Short update this time, my friend. Last Friday some of our coalition partners, the Brits, were hit with a VBIED in Kabul province. The bomber waited for there convoy to pass by, and then he attempted to detonate from their rear. However, this dumbass(excuse the language) detonated early and managed only to kill himself, an innocent bystander and his horse. There were no coalition injuries at all, although the death of the Innocent man is tragic nonetheless. Just another reminder that these individuals could care less about who gets hurt.
As soldiers it is accepted that we will be targets, and that badguys will try to kill us. In fact, the whole logic behind us being here is that innocent Americans will not be harmed ever again; therefore, we volunteer to fight these people on their territory to keep that promise. So, when innocent people get killed, American or Afghan, it really pisses me off in that these people have no concern whatsoever about who gets killed in the process of their stupidity.
Also, another IED cache was found, or rather parts of bombs used to make IED's, and the bomb-boys got called in and they quickly disposed of them. Again, in Kabul province.
That's about it from here, my friend. I hope all is well back at home, and the weather is good. Take care, and I'll talk to you soon.
This goes along with what I have been seeing inthe news releases and trends I think may be there. This idiot resorts to using his horse as a bomb. LOL A HBIED. (Horse Bourne Improvised Explosive Device). What I find interesting is Steves feelings about the event. I find this to be true of others who I know personallyt hat are deployed right now. They take the attacks personally (kind of hard not too) and they really think (rightfully so) that they are helping to keep us here at home from being attacked by these idiots willing to blow themselves up. Keep up the good work steve, and feel free to add your own comment STeve, I know you read this now and then.
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