacket. A wire appears to run from the object, up towards the President's neck. This is best seen in the first column, fourth picture, and in the second column, fourth picture. (Note: The Register has not verified the authenticity of these images. They appear to come from a C-SPAN feed, but we cannot vouch for that.)
The impression is consistent with common wireless gear used by public speakers and entertainers, enabling a remote coach to offer prompts and suggestions. Typically, a rig consists of a wireless radio transmitter used by the coach, and a wireless transceiver used by the speaker. For stealth, the transceiver is concealed under clothing, and connected to a flexible wire device encircling the neck and worn under the shirt, which generates a signal picked up by a wireless receiver within the ear canal, much like a small hearing aid, and virtually invisible.
Additional evidence
The pictures might be suggestive, if not conclusive, but they are not the only evidence suggesting that Bush enjoyed the benefit of a wireless hookup. The very fact that he rarely stumbled or babbled itself suggests that something extraordinary was afoot. And there were a couple of moments in both debates where Bush's behavior is best explained by presuming a remote coach.
In the first debate, during a reply to Kerry, he ranted, "Let me finish!" Oddly, neither his opponent, Senator Kerry, nor the moderator, Jim Lehrer, was attempting to cut him off, and he had plenty of time left on the clock. One explanation is that he was disoriented and confused, as he often is without a script. But a somewhat better explanation, in view of the pictures and his sudden debating competence, is that he was addressing not his opponent or the moderator, but a remote coach who had prompted him to move on to a fresh topic before he was ready to do so.
In the second debate, Bush went off the rails, again in a way that suggests remote coaching. According to the rules, each candidate answers questions in turn. The one to whom the question is addressed gets two minutes to reply, and his opponent gets ninety seconds to rebut. At the moderator's discretion, there may be a one-minute extension, providing each candidate an additional thirty seconds on each question.
At one point, when Bush had taken a question, and Kerry had delivered a spirited rebuttal, moderator Charlie Gibson decided to extend the session. But he had trouble getting the words out, as Bush leapt up and leaned into his face, repeatedly demanding the very extension that Gibson was attempting, without success, to offer him.
Kerry: "We're gonna build alliances; we're not gonna go unilaterally [into war]; we're not gonna go alone, like this President did."
Gibson: "Mr. President, let's extend for one minute..."
Bush: "Lemme just one question; I, I gotta answer this."
Gibson: "Exactly, and with reservists being held on duty..."
Bush: "Let, let me just answer this, what he said about goin' alone."
Gibson: "Well, I wanted to get into the issue."
Bush: "You tell Tony Blair we're goin' alone. Tell Tony Blair we're goin' alone. Tell Servio Belisconi we're goin' alone..."
A fair reading of the scene would have Bush's remote coach urging him to respond at that moment, with enough vehemence to distract the President from what was happening right before his eyes. "You've got to respond to that - you can't let it go. He's insulting our allies," we can imagine the coach saying. And we can imagine Bush getting flustered to the point that he failed to grasp what the moderator was trying to tell him.
Technologically speaking, it would be painfully easy for Bush to have received remote, wireless guidance during the debates. But whether he would risk pulling such a cheesy stunt is less clear. Bush may be a generous risk-taker when it comes to spilling other people's blood in Iraq, but when his own political career is at stake, he tends to play a very cautious, conservative game. If the scam were ever exposed, he would certainly lose votes that, in such a tight race, he knows he can't afford to squander. A mere pat on the back from Kerry after a debate would suffice to reveal the game.
There are other ways, too. Surveillance specialist James Atkinson has written a good generic description of the wireless device that Bush would likely have been connected to, along with a list of the radio frequencies that such devices typically employ.
All that remains is for Kerry to pat Bush down during the next debate, or for some enterprising geek to use Atkinson's information to intercept the President's coaching session, and record it. In the interest of public disclosure, we note that the final presidential debate will be held on Wednesday, 13 October on the campus of Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona, at the Gammage Auditorium, located on the northeast corner of Mill Avenue and Apache Boulevard.
Not that we're suggesting anything.
LOL I got a real kick of this article. Keep trying left! You may just sit in a corner and suck your thumb begore you push yourself in a self destructive frenzy.
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Comments (Page 2)
3 Pages
The GOPs Worst Nightmare
on Oct 12, 2004
on Oct 12, 2004
If the Kerry campaign isn't worried about it, then why should you?
I am certain that both Bush and Kerry aren't concerned with many of the things on my mind, I'm simply insatiably curious and disappointed that simple questions about certain images are glossed over instead of stoutly answered.
Grim Xiozan
on Oct 12, 2004
I am certain that both Bush and Kerry aren't concerned with many of the things on my mind, I'm simply insatiably curious and disappointed that simple questions about certain images are glossed over instead of stoutly answered.
Yes we all need to know why John Bush pulled a pen out his pocket when one was already provided for him at the podium, did he never take a SAT, ASVAB or ACT test in which no pencils were allowed than the ones provided for you? I need to know why George Kerry had a bulge in his back, and why didn't John Bush take his pen from his pocket and pop that bulge, after all should the President have a hump or zit?
We must know about bulges and pens because bulges and pens are important to a President, just ask William J. Reagan who said to his intern 'do you have a pen?' who in turn noticed William's bulge!
So in summary, yes bulges and pens are VITAL TO RUNNING THIS COUNTRY, if they are bad with their bulges and pens than surely they cannot run our country!!
'Look at my bulge and suck my pen!' - William J.
- Grim X
on Oct 12, 2004
Good stuff, Grim. I, of course, want to reiterate the point that nobody bothers answering questions concerning things we are seeing in plain sight, it is telling that people will just go along with,"it's nothing, really, ignore whatever that is."
Grim Xiozan
on Oct 12, 2004
Does it ultimately matter that much? If it did something would be done about it, but ultimately it has absolutely no effect or should matter to us, right?
- Grim X
on Oct 13, 2004
Reply #7 By: Citizen Deference - 10/12/2004 3:16:17 PM
The bullet proof vest theory was the first some friends and I discussed, we eventually decided that it would be an odd bullet proof vest if it was, however, since most zip in the front and are not subject to the type of "trail" like that shown in the first debate or the bulge in the second.
Actually most are velcro straps that run over the shoulder and then four that come from the back to the front around the sides. I know I wear one everyday. They leave a ridge under your shirt just like that supposed line running from his shoulder blade to the top of his shoulder. Thry looking here for what they look like. www.secondchance.com (body armor we use).
Gene Nash
on Oct 13, 2004
The author gives far more credit to Bush's performance than I would. In my opinion he did a lot of what he is described as not doing, malapropisms, stumbling till he gets to a talking point, etc. Surely if he was being fed lines he could have done better than that.
on Oct 13, 2004
Does it ultimately matter that much? If it did something would be done about it, but ultimately it has absolutely no effect or should matter to us, right?
Does it matter when Americans are not answered when they ask of curiousities in plain site? I would think you would know. That is my point, there is a litmus test and precedent being implemented.
This was what I was talking about with the possibility of seeing a future presidential debate where all sorts of crazy bulges were emerging from a candidates jacket, and a newbie asks what all that stuff is and the experienced viewer just tells them not to worry about it because nothing came of asking the questions concerning it before. Can I be more clear? I'll try if you want me to expound upon it...
Grim Xiozan
on Oct 13, 2004
Though the bulge has already been proven to be nothing and the unfolded paper has already been proven to be a pen, just sounds like someone can't move on...
- Grim X
on Oct 13, 2004
Do you happen to have any links? If these have been proven to be nothing, that's fine, I'd just like to find out. I know a Kerry campaign aide has asserted it's just a pen, but that really isn't quite enough, I mean, seriously, the word of a
campaign aide
. I'd be glad to move on and get this out of my head, I just want satisfaction.
LINX that prove...?
Jamie Burnside
on Oct 13, 2004
I think that that little box on Bush's back contains Dick Cheney's soul.
Grim Xiozan
on Oct 13, 2004
Do you happen to have any links? If these have been proven to be nothing, that's fine, I'd just like to find out. I know a Kerry campaign aide has asserted it's just a pen, but that really isn't quite enough, I mean, seriously, the word of a campaign aide. I'd be glad to move on and get this out of my head, I just want satisfaction.
LINX that prove...?
How about this since you are so hard up to know, find a Whacked Out Scientist who has tricked out a De Lorean, go back in time and go there!!
Expose them as nothing more than mechanical robots that are being controlled by a secret order of Illuminated Furry Little Hamsters led by that spunky and smart Hamtaro!!
- Grim X
on Oct 13, 2004
I think that that little box on Bush's back contains Dick Cheney's soul.
No, that's kept in a jar in the oval office.
Grim Xiozan
on Oct 13, 2004
No, that's kept in a jar in the oval office.
So that explains the Eygptian Canopic Jar in the Oval Office!
on Oct 13, 2004
somebody on another thread said it was his Duracell battery...which I thought was incredibly funny
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