OK I would like you to read both sides of this story before reading my take:
From CAIR's web site (Counsel on Islamic/American Relations):
CAIR to launch Eid ul-Fitr ‘Pray for Understanding’ Educational Campaign
(TOTOWA, NJ, 11/1/05) - On Wednesday, November 2, the New Jersey and New York offices of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NJ/CAIR-NY) will hold a press conference in New York City to launch a “Pray for Understanding” educational campaign tied to the upcoming Islamic holiday of Eid ul-Fitr, or “feast of fast breaking.”
CAIR’s campaign was prompted by an incident in which several Muslim football fans were allegedly profiled by law enforcement authorities for praying publicly in Giants Stadium during a game in September. The men report they were detained and interrogated apparently based on their prayers being perceived as “suspicious behavior” by other fans.
“This incident is of particular concern because a recent report confirmed that a number of New Jersey Muslims have been profiled by law enforcement authorities solely because of their faith,” said CAIR-NY Executive Director Wissam Nasr.
A federal review concluded that New Jersey counterterrorism agents filed 140 intelligence reports into a database with no grounds for suspicion other than the suspects' Muslim faith.
SEE: “Report Backs Charges that N.J. Muslims were Profiled”
At the Wednesday news conference, the detained football fans will describe the alleged profiling incident, and CAIR representatives will outline the “Pray for Understanding” campaign.
The campaign itself involves inviting people of all faiths to attend prayers and other activities associated with the Eid ul-Fitr holiday that will take place November 3rd or 4th. (The exact date depends on the sighting of the new crescent moon.)
Here is the response to that charge by UAC? FBI Acted Properly at Giants-Saints Game; Detainee
Testimony Does Not Support "Profiling" Charge
In a November 1, 2005 press release titled ³NJ Muslims ³Profiled² For Praying at Giants Stadium², the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR) stated that ³several Muslim football fans were allegedly profiled by law enforcement authorities for praying publicly in Giants Stadium during a football game in September. The men report they were detained and interrogated apparently based on their prayers being perceived as "suspicious behavior" by other fans.²
Given the seriousness of CAIR¹s charges, staff at the United American Committee independently investigated news reports concerning this incident to determine if FBI agents did, in fact, ³profile² the three Muslim men in question. Our investigation reveals the following findings:
1) According to a November 1, 2005 article by Wayne Parry of the Associated Press ("Muslim fans say Giants Stadium security, FBI profiled them for praying"), one of the men detained and questioned by the FBI reportedly stated "an FBI agent said they were being detained because someone had reported they were taking photos of the building". This statement clearly does not support CAIR's claims that the three men were allegedly detained because they were praying.
2) In addition to CAIR¹s failure to report that the FBI detained and questioned the three men based on reports by spectators that at least one of the men possessed camera equipment and was observed taking photos of various parts of the stadium - information that was confirmed by the detainee in Mr. Parry¹s article - CAIR neglected to mention reports that the three men were also found by security officers around a restricted area where an air conditioning intake system was located. Incidentally, FBI agents were present at that game because former President Bush (once the target for assassination) was present to promote fundraising efforts he and former President Clinton had launched to help victims of Hurricane Katrina.
Based on these findings, there appears to be no evidence to suggest that the FBI detained the three men because they were praying. Furthermore, the UAC finds it regrettable, to say the least, that CAIR saw fit to portray the actions of FBI officials in this case as ³profiling² when there appears to be no conclusive evidence to support such a claim. The FBI was well within its rights and duties to investigate these reports of suspicious activity and is deserving of the public¹s gratitude for ensuring the safety of the tens of thousands of spectators at the Giants-Saints game. Thanks to the diligence of FBI agents and security personnel at Giants Stadium and other venues, football fans are able to enjoy their favorite sport free from the
threat of terrorist violence, and the United American Committee commends their efforts.
Now for those of you who may not know some of the tactics or techniques used by terrorist, there is a term called "soft probing" which is a technique of making benign attempts at penetrating security measures to see just how secure things are. Taking photographs, trying to get into areas your not supposed to just to test security are all types of soft probes. Here is my take on this. These Islamist were conducting a soft probe of the security measures at the stadium and got caught. So knowing how to work our system they claim profiling and religious praying as to why they were doing what they were doing. They were seen by other fans to be taking picture and acting strangely. That is enough to me for a valid stop and investigation. Don't like it? It was enough of a concern to other fans for them to report it to authorities. Sounds valid to me. Profiling would have occured had the FBI acted entirly on its own and just stopped these people for no reason. The way someone acts is enough legally to stop someone whe those actions give rise to concern fo the people and property in the area.
I give credit to those that reported these individuals and credit to the FBI for following up on it. I only can hope that other Americans would learn from this and not be afraid to speak up and alert the authorities when they feel somethig is out of the ordinary or wrong.
Now my only other question is why did no one report about this in the MSM so that the rest of the country would know about it and be able to learn from it that these types of things are going on? I know why, they are afraid of the Islamist and afraid to "insult" them. Screw them, I only hope we learn our lessons before its too late.
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