The following is a post I made in response to a young man who thinks that a NWO is coming soon to the US and America will cease to exsist.
A NWO huh?
We can't get two tiny countries to live next to each other(ISR - LEB), we have sectarian violence all over the world, people killing people because of religion, ethnic background or whatever, we have fighting between the left and the right here in our country (has not come to anyone dying yet, I don't think anyway on a large scale), We can't agree with our selves on how to fix things like immigration, borders, the national debt. The United Nations should be renamed the Useless Nations as they can't enforce their own decrees. Our own government can't seem to pull its head out of its Donkey to get anything done. And you want me to think that we will have one all powerful world governement that will be able to rule over all this?
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As for here in the US Tbomb, gads here I go again responding to you, but since I met you personally and thought you were a very well spoken young man that actually looked at ALL sources, I will try to state MY opinion. I DO NOT WANT TO CONVINCE YOU OF ANYTHING OR CHANGE YOUR MIND. But here is what I see. And I am in a mood right now, just got done spending a couple of hours talking face to face with a friend who I just saw for the first time in 3 years as he was serving in OIF. He brought me a flag to fly at my house that flew above Base Blackhorse in Afghanistan (thats a whole other story), made me teary eyed.
I see a country that has problems. Some bigger than others. I see a country that still loves things like being able to pack up my family and go anywhere I damn well please, anytime I damn well please (job/money I can say whatever I want whenever I want to anyone I want (again job aside..LOL) and not be arrested for it or dissappear. A perfect example is your post here that are allowed and even encouraged as free speech. I see a country where if I want to open a store in Gainesville, I can do it, and make a living at whatever I want. I see a country where I can raise my kid, and not worry about a teacher filling his head with things like Jews are the enemy, the US is Satan and should be overthrown, and so on. I see a country where knowing what I do about the VAST MAJORITY of law enforcement(having taught all over the nation and world), it would be IMPOSSIBLE for the federal government to come take over law enforcement powers and relieve all of us local, county and state cops of our duties. See we outnumber them more than 50 to 1. It would be logistically impossible. I see a country that truely has the finest people in the world in it and the most caring. I have travelled to 17 countries in my life. Most of those while in the military. But still not a single one (aside from Singapore) where I would consider living. I see a Government that really tries to do the right thing most of the time, but because of infighting and power hungry people, it gets twisted or stopped before it does any good. I see young people daily who believe in this country and its constitution, who study and learn to be police officers so they can defend those who can not defend themselves. To keep the murderers, rapist and others that would do you or your family harm at bay. To stand between my kid and the gunman who decides to take a school full of kids hostage like in Beslan Russia. To run in the direction of the explosion or gun fire not away from it like the rest of the citizens (with few exceptions) These are the young men and women that would be the ones to take on the role of homeland defense until help arrives. And they do it willingly and knowing wha the cost may be. They truely believe in what they are doing and why they are doing it.
You will not see a NWO in the US anytime soon. You see there are still to many people who would not allow it to happen. Citizens, cops and more. Is our Justice system perfect, of course not, but its a hell of a lot better than getting your hands cut off because you stole food for your kid. Or being stoned to death because you allowed your face to be seen by a stranger.
SO when you speak of such fear and concern about a NWO taking over the US and it becoming something less than it is, you do not look far enough, you fail to see all the people around you and the millions of others that would not allow it. My life is better than it was 10 years ago, as is most Americans, and I forsee it will continue to get better. Are prices up, sure, but they have been going up for the entire history of the world. Are there problems to be worried about and work to try and fix? Only a blind man would say no. But only a short sighted man would say that America is in danger of dissappearing right now. Think, why would someone who comes to America from a foriegn country want this country to be like theirs? Why leave in the first place then? Its because of what we are and what we have to offer that makes us the envy of the world. People hate what they can not have or achieve, and that is my opinion why many in the middle east hate us, because we have so much, and they so little, and the restrictions they have on freedoms, that we do not have. Religion, ethnic background, and history.
So to finish and get back to my job that I love so much, your young, look at what you want to do in your life, and try to achieve it. Think big, because only here is anything possible. I lock my doors at night to keep my family safe. Not from my Government, but from the criminals that may be roaming the darkness. For when I hear the wolves at the door, its the sheepdogs I call to help me. (Of course after I shoot the wovles.LOL).