This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Stop the Insanity!!
Published on March 6, 2006 By ShadowWar In Current Events

Stop the insanity!!!


Stop the mis-information!!!


Stop suffering for LOI (Lack of Information!!!)


That’s it, I have to stop the insanity. The next time I hear the news or radio say “We are selling control of our ports”, or “We are selling our ports to…” I think I may just have to shoot my TV or Radio to end the insanity of it all.




Here are some FACTS:


Since 911 funding for the port security has:


Funding has increased by more than 700% since September 11, 2001.

Funding for port security was approximately $259 million in FY 2001.

DHS spent approximately $1.6 billion on port security in FY 2005.


Following 9/11, the federal government has implemented a multi-layered defense strategy to keep our ports safe and secure. New technologies have been deployed with additional technologies being developed and $630 million has been provided in grants to our largest ports, including $16.2 million to Baltimore; $32.7 million to Miami; $27.4 million to New Orleans, $43.7 million to New York/New Jersey; and $15.8 million to Philadelphia.


DP World will not, nor will any other terminal operator, control, operate or manage any United States port. DP World will only operate and manage specific, individual terminals located within six ports.


The recent business transaction taken by DP World, a United Arab Emirates based company, to acquire British company Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company (P&O) does not change the operations or security of keeping our nation’s ports safe. The people working on the docks also will not change as a result of this transaction.

This transaction is not an issue of controlling United States’ ports. It is an issue of operating some terminals within U.S. ports.

DP World will operate at the following terminals within the six United States’ ports currently operated by the United Kingdom company, P & O:
o Baltimore - 2 of 14 total
o Philadelphia - 1 of 5 (does not include the 1 cruise vessel terminal)
o Miami - 1 of 3 (does not include the 7 cruise vessel terminals)
o New Orleans - 2 of 5 (does not include the numerous chemical plant terminals up and down the Mississippi River, up to Baton Rouge)
o Houston – 4 of 12 (P&O work alongside other stevedoring* contractors at the terminals)
o Newark/Elizabeth – 1 of 4
o (Note:  also in Norfolk - Involved with stevedoring activities at all 5 terminals, but not managing a specific terminal.)

*Stevedoring – provides labor, carries physical loading and unloading of cargo.


P&O and DP World made a commitment to comply with current security programs, regulations and partnerships to which P&O currently subscribes, including:
o The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT);
o The Container Security Initiative (CSI);
o The Business Alliance on Smuggling and Counterfeiting (BASC); and,
o The Megaports Initiative MOU with the Department of Energy.

All P&O security arrangements will remain intact, including cargo security cooperation with CBP, compliance with USCG regulations (ISPS and MTSA) regarding port facilities/terminals, and foreign terminal operations within CSI ports.

Dubai was the first Middle Eastern entity to join the Container Security Initiative (March 2005). As a result, CBP officer are working closely with Dubai Customs to screen containers destined for the U.S. Cooperation with Dubai officials has been outstanding and a model for other operation within CSI ports.


So stop saying we are selling our ports or control of our ports!! Get the facts right and stop listening to the MSM!!! Oh and they already have terminals in Port Everglades (Ft. Lauderdale,FL and Tampa.!!)

Don't forget to check out my NEW Audioblog, UPDATED 02/16/06!!

on Mar 07, 2006

You are once again confusing the hysteria with facts.

Thanks for listing them, I knew the stats, but it is nice to have them in one place for reference purposes.

on Mar 07, 2006
We don't need no stinkin' facts!!!!!!

I'll wager that this latest attempt of tilting at windmills bites the MSM and Dems square in the arse...

Isn't it great that Bush looks very Internationally involved, particularly with Muslim countries, just as he goes on an overseas trip??

I'd wager that Karl Rove leaked the Port deal......
on Mar 08, 2006
Why isn't there an American company willing and/or able to do whatever work that DPW is vying for?
on Mar 09, 2006

Why isn't there an American company willing and/or able to do whatever work that DPW is vying for?

Maybe they do not have the expertise or economies of size.

on Mar 10, 2006
You were oh, so right, Shadow, but DPW has thrown in the towel & the demagogues have won the day. As I said in another thread, I think they've set us back in our relations with moderate Arab nations (& Muslims in general) far more than the Iraq war ever could. Hope I'm wrong, but this may have some serious domino effects. I'm ashamed of the Republicans who joined in, even led, the fearmongering. This is a horrible example of how easily and crazily distorted an issue can become in the "twisted sound-bite" age. Poll-driven political expediency was pathetic when the Dems ran the show and it's pathetic now.
on Mar 10, 2006
I'm ashamed of the Republicans who joined in, even led, the fearmongering. This is a horrible example of how easily and crazily distorted an issue can become in the "twisted sound-bite" age. Poll-driven political expediency was pathetic when the Dems ran the show and it's pathetic now.

It's refreshing to see someone around here call out their own. You're a bigger man than most of us here.
on Mar 10, 2006
Thanks for the kind word, davad, but there's just no way to defend them with a straight face.
on Mar 10, 2006
"Maybe they do not have the expertise or economies of size."

That is absolutely ridiculous. America is the most advanced country in the world (for a short while longer anyhow...). You're telling me that we can put men on the moon, fly around the earth, develop life saving medicines, etc... but can't figure out how to load and unload ships efficiently?

You guys better wake up and see where the Bush/Clinton globalists are trying to take us, and if you think there will be any such thing as a Bill of Rights under the NWO internationalists, you are a fool.
on Mar 10, 2006

My Government (both Dems and Repubs) have committed an act of Cultural Racism and it hurts me that they did it in my name! I am ashamed of them and it reminds me of the days when we used to say things like "All blacks are not that bad". The US Government has done just what we say we are not for, excluding some race, culture or religion just becuase they are part of that group. Its a sad day for true believers in the US Constitution and what it says and stands for.

What happened to the land where anyone (regardless of race, culture, color etc..) could come and scratch out a living and future for themselves and their family? Well I guess if your muslim or from the middle east, you need not apply.


on Mar 10, 2006

My Government (both Dems and Repubs) have committed an act of Cultural Racism and it hurts me that they did it in my name! I am ashamed of them and it reminds me of the days when we used to say things like "All blacks are not that bad".

Very good.  That is exactly what happened, and all should be ashamed for everyone of them who stood up and spouted their racist rhetoric.

on Mar 10, 2006
"That is absolutely ridiculous. America is the most advanced country in the world (for a short while longer anyhow...). You're telling me that we can put men on the moon, fly around the earth, develop life saving medicines, etc... but can't figure out how to load and unload ships efficiently?"

We aren't a communist country. We have what is called "competition". If our companies can't make a decent profit, they aren't obligated to do the job. If another country can do the job cheaper, they are more competitive.

I have no doubt now someone will step in and do the job, but they'll no doubt charge more, and the costs will probably tacked on to the costs of shipping products, or added on to our taxes if we continue to be total idiots and make this some sort of government service.
on Mar 10, 2006
P.S. You can also bet that the unions involved have been yanking the Democratic wang like mad, too.
on Mar 10, 2006

See my full rant on this in my new post: