This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Lets count the numbers on both sides...
Published on August 3, 2007 By ShadowWar In War on Terror

Ok, I am constantly told on the news, in the newspaper and on Internet websites how many casulties we have had in the war in Iraq. This month we lost more brave and wonderful young men and women. But how come we never hear how many enemy are killed or captured (since we capture some, unlike the terrorist for the most part)??? The military will not post a "body count" as its not in thier best interest to appear blood thirsty. But the numbers are still interesting to many just the same.

So I decided to do a little research on my own. I read every single press release for the entire month of July from the Nulti-National Forces in Iraq (329 of thm!). I kept a running tally of what I was reading and I was shocked a bit by what I found.

During just the Month of July, 2007 the Multi-National Forces in Iraq captured 1039 terrorist! Yes that over one thousand. In addition they killed 220 terrorist. I was astounded. To me thats a very interesting little fact. And is it not the job of the news to inform you of all the things of interest? Why do we not hear how many we are capturing and killing? Does that sound harsh? Oh well. I would like to see right next to the daily tally in my local paper showing how many troops we have lost a running tally of how many terrorist our troops have captured and killed. Remember fair and balanced, I just heard that somewhere in reference to the media. Or was that my imagination.

If you woul like to read a few of these press releases or yourself I got my information and research from here:§ionid=1&id=4&Itemid=21

Oh and before I forget there were 25 press releases about weapons caches being discovered, and some of those were multiple caches!

The numbers work both ways.



on Aug 03, 2007
The numbers work both ways.

not when your trying to show how bad bush messed up
on Aug 06, 2007

not when your trying to show how bad bush messed up

Sad, but true.