This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Stuff you will not hear....
Published on April 3, 2006 By ShadowWar In War on Terror

Soldiers disrupt terrorist activities

JABELLA — Iraqi Army and Multi-National Division

– Baghdad Soldiers discovered a weapons cache, killed one terrorist

and captured two others March 21 in Jabella.

Iraqi soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 8th Iraqi Army

Division, worked with Coalition Soldiers during the operation.

Soldiers found a cache containing six 120 mm rounds, one mortar

tube, one base plate and two 82 mm mortar tubes.

While the cache was being secured, the Iraqi soldiers conducted

a raid four kilometers south of the cache area and were

attacked with small arms fi re. The Iraqi troops returned fi re,

killing one terrorist.

Troops caught and detained two other suspects for questioning.

– Multi-National Division – Baghdad Public Affairs

Soldiers detain thirteen suspected insurgents

KIRKUK — Iraqi soldiers detained 13 suspected insurgents

in Kirkuk March 20 during a series of cordon and searches, acting

on information provided by a known al-Qaida member who turned

himself in earlier in the week.

Iraqi soldiers systematically searched six houses looking for

seven men believed to be linked to the Al-Qaeda terror network.

Coalition troops provided tactical over watch.

The Iraqi soldiers detained all seven of their target suspects as

well as six other individuals who were in the homes at the time.

All 13 detainees were taken to Iraqi Army headquarters

for questioning.

Twenty detained in Diyala operation

DIYALA — Soldiers from the 2nd Brigade, 5th Iraqi Army

Division captured 20 detainees and a small cache March 19 near

the Khalis area.

The operation originally commenced with the intent of targeting

10 individuals believed to be associated with a local kidnapping

and assassination cell.

The detainees and cache contents were turned over to authorities

for further investigation.

No injuries or damages were reported.

Terrorists attack troops; insurgents detained

KIRKUK — Iraqi Police and 101st Airborne Division Soldiers

captured two terrorists March 18 after an improvised explosive

device detonated on a combined patrol near Kirkuk, damaging one

of the patrol vehicles.

Soldiers and policemen, none of whom were injured, immediately

searched the area and captured the two men. Mariwan Rahim,

who tested positive for explosive residue and his brother Ahmed

Rahim are in custody for their involvement in this activity.

A spokesman for the 101st Airborne Division said terrorist

activities are not being tolerated by the local populace. He said

nearly 300 leaders throughout the province have signed a statement

condemning terrorist activity and swearing to do everything in their

power to end the violence.

– 1st Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs

Detainees released following CRRB review

BAGHDAD — More than 350 male detainees were released from

Theater Internment Facilities March 18. The Combined Review and

Release Board reviewed their cases and recommended release.

The Iraqi-led CRRB, which was established in August

2004, consists of members from the Ministries of Human

Rights, Justice and Interior, as well as offi cers from the Multi-

National Forces.

To date, the board has reviewed the cases of more than

29,800 detainees, recommending more than 15,600 individuals

for release.

Weapons caches discovered near Tal Afar

TIKRIT — A local man led soldiers from the 3rd Battalion,

2nd Brigade, 3rd Iraqi Army Division to a cache of ammunition

during a joint patrol with the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st

Armored Division March 18.

The cache contained 500 rounds of 14 mm anti-aircraft

ammunition. The Iraqi soldiers secured the cache and took it to a

nearby base for disposal.

A second combined patrol in Tal Afar discovered a cache

of 200 rounds of small arms ammunition. Soldiers from 2nd

Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 3rd Iraqi Army Division seized the cache

and took it to a nearby base for disposal.

– 101st Airborne (Air Assault) Division Public Affairs

Combined operation ends

TIKRIT — A combined operation involving Iraqi soldiers,

Iraqi Police Commandos and Coalition forces concluded March

22 with the capture of 104 suspected insurgents and the discovery

and seizure of 24 caches northeast of Samarra.

The caches included surface-to-air missiles, mortar and artillery

rounds, a variety of IED-making materials, rockets, small-arms ammunition,

grenades, and land mines as well as rifl es and machine guns.

The mission began March 16 with the helicopter transport of

approximately 1,500 Iraqi and Coalition Soldiers and Iraqi Police

Commandos into a 10 square-mile area.

The 101st Combat Aviation Brigade provided air support and

moved the force comprised of units from the 1st Commando

Brigade, the 1st Brigade, 4th Iraqi Army Division and the 3rd

Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division. The combined

force moved through the area using intelligence and planning

provided primarily by the Iraqi Security Forces.

The detainees were turned over to authorities for questioning.

No casualties were reported.

– 101st Airborne (Air Assault) Division Public Affairs

Troops detain terrorists, fi nd caches

LATFIYAH — Iraqi Army and Coalition Soldiers killed one

terrorist, wounded another, detained 14 suspects and confi scated

various weapons March 22 during operations.

Soldiers from 4th Brigade, 8th Iraqi Army Division, along

with their counterparts from the U.S. Army 4th Infantry

Division, were attacked with small-arms fi re south of Latfi yah.

Troops quickly returned fi re, killing one terrorist. Soldiers

caught and detained 11 terrorist suspects and confi scated one heavy

machine gun and three 55-gallon drums fi lled with munitions.

In another incident, Iraqi and Coalition troops were attacked

by terrorists using small-arms near Iskandariyah.

Soldiers returned fi re, wounding one terrorist, and detained

three suspects in connection with the incident.

Troops confi scated two AK-47 assault rifl es and a rocket-propelled

grenade launcher, which were all found near the site of the attack.

Coalition Soldiers continue to assist Iraqi Security Forces in

securing areas in the Babil province for pilgrims making the trek

to Karbala to participate in the Arba’een commemoration.

– Multi-National Division – Baghdad Public Affairs

Iraqi Army soldiers fi nd multiple caches

BAGHDAD — Elements of the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Brigade,

6th Iraqi Army Division found fi ve weapons cache sites west of

Baghdad March 22.

The caches contained 17 pressure plate initiators, 18 106 mm antitank

rounds, 400 blasting caps, 20 Motorola radios with timers, 40 artillery

rounds of various sizes and a large quantity of .50 caliber rounds.

An explosive ordnance disposal team arrived on the scene and

conducted a controlled detonation to eliminate the threat.

– Multi-National Division – Baghdad Public Affairs


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