This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
This proves it!
Published on August 14, 2006 By ShadowWar In Current Events

Several days ago the NWO played a hoax on the People of the world and got 21 people arrested in England for supposedly trying to blow up planes flying from England to the US.

As is widely known this is simply a ruse since the war on terror does not exsist and these people arrested are probably innocnt fall guys for the NWO.

The Bush Governemnt has been silent on the subject as they are undoubtly plotting the next hoax bombing to make it look like some of the bombers may have gotten through.

In a seperate news item, public works mysteriously shut down the Lincoln memorial for routine "cleaning". It is suspected that they are planting devices of some kind. More to follow on this news tip.

Despite the arrests, the police said other people connected with the plot might still be at large. This is a sure sign that the NWO intends to use this to blame an attack here in the US on them.

"We believe that these arrests have significantly disrupted the threat, but we cannot be sure that the threat has been entirely eliminated or the plot completely thwarted," Michael Chertoff, the U.S. homeland security secretary, told reporters. Preparing them for the attack that the NWO is presently planning on the US major landmark.

The anti-terrorist action came at a time when Prime Minister Tony Blair is on vacation in the Caribbean. The government said he has spoken to President George W. Bush about the situation. They had t inform him so he could call the NWO contacts and make sure all the explosives he wanted planted were in place and ready to blame on thos that got away (were let go to slip out of the arrest sweep)

Disclosure of the plot came one day after John Reid, the British home secretary, gave a speech in which he warned that Britain faced "probably the most sustained period of severe threat since the end of the Second World War." This was done because it actually has been in the planning stage for months now.

"This has involved close cooperation, not only between agencies and police forces in the United Kingdom, but also internationally," Reid said. The NWO is an International group.

The British government has come under criticism for anti-terrorism measures imposed in the wake of the July 7 bombings last year. They started to wiretap peoples phone calls but got blasted for violating peoples rights.,2933,207709,00.html


Well how did I do?? I am practicing my conspiracy theory writing. I wanted to beat the idiots that would use this as another conspiracy to the punch, but looking through the web I see I may be too late. LOL

on Aug 14, 2006

Here is a no win argument.  By none other than Hauptman Krugman!  If the Bush Administration announces a victory in the war on terror, they are Fear Mongering.  If they do not, they are not touting their sucesses!

And unlike the Ny Crimes, if they do not give aid and comfort to the enemy, they are feckless!  This baboon is a piece of work!  Suitable for the stupid farm as only a koolaid drinker would follow that idiocy of an article and quote it (I found one such idiot that did).

on Aug 23, 2006
The recent "bomb plot" was obviously a fraud, as we are now learning. Not only did many of the "terrorists" (patsies set up by western intelligence agents) not have passports, but none had plane tickets. Not only that, but we're now learning that the chemicals they were supposedly planning on using for their supposed suicide mission would have been extremely difficult and time consuming to mix during their flight with the care and precision necessary to actually bring down the planes. The original assumption that the governments of the UK and US wanted you to have, of course, was that the terrorists were going to take bottle A, pour it into bottle B, and an explosion large enough to fatally cripple a jet would ensue. Of course, as with the details of all of their fake terror busts, they don't quite stand up to the light of day and the scrutiny of the general public who aren't profiting from the phony "War on Terror".

It's a fraud, and like sheep being led to slaughter, we are all being led into a fascist police state in which our Diebold elected Presidents retain absolute power to do anything they want in secret under the protective guise of "national security".

If you love your children and your freedom, stop being terrified of the boogeymen for just long enough to reason your way through the web of lies we are being fed by the fascists in our government who go by the names of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Chertoff, Gonzales, Hayden et al.
on Aug 23, 2006
Boy you sure sound paranoid and like a guy I know named TBomb.. ROFLMAO.. Hi ya T.