BAGHDAD, Iraq – With the help of a local national’s tip, MND-B Soldiers located an ammunition cache Feb. 9 north of An Najaf in the An Najaf Province.
While conducting a combat patrol, elements of the 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division were stopped by a man holding a sign that read “Stop” in English and had a likeness of a bomb drawn on the sign.
The man directed the patrol to the cache, which was wrapped in plastic and buried in a field near a house.
The cache consisted of 71 100mm HE rounds, four weapons, eight 122mm rounds and five 115mm HEAT rounds.
“Cooperation like this is what will help the Iraqis defeat the insurgency,” said Capt. Pablo Diaz, commander, Battery B, 3-16 FA.
An Explosive Ordnance Disposal team was dispatched to the site of the cache and cleared the cache.
Now for those of you that don't know anything about explosives. A "100mm HE Round" is a fairly large artillary shell. The HE stands for "High Explosive". The 122mm is even larger. These are the types of shells being used in most of the IEDs and VBIEDs. I just love the Iraqi mans way of getting the American Soldiers attention, it would work with me too!
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