This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Don't bet on it..
Published on August 16, 2006 By ShadowWar In US Domestic

The following is a post I made in response to a young man who thinks that a NWO is coming soon to the US and America will cease to exsist.

A NWO huh?

We can't get two tiny countries to live next to each other(ISR - LEB), we have sectarian violence all over the world, people killing people because of religion, ethnic background or whatever, we have fighting between the left and the right here in our country (has not come to anyone dying yet, I don't think anyway on a large scale), We can't agree with our selves on how to fix things like immigration, borders, the national debt. The United Nations should be renamed the Useless Nations as they can't enforce their own decrees. Our own government can't seem to pull its head out of its Donkey to get anything done. And you want me to think that we will have one all powerful world governement that will be able to rule over all this?   <img src="//" border=0 valign="absmiddle">  <img src="//" border=0 valign="absmiddle">  <img src="//" border=0 valign="absmiddle">

As for here in the US Tbomb, gads here I go again responding to you, but since I met you personally and thought you were a very well spoken young man that actually looked at ALL sources, I will try to state MY opinion. I DO NOT WANT TO CONVINCE YOU OF ANYTHING OR CHANGE YOUR MIND. But here is what I see. And I am in a mood right now, just got done spending a couple of hours talking face to face with a friend who I just saw for the first time in 3 years as he was serving in OIF. He brought me a flag to fly at my house that flew above Base Blackhorse in Afghanistan (thats a whole other story), made me teary eyed.

I see a country that has problems. Some bigger than others. I see a country that still loves things like being able to pack up my family and go anywhere I damn well please, anytime I damn well please (job/money I can say whatever I want whenever I want to anyone I want (again job aside..LOL) and not be arrested for it or dissappear. A perfect example is your post here that are allowed and even encouraged as free speech. I see a country where if I want to open a store in Gainesville, I can do it, and make a living at whatever I want. I see a country where I can raise my kid, and not worry about a teacher filling his head with things like Jews are the enemy, the US is Satan and should be overthrown, and so on. I see a country where knowing what I do about the VAST MAJORITY of law enforcement(having taught all over the nation and world), it would be IMPOSSIBLE for the federal government to come take over law enforcement powers and relieve all of us local, county and state cops of our duties. See we outnumber them more than 50 to 1. It would be logistically impossible. I see a country that truely has the finest people in the world in it and the most caring. I have travelled to 17 countries in my life. Most of those while in the military. But still not a single one (aside from Singapore) where I would consider living. I see a Government that really tries to do the right thing most of the time, but because of infighting and power hungry people, it gets twisted or stopped before it does any good. I see young people daily who believe in this country and its constitution, who study and learn to be police officers so they can defend those who can not defend themselves. To keep the murderers, rapist and others that would do you or your family harm at bay. To stand between my kid and the gunman who decides to take a school full of kids hostage like in Beslan Russia. To run in the direction of the explosion or gun fire not away from it like the rest of the citizens (with few exceptions) These are the young men and women that would be the ones to take on the role of homeland defense until help arrives. And they do it willingly and knowing wha the cost may be. They truely believe in what they are doing and why they are doing it.

You will not see a NWO in the US anytime soon. You see there are still to many people who would not allow it to happen. Citizens, cops and more. Is our Justice system perfect, of course not, but its a hell of a lot better than getting your hands cut off because you stole food for your kid. Or being stoned to death because you allowed your face to be seen by a stranger.

SO when you speak of such fear and concern about a NWO taking over the US and it becoming something less than it is, you do not look far enough, you fail to see all the people around you and the millions of others that would not allow it. My life is better than it was 10 years ago, as is most Americans, and I forsee it will continue to get better. Are prices up, sure, but they have been going up for the entire history of the world. Are there problems to be worried about and work to try and fix? Only a blind man would say no. But only a short sighted man would say that America is in danger of dissappearing right now. Think, why would someone who comes to America from a foriegn country want this country to be like theirs? Why leave in the first place then? Its because of what we are and what we have to offer that makes us the envy of the world. People hate what they can not have or achieve, and that is my opinion why many in the middle east hate us, because we have so much, and they so little, and the restrictions they have on freedoms, that we do not have. Religion, ethnic background, and history.

So to finish and get back to my job that I love so much, your young, look at what you want to do in your life, and try to achieve it. Think big, because only here is anything possible. I lock my doors at night to keep my family safe. Not from my Government, but from the criminals that may be roaming the darkness. For when I hear the wolves at the door, its the sheepdogs I call to help me. (Of course after I shoot the wovles.LOL).

on Aug 16, 2006
You will not see a NWO in the US anytime soon. You see there are still to many people who would not allow it to happen. Citizens, cops and more. Is our Justice system perfect, of course not, but its a hell of a lot better than getting your hands cut off because you stole food for your kid. Or being stoned to death because you allowed your face to be seen by a stranger.

When the nightly news portrays terrorists as "freedom fighters" and a nation defending itself as "aggressors", and, more to the point, many people believe it, we have cause for concern, shadow. When over 40% of the nation's population believes 9/11 was orchestrated by the government or that the government knew it was going to happen, the cause grows. When a college professor (University of Wisconsin-Madison) is allowed to teach his students that there are no terrorist elements in Islam, and that those who are portrayed as such are really either Mossad agents or CIA, the realization that in 4 years the students who have been indoctrinated to these "truths" will graduate into a world where they present these truths as FACT, we need to understand that a new world order, while not necessarily imminent, is a valid concern.

If you had told me on September 11, 2001 that five years later we would be exonerating the very people who had carried out that awful attack, I'd have said you were out of your mind. In five short years, however, we've forgotten the fear and uncertainty that filled our minds as images of the burning towers filled the air on every single channel. We've forgotten the shock that overtook us in the days that followed, and the resolution we had to "never forget". If we can forget THAT, shadowwar, I'm afraid that anything is possible.

You're right, of course, that it will likely be some time before a New World Order can be established. But you must understand that the only way we can prevent it from happening is to guard against it, and to watch the approach of those who would destroy our way of life from within. George Soros, Michael Moore, and a variety of other leftist elements are already pulling the strings from behind the scenes, and have already won at least one victory by driving another moderate (Leiberman) from their party. If they are successful in installing Hillary as president, and Bill as the Secretary-General of the UN, then we should be extremely concerned what these two will do with the power they've inherited.
on Aug 16, 2006
George Soros, Michael Moore, and a variety of other leftist elements are already pulling the strings from behind the scenes, and have already won at least one victory by driving another moderate (Leiberman) from their party. - Gideon

If I remember correctly it was the good voters of Connecticut who drove out Lieberman though if Soros and Moore live in Connecticut I guess you could say they did their part with their two votes.

How about Hillary next?
on Aug 17, 2006
If I remember correctly it was the good voters of Connecticut who drove out Lieberman though if Soros and Moore live in Connecticut I guess you could say they did their part with their two votes.

Turn a blind eye, deference, turn a blind eye. As your party crumbles because those of us who LEFT IT saw what you refuse to see, and you stand in the ruins wondering what happened, maybe you'll eventually come to grips with the fact that there is merit to what we're saying.

So you're asserting that Ned Lamont is paying for the's ad campaigns? That Kerry paid for the MoveOn.Org's ad campaigns in '04? If so, this is a HUGE scandal, deference, and you really should break it. The truth is, Soros has spent a LOT of money to get his puppets elected to various offices, and he will turn on every one of them as quickly as he turned on Leiberman if they don't march in step with what Soros wants. Your party is no longer in the hands of the people, but rather in the hands of a few billionaires who've hijacked it. Until you realize it and kick THOSE bums out, you will continue to see moderates abandon ship.
on Aug 17, 2006
Gideon, the Democratic Party is not my party, I do not claim loyalty to it or support it, but I do support some people within that party, as much as I do some people within the Republican party. At this point it's like spitting in my face to call me Democrat or Republican so please desist.

" ...those of us who LEFT IT..." - Gideon MacLeish

Where you a member of the Democratic party?

"...and you stand in the ruins wondering what happened..." - Gideon MacLeish

I'm standing in the ruins of MY COUNTRY wondering what has happened because of certain collaborative efforts between Republicans and Democrats - the Democratic Party, itself, has always been near-ruin.

MoveOn.Org is a Political Action Committee supported by registered Democrats, Republicans, and Independents such as myself who wish to have our concerns voiced. This 501(c) non-profit group grew out of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform bill - as you probably know. Take a look at the site sometime,, and see if you agree with anything sported on the front page. I'm sure you'll see something. Like NPR? Moveon is working on keeping it's funding from being cut. Like the Internet? Moveon is attempting to help insulate it from corporate control (remember who paid for the internet's creation in the first place - the taxpayer). Support John Murtha - a Republican and soldier? Moveon is also there fighting the good fight.

Some want to politicize and divide - others of us want to unite and have our interests represented.

MoveOn is not a huge corporation or a single rich man buying elections for pocketed individuals - very different from 'politics - as - usual' Lieberman, Bush, Hillary, Delay, etc. .

You can defend the tactics of for-sale politicians and you can claim a millionaire (Lamont) is going to sell out to a billionaire (Soros) but I think you should be more concerned about the people in power fucking things up first instead of worrying about those of us who are attempting to address and battle those leading our country in the wrong direction.

Finally - 'the left' isn't hijacking shit. Plenty of anti-war voters are hitting the polls and those politicians that have been on the wrong side of the issue will finally get their due for failing to represent the will of the ever-increasing majority.
on Aug 18, 2006
Where you a member of the Democratic party?

Yup. Campaigned for Bill Clinton in '92, voted for him in '96.

Like NPR? Moveon is working on keeping it's funding from being cut.

Nope. I don't support taxpayer funding for NPR. I don't support taxpayer funding for most things.

NPR should be able to raise its own funds for operation, not take money out of my pocket to do it.

Like the Internet? Moveon is attempting to help insulate it from corporate control

So are a lot of other organizations...and WITHOUT having to sell their souls to George Soros to do it.

Support John Murtha - a Republican and soldier? Moveon is also there fighting the good fight.

I do not support any politician who calls terrorists "freedom fighters". While I support his right to question our action and presence overseas, I do NOT support his insistence that the 19 cowards who killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11 are in any way analogous to our founding fathers.

I suggest you read up on George Soros and how he is pulling the strings behind the scenes. He is not a man to be admired, much less placed in control of a group of puppet legislators he put in office.
on Aug 18, 2006
MoveOn is not a huge corporation or a single rich man buying elections for pocketed individuals - very different from 'politics - as - usual' Lieberman, Bush, Hillary, Delay, etc. .

Yes, it is, actually. is controlled by Soros, Michael Moore and others on the FAR left...and anyone who sees it as a populist movement isn't following the money trail very closely.
on Aug 18, 2006
Gideon, I would take your word on it, as you are sensible, but you're going to have to give me more then Soros and Michael Moore somehow control a non-profit group I'm a member of and am active in. How exactly do Soros and Moore 'control' Moveon? Simple question, I'm sure you've an illuminating response.

'Members of the far left' is inspecific and seems to teeter on the edge of fearmongering. Around JU 'far left' often seems to be applied to anyone not in agreeance with the wishes of the current administration, either that or RINO. Often this name-calling is substitute for actual debate.

Could you define 'far left' and match that with names?

A small correction for a huge blunder - Murtha is a Democrat, not a Republican - duh.
To address the attempt at smearing Murtha, let's remember that his calling the insurgents 'freedom fighters' is a perverse twist of his words.

This is what he said in context;

Many see the United States as being at war with all Muslim nations. You know it's not true, but that's the way they see it.

So who really wants us in Iraq? The Iraqis do not. It's interesting. In a recent poll the Iraqis termed those who attacked Iraqis as terrorists or criminals. Yet 88 percent describe those who attack coalition forces as freedom fighters or patriots. In other words, (if) they attack us, they're freedom fighters or patriots.
- Jack Murtha

Hmm. Sounds like Murtha was attempting to explain the Iraqi attitude but some don't want any of the American public having a good understanding of the current mood in Iraq. People who want to protect their bad decisions.

Yup. Campaigned for Bill Clinton in '92, voted for him in '96. - Gideon Macleish

I was still spouting 'Support the Troops!' back then.
I'd ask why you campaigned for Bill, but that's another story I'm sure. I'm certain it was good experience. I've done some door-to-door lately for a candidate I could care less about, but at least I get some more experience and get to 'play the game' for a while.
on Aug 19, 2006
I'd ask why you campaigned for Bill, but that's another story I'm sure. I'm certain it was good experience. I've done some door-to-door lately for a candidate I could care less about, but at least I get some more experience and get to 'play the game' for a while

I actually blogged about it previously. I was a strident member of the far left, until I realized they didn't want any pro-life, anti-gun control Christians in their party. Then, when the bastards came for my kids, I turned against them pretty hard (they don't like homeschooling parents who don't vaccinate their children).
on Aug 19, 2006
I think the main problem with the whole conspiracy thing is that most people who advocate it won't admit that EVERYONE wants a new world order. They just don't want the other guy's idea of a new world order. The idea that it is some big secret is a joke; it isn't, it's right there on the news.

When I yap about the Middle East needing democracy whether they can really handle it or not, I'm promoting a "new world order". When Islamic fundamentalists talk about an Islamic revolution around the world, that's what they are talking about. During the cold war we weren't just preventing a Soviet world order, we were promoting our own.

So I really don't get the fact that a) people feel this is a secret conspiracy, and that people have a problem with it. People preach about our trade deficit and how we should be working for human rights and democracy around the world and yadda yadda. Then they want to get all spooky and start talking about conspiracies to mold a "new world order".

If no one wants a new world order, why does everyone keep demanding one? My order might look a little more fascist than gideon's libertarian world order, but we both seek to make over the world in our image. We'd be lying to say we didn't.
on Aug 19, 2006
I think the main problem with the whole conspiracy thing is that most people who advocate it won't admit that EVERYONE wants a new world order.

Excellent point, Baker. All I want is people to be open about it.

If my "new world order" was in line with Soros' in any way, shape or form, I'd accept his check in a heartbeat. But I'd make durn sure you knew where the money was coming from. That is, in my opinion, ethical in politics, even if it isn't necessarily the law. Not to mention, if I believed that much in Soros' vision, it would be easier to explain it with what he and others have already written than to draft my own explanation, so making that association public would be in my best interests.

It's when these associations happen behind the scene that I'm a bit concerned.