This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
For a good reason, they are positive..
Published on April 26, 2006 By ShadowWar In War on Terror


Here are some interesting numbers for you:


Captured FOREIGN Nationals in Iraq:

Oct 05 – 41

Nov 05 – 44

Dec 05 – 25

Jan 06 – 24

Feb 06 – 28

Mar 06 – 20


Bomb Makers Killed/ Captured

Oct 05 – 23

Nov 05 – 15

Dec 05 – 8

Jan 06 – 3

Feb 06 – 15

Mar 06 – 8


Weapons Caches Found

Oct 05 – 204

Nov 05 – 377

Dec 05 – 414

Jan 06 – 367

Feb 06 – 251

Mar 06 – 302


Tips to MNF-I (Multi-National Forces – Iraq)

Oct 05 – 3162

Nov 05 – 4212

Dec 05 – 4731

Jan 06 – 4025

Feb 06 – 4235

Mar 06 – 4578


Source was DOD Press releases and Reports.


Interesting to say the least. Wonder why you don’t hear that we captured these Foreign Nationals, or killed these bomb makers, or found these hundreds of weapons caches. Or best one of them all, over 4500 tips to Coalition forces. Hmmm MSM failing to research or just don’t want anything positive to get out? You be the judge.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 26, 2006
The Foreign Nationals captured is interesting.  I notice it going down.  I hope that is because they are getting fewer and fewer.
on Apr 26, 2006
If you look at the comments by Gen Lynch, thats exactly what he thinks is happening. Good Call Doc.
on Apr 26, 2006
The best stats will be when they all are getting smaller (except perhaps the tips).  But each one is a good indication.
on Apr 27, 2006
These stats are rather meaningless without the other side of the story. I.e. how many people have been kidnapped, killed, injured, how many bombs exploded, the score of the terrorists/freedom fighters/criminals so to say.

My guess is that those numbers are not so good, in which case it might indeed be better to say nothing at all.
on Apr 27, 2006

You don't watch the news on TV? Or read the newspaper? Or browse the news web sites? All the information you want on the numbers you are looking for is there in big bold headlines. Its the other side you can't find. The numbers of innocent civilians being killed by the terrorist is too high, one is too high. But you will find that the number of attacks has dropped dramtatically, a quote from MG. Lynch;

We believe that 90 percent of the suicide attacks in Iraq are conducted by foreign fighters. Last year this time, across Iraq, we were averaging about 75 suicide attacks a day. Now we’re averaging about 24 a day. One of the reasons for that drawdown is not that Zarqawi and al-Qaida doesn’t want to do it anymore, but effective border operations have been capturing foreign nationals at the border. “Just before the first of the year, we were averaging about 44 captured foreign nationals per month, and now we’re down to less than half of that.”

Guess your not following the conflict to closley, you woudl realize that things have quited down quite a bit, although to listen to the MSM you would think it was getting worse. I get e-mails weekly from my buds on the ground there, they say its getting "boring" in parts as things are that quite. Now thats what I like, a "boring" war zone. Means thingsare getting better.

on Apr 27, 2006

My guess is that those numbers are not so good, in which case it might indeed be better to say nothing at all.

Say nothing at all?? Thats better than speaking out and making sure that the WHOLE story is told? The MSM tells you fo the death and destruction by the terrorist, I choose to tell the other side, the side where we are killing the terrorist, capturing them, finding the bombs (before they explode) and so on. Say nothing at all?? Thats just what the MSM would love to hear....

on Apr 27, 2006
Clearly, if this is from a DOD press release 1. it must be truthful, and 2. no research is needed. Now, if you believe this the boys in the Pentagon will sell you another war. Here's the thing, all news organizations get these press releases. Fox, NBC, ABC, CBS, one reports them because its sort of like reading the stats on hog futures from the Chicago market.
on Apr 27, 2006
The MSM doesn't report these facts because it would just kill the Hate America Uber Alles crowd to hear anything but negative about Iraq.

:::: Spit on an AP Reporter today! I promise, you'll feel better :::::
on Apr 27, 2006

Clearly, if this is from a DOD press release 1. it must be truthful, and 2. no research is needed. Now, if you believe this the boys in the Pentagon will sell you another war. Here's the thing, all news organizations get these press releases. Fox, NBC, ABC, CBS, one reports them because its sort of like reading the stats on hog futures from the Chicago market.

1. The "boys at the pentagon" don't sell the wars, just fight them.

2. I think that the job our soldiers are doing is a tad more interesting than "hog futures".

If you use your intellect and read the numbers you have to wonder why these types of things are not included when "Fox, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN" reports that bomb blew up in Iraq today killing 8, while they fail to tell you that we found and safely disabled 20 others and killed 12 terrorist. Thats more important to me.

on Apr 27, 2006

Clearly, if this is from a DOD press release 1. it must be truthful, and 2. no research is needed. Now, if you believe this the boys in the Pentagon will sell you another war. Here's the thing, all news organizations get these press releases. Fox, NBC, ABC, CBS, one reports them because its sort of like reading the stats on hog futures from the Chicago market.

Miss the Palms together.

I dont think he is saying that at all.  However, given the errors in the MSM, the DOD is as believable as any other outlet.  Yes, question it.  But dont ignore it is what SW is saying.

on Apr 27, 2006

1. The "boys at the pentagon" don't sell the wars, just fight them.

Ha! I never saw anyone from the Pentagon fight anywhere other than perhaps in a beltway bar and if they did it was years ago while stuck at some base camp. Its all about dollars. What a former president called a military-idustrial complex, you know that sort of thing we have with Haliburton and our VP, oh darn, not supposed to say that. I get accused of being a liberal anti-Busher. Oh well.

The other thing about such numbers, as I hinted at earlier, they are very often made-up by weary field commanders who have got to report something "good" to the upper echelons. I saw this way too often in Vietnam and it made me very suspicious of anything the DoD has to say.

News organizations are based on numbers, SW, and not the statistical kind contained in releases like this one. Bombs blowing up, fires burning, you know, the gawk factor, that's what sells.

Be well
on Apr 27, 2006
how many foreign fighters were estimated to be in iraq in 2005? 2004? for that matter, how many in 2003?
on Apr 27, 2006
the truth is "if it bleeds it leads" old press saying still holds true.
on Apr 27, 2006
Reply By: kingbeePosted: Thursday, April 27, 2006how many foreign fighters were estimated to be in iraq in 2005? 2004? for that matter, how many in 2003?

how tall were they? how many have blue eyes? how many are left handed?

all my questions are as relevant as yours are.
on Apr 27, 2006
all my questions are as relevant as yours are.

they sure are if anyone is speculating as to the number of blue-eyed, tall, lefthanded foreign fighters in iraq.

otherwise, they're more like the irright answer to 'what's grey and has a trunk?'.
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