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One Americans view....like it or not..
This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
U.S. Marines discovered more than ten metric tons of bombs!!
Wow wheres the news??
Published on January 3, 2006 By
War on Terror
U.S. Marines discovered more than ten metric tons of munitions hidden at 72 cache sites 39 km south of Fallujah during the week-long Operation Green Trident.
First Reconnaissance Battalion, Regimental Combat Team 8 began the operation last week near the village of Al Latifiyah to search suspected locations for hidden weapon caches.
More than 1,000 artillery and mortar rounds were unearthed along with scores of rocket propelled grenades and hand grenades. Most of the caches were shallowly buried along the banks of the Euphrates River and surrounding area.
The weight of the explosives contained within these munitions is approximately one metric ton (2,200 lbs). The artillery and mortar rounds are commonly used by insurgents to make improvised explosive devices.
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Comments (Page 1)
4 Pages
on Jan 03, 2006
This isn't possible. There are no weapons in Iraq. Just ask the clueless liberals. Iraq was not a danger to us. They didn't have weapons that could harm us. At least that is what they said once we went in, before that they were crying that we'd lose needless lives to the WMDs that Saddam was sure to unleash upon us.
Uh, yeah, that's the ticket! Morgan Fairchild even!
on Jan 03, 2006
Reprehensible Murtha must be pissed that his stash was found before it could kill U.S. Marines.
on Jan 03, 2006
WMDs? Must have missed that in the article. You are so intelligent to call liberals clueless, because it says right in the article that they found MORTAR ROUNDS. Oh, I forgot, mortar rounds ARE weapons of mass destruction. Good thing we found those WMDs, otherwise the insurgents would launch mortar rounds thousands of miles over the ocean and hit the U.S., or another target on their hit list.
Reprehensible Murtha? Also very interesting, since he served our country, too. Whether or not you agree with his policies(I assume the latter for both of you), how can you call him reprehensible when he did the same thing that troops are doing today?
I am glad this stash was found so that servicemen and women are safer from explosive attacks, but turn the ignorance meters down or my head might just implode.
Dr Guy
on Jan 04, 2006
More good news for America, and bad news for the loony left.
on Jan 04, 2006
WMDs? Must have missed that in the article. You are so intelligent to call liberals clueless, because it says right in the article that they found MORTAR ROUNDS. Oh, I forgot, mortar rounds ARE weapons of mass destruction. Good thing we found those WMDs, otherwise the insurgents would launch mortar rounds thousands of miles over the ocean and hit the U.S., or another target on their hit list.
You really are an idiot, no where in the article does it mention WMD and no one in any post said that mortar rounds were WMD. They said the WMD that Saddam supposely had to use against our soldiers. Moron, learn to read.
on Jan 04, 2006
You really are an idiot, no where in the article does it mention WMD and no one in any post said that mortar rounds were WMD. They said the WMD that Saddam supposely had to use against our soldiers. Moron, learn to read.
...just wow.
Talk about irony.
Dr Guy
on Jan 04, 2006
...just wow.
Talk about irony.
Just a suggestion Jay, learn to read in context.
COL Gene
on Jan 04, 2006
If we had controlled the several hundred ammo dumps we knew about, we would have prevented MOST of the dead and injured Americans. No one said there were no weapons just not nuclear etc that Bush claimed!
on Jan 04, 2006
Hey Col!! Good to see you here!! Hey show me where Bush was the only one who claimed the WMD were there. Or do need to point out all the others that agreed with him as far back as 1998!?!?! Or do you want to discuss it was not just Bush who looked at all the intel and made decisions based on the bad intel?? Nice try, Take the word Bush out of every other sentence and people may actually think your not that biased by hatred.
on Jan 04, 2006
If we had controlled the several hundred ammo dumps we knew about, we would have prevented MOST of the dead and injured Americans. No one said there were no weapons just not nuclear etc that Bush claimed!
But then you wouldn't have dead Americans to celebrate over.
on Jan 04, 2006
Just a suggestion Jay, learn to read in context.
Alright, what context are we talking about? In general? In response to the first reply? Second Reply?
Maybe you did not understand my first reply, so here is a summary. Some people would call an exhausted .22 round fired by a terrorist to be a Weapon of mass destruction. In this post I used an insane amount of sarcasm, which I thought everyone could detect easily. Apparently DJ does not understand the concept of sarcasm, or he was using sarcasm to mimick my own, which is the most logical because I think my intent was pretty obvious. So, I posted again in utter disbelief. Where should I read in context?
on Jan 04, 2006
wow hanoijohn, mirthlessmurtha and cluelessgene must be pissed no americans were killed through the use of the waepons, and just as a side note metric tonnage is a WMD.
on Jan 04, 2006
and just as a side note metric tonnage is a WMD.
Hmmm, never knew that. According to who?
on Jan 04, 2006
#13 by TARSIER
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
and just as a side note metric tonnage is a WMD.
Hmmm, never knew that. According to who?
wmd= weapons of MASS destruction ok? explode metric tonnage and there will be mass destruction, we clear yet?
on Jan 05, 2006
No, we are not. The very reliable definition of WMDs is a weapon that uses chemical, biological, or nuclear agents against civilians and military alike (taken from wordnet.princeton.edu.) An example of this would be a nuclear missile, smallpox or anthrax bomb, etc. Not RPG grenade launchers.
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