RAMADI, Iraq – “We are the Soldiers of the 1st Brigade 1st Division Iraqi Army.
Our mission is to save the innocent citizens of Ramadi from the black hands of the insurgents that are shedding their blood,” said the 1-1 Brigade Commander.
”We promise the innocent Iraqi citizens that we will be the sons who will be responsible to protect the families that live in the Al Anbar Province.” The 1-1 Iraqi Army Brigade has arrived in eastern Ramadi, and has been moving into the East Ramadi Iraqi Camps during the past week. The unit successfully transported the last of their Soldiers to ERIC, the night of March 26. “The addition of the 1st Brigade 1st Division Iraqi Army is a huge combat multiplier. Their ability to gain factual information is paramount to fighting the insurgency,” said Col. John L Gronski, Commander for the 2/28 BCT.
“These Soldiers are warriors; they do not run and hide from the insurgents. Since our arrival here in July 2005, we have seen the IA make tremendous strides towards securing the city of Ramadi. They have been very successful in detaining insurgents, discovering weapons caches, and winning the trust of the citizens of Al Anbar,” he added. With the addition of the 1-1 Iraqi Army Brigade, the Iraqi security forces in Ramadi continue to grow in strength and numbers. The 1-1 IA is focused on establishing a stable and secure environment for the citizens of Ramadi, a former insurgent stronghold. Insurgents operating in the eastern Ramadi area are linked to the Al Qaida in Iraq cell in the Al Anbar Province, which is part of the Abu Musab al Zarqawi terrorist network. AQIZ is attempting to gain control of local towns, by using threat and intimidation tactics, to enlist local support for their terrorist cause. “The Iraqi Army Soldier adds a dimension that coalition Soldiers can’t. First and foremost, they are citizens of Iraq, and they are dedicated to protecting the Iraqi People. They speak the language, they know the culture. They are easily accepted and trusted by the local citizens of Ramadi,” said Maj. William Fall, the Iraqi Army Liaison for the 2/28 BCT. Governor of the Al Anbar Province, Sami Ma’moun Rasheed, and the 1-1 Brigade Commander are scheduled to meet in the near future to discuss how to best utilize the strength of the 1-1 Iraqi Army.