After reading an article written by Alan Cullison, reporter for the Wall Street Journal and The Atlantic Online I was shocked to say the least that it has not been talked about more. Then of course not surprised after I thought about it.
The date of the article was back in Sept. of 2004. and titled “Inside Al-Qaeda’s Hard Drive.” Being a computer forensic person the title is what drew my attention, being a firm believer that the MSM misleads and downright wants to advance its agenda (whatever that might be) the article started out as a interesting bit of information about a reporter that was writing for the Wall Street Journal, and was in Afghanistan in November of 2004 when the city of Kabul was captured by U.S. Forces.
After moving into Kabul in November Mr. Cullison searched around for a computer to replace a laptop that had been destroyed in a motor vehicle accident earlier in the year. In December, a month after being in Kabul he located a local that had taken two computers from the Taliban headquarters as they fled during the fighting to take Kabul. Mr. Cullison bought from the man the two computers, a laptop and a desktop. When the U.S. Military found out what he had bought, they of course were very interested. They learned of the computers from Mr. Cullison’s home office of the WSJ. He says that “3 CIA agents” showed up at his hotel room and said they needed the computers immediately. He goes on to say he was able to only copy one of the hard drives, the desktop, before the computers were taken away.
As it turns out, he was able to glean quite a bit of information from the copy of the desktop he had. He found it had been used by the Taliban and Al-Qaeda prior to and after 9/11.
He goes on to describe how they used code in their e-mails and communications, which was not to hard to figure out. In addition he found several interesting e-mails. But when I got to the last e-mail he quotes in the article I was reading I almost fell out of my seat. Almost everything I have been saying about the MSM and it feeding right into the hands of the terrorist and anti-American types was staring me in the face!
He quotes an e-mail (that he designates as having been deleted and recovered) from Osama bin Laden (yes THE OBL) to Mullah Omar dated October 3, 2001, less than a month after 9/11/01.
In this e-mail OBL states that “Newspapers mentioned that a recent survey showed that seven out of every ten Americans suffer psychological problems following the attacks on New York and Washington.” Osama states that they read and even pay attention to the polls our media post! Something that has been said over and over again as not necessarily being a good thing. Plays right into their hands.
Osama urges Omar to increase his press releases to “equal the opponents media campaign in quantity and force.” Showing that the Al-Qaeda knows the importance of the media and how to use it, which they do quite well.
Further down in the e-mail, after several other interesting things there were the items that kicked me in the stomach. Osama write:
“- Serving a blow to the American economy, which will lead to:
a) Further weakening of the American economy
- Conduct a media campaign to fight the enemy’s publicity. The campaign should focus on the following points:
A) Attempt to cause a rift between the American people and their government, by demonstrating the following to the Americans:
- That the U.S. government will lead them into further losses of money and lives.
- That the government is sacrificing the people to serve the interest of the rich, particularly the Jews.
- That the government is leading them to the war front to protect Israel and its security.
- America should withdraw from the current battle between Muslims and Jews.
This plan aims to create pressure from the American people on their government to stop its campaign against Afghanistan, on grounds that the campaign will cause major losses to the American people.”
Now after reading this article, written by a reporter for a MSM paper I had to sit back and think. Back in 2001 Osama bin Laden was writing what seems a manifest for our MSM to follow, which they have done almost to the letter! I wonder how many of the people who make the polls, try to cause the rift between the people and Government, and try to aid the enemy by posting only those negative things that make the point for the terrorist have read this e-mail? I wonder how the American people would feel if they knew that they are falling right into the hands of the terrorist because the MSM is doing exactly what Osma bin Laden wanted, as far back as 2001!
Oh well, the people of America may wake up one day, when we are being blown up by suicide bombers among us on our buses, in our subways and as our children gather for a school trip. But then of course its too late. When armed terrorist take one of our schools hostage and kill hundreds of our children (already has happened in Russia, don’t think it can’t happen here).
If you would like to read Mr. Cullison’s entire article on the Al-Qaeda’s computers you can find it here: