So have you been watching and listening to the news? Heard about all the violence and riots and calls for the death of those that dare post the cartoons of Mohammed? Well you may want to pay attenton a little closer to home. In fact right at the heart of the whole War on Terror, Ground Zero. What am I talking about? Take a close look at this picture tha was taken on Feb 1st, 2006. DId not hear about this? Of course not, the MSM does not want to "insult" or "inflame" the Muslim Community because they are AFRAID of them! Wel I am not afraid of them and here is what happened.
I would like to point out a few things for those that may care enough to notice. One, this is taken in New York at Ground Zero (look to background right side). Secondly note the statement on the sign the one terrorist sympathizer is holding. It reads "ISLAM WILL DOMINATE" and shows a Islamic flag flying over the White House.
Now this is not in some far away place, it is here in the US, in NY, at the very place where these types of people (Islamic Terrorist) killed THOUSANDS of our fellow Americans. Well I want everyone to take note. They are here, they are planning and they are now starting to show themselves. I would not have been surprised if some of the locals had lost their temper and taken out a little bit of their frustration on these idiots.
They were protesting a gathering of UAC (United American Committee, Here s an account of what happened:
“We sang patriotic songs...We went on to sing Grand Old Flag when suddenly an [Islamofascist] protester across the street began to chant...'Yes that is your God...Your flag.' We then shouted back...'There is truth in what you say...the name of our God, JEHOVAH...His banner over us is LOVE, NOT JIHAD!" This outraged the Islamofascist protesters who had gathered across the street. "The one Muslim who was yelling then pulled out his 'jihad scarf' and put it on...One Muslim extremist had a sign that really got us upset. It was the picture of our White House with the Islamic flag waving above it...below the picture it read 'ISLAM WILL DOMINATE'" This made the UAC members very angry, “They [the Islamofascist protesters] began to lift their voices in Arabic and we all lifted our voices singing GOD BLESS AMERICA.”Chaplain Desiree said in her account.
While this confrontation did not end in violence this time, it is coming, mark my words. And when it does maybe then Americans will wake up and start seeing the serious threat that these people are and the fact that they are here right in our midst still does not concern some.
Be aware of your surroundings and who is around you. And report any suspicious activity to your local or federal authorities. I am sure they have taken note of these "Islamic Jiadist" in this photo, and rightly so.