This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
And you heard nothing about it!!!!
Published on September 1, 2006 By ShadowWar In War on Terror

Ok I know I have said this before, but now that the media have become so hungry for bad news, when something really good comes down, they pass it over on purpose because even a small victory would be harmful to the media contrived Iraq that so many have come to see.

Here is a story that should have made headlines across the nation. "Killer of 31 Americans captured!" Now thats the kind of headlines I like to see. Or maybe "Sniper of 31 soldiers caught by Iraqi Police!

But no sadly you will not hear of this anywhere. WHy? Because the media has a carefully formed view they want you to see. Well here is my story as I would have written it, all information from a soldier on the ground in Iraq.

Headline: "Killer of 31 Americans captured by Iraqi Police!"

On Friday (Aug 25th, 2006) Iraqi Police stopped and detained a suspicious vehicle. Upon examination of the vehicle and the suspects inside the Iraqi Police located a hidden compartment under the backseat. Inside was a sniper rifle and ammunition.

The suspects were identified as Abdul Ali Abdul Rathman (aka Adu Hajer) and Yunis Fati Thanoon. After questioning at the scene, Thanoon admitted to having killed 31 American soliders using the sniper weapon, although he made the point of saying he did not target Iraqi Police of Iraqi Forces.

The vehicle they were in was modified to allow Thanoon to lie down in the trunk area and shoot through the holes of a taillight that had been removed for that purpose. Making the vehicle a moving and mobile shooting platform and hard to detect.

After questioning by Iraqi authorities both men will appear before an Iraqi Judge and will be turned over to Coalition Forces for further questioning.

This was an important find for Iraqi Police and the Coalition Forces as these men may have been directly responsible for more American Deaths than any other one person. The claims of having killed 31 American Soliders is being investigated.

As more information becomes available it will be posted.


Now thats how I would have published this story in the main stream media. But of course I am not MSM, just more truthful and better!.


on Sep 01, 2006
And now this is proof of making such a big deal out of stories like the sniper here in the US. All we do is give other people ideas to use against us. Why don't we just have our reporters go around looking for ways to blow up planes and put it on the news so terrorist don't have to think about this stuff.
on Sep 01, 2006
They already have, how do you think they get ideas to defeat our security? Because we show them the security..
on Sep 02, 2006
But no sadly you will not hear of this anywhere

got that right. i tried to track down more info about this capture using google and google news. i got one hit.

I am not MSM, just more truthful and better!.

the media have become so hungry for bad news, when something really good comes down, they pass it over on purpose

that single hit i found led to a site called mediafax and was described as follows:

This exclusive photograph obtained 31 August 2006 courtesy of ABC News shows two alleged Iraqi snipers, Yunis Fati Thanoon (L) and Abdul Ali Abdul Rathman

unfortunately i couldn't locate the damn exclusive photo provided by abc (they are still among the dreaded msm?) so i can't determine whether it's the one you've posted. if it is, you should maybe have properly attributed its source?

(you seem to have incorrectly identified them--whether or not the photo you posted is the property of abc news; if the guy who hid in the trunk is thanoon, he would have to be the one on the left, as mediafax reported based on abc news info, rather than the fat mofo you've identified as thanoon.)

beyond that, one has to wonder why no links to this story online (i even googled your exact headline to no avail). it's damn near impossible to get no relevant links. is google deliberately blocking the connection? or what?

or is it the current government of iraq that's covering things up. after all, they're the ones who--if these two guys actually did kill any americans--are gonna grant them amnesty. maybe they're concerned not even bush and rumsfeld will be able to get away with okaying amnesty for people who killed 31 of our troops.
on Sep 02, 2006

Well actually here is my attribute. My buddie in Iraq who sent me not only this one but 5 or 6 others of the car, the gun and one of each of these idiots seperatly. Its not a ABC phot. It was taken by Iraqi Police and CF. I got this information from COL Hassan, Commander of SE1, Iraqi Defense Forces and confirmed by CPT Fagnan, B/2-3 IN Iraqi Forces. I am trying to officially verify it through the proper channels. Even so this is news every American, pro or anti war would love to hear.

BTW its not their photo...

on Sep 02, 2006
Heaven forbid the MSM report any positive news from Iraq. It might affect this year's elections in a way they might not like. After all, that's really what it's all about isn't it?
on Sep 03, 2006
BTW its not their photo...

according to abc news it is. the new york post has reported this story, naming abc news as its source. the story and links to 'exclusive photos' (described as having been obtained exclusively by abc news and watermarked with abc's logo) were posted on august 31, 2006 on's 'the blotter page' by reporter christopher ishman. WWW Link

incidentally, ishman's reportage is barely dissimilar from the story as you would have written it--which means, i guess, there's at least one msm reporter nearly as honest and capable as yourself.

as an aside, while anything's possible, i'm increasingly skeptical about the whole thing. it would be a huge story if it's true. problem is, 'if' in this case seems to be even more huge
on Sep 03, 2006
Heaven forbid the MSM report any positive news from Iraq. It might affect this year's elections in a way they might not like. After all, that's really what it's all about isn't it?

please read my previous comment. abc seems to be the sole source so far.

you're right about media coverage impacting the elections. if the media hadn't waited til 2005 to begin asking hard questions and investigating political talking points rather than accepting them as fact, i'm sure there woulda been a lot different outcome in 2004.
on Sep 03, 2006
Your headline is inaccurate...he CLAIMS to have killed them. Also you should have attributed your sources since you posted them in the comments anyways.

If you don't like the MSM then don't make the same mistakes...
on Sep 05, 2006

Read the whole post before you spout off!

"The claims of having killed 31 American Soliders is being investigated." I clearly in english stated it was claimed not proven.

As for the source of the photos, here are a few more I wonder if ABC has these? Since I got mine from the IP who took them!

 Individual Photo

 Individual photo

 Inside of the trunck where he shot out of.

 Close up of the shooting holes.

Hmmm wonder where these are on the ABC news site.. Can you send me the link?? No ABC watermark, and no editing. Hmmmm

Here is who I got them from. COL Hassan, Commander of SE1 Here is the body of the info I got with them. Any other comments are welcome. Oh and I got mine on Aug 30th. A day before ABC got their exclusive photos.. COL Hassan, Commander of SE1, stopped the release of an AIF suspected sniper leader and weapons supplier. He informed CPT Fagnan, B/2-3 IN that IPs at 1W had in custody Abdul Ali Abdul Rathman aka Abu Hajer and Yunis Fati Thanoon. Upon searching the car they were detained in IPs found an sniper rifle (possible an Romanian FPK) hidden in the vehicle. The vehicle was modified to be used as a mobile shooting platform. Iraqi Police will continue with interrogations tonight and bring both detainees in front of judge o/a 260930AUG06. After disposition by GOI judge they will be released to CFs for transfer to MDF. Yunis Fati Thanoon admitted to IP to killing 31 American Soldiers, but not harming IA or IP. Abu Hajer is on the BDE HVIL list (20AUG) as a BN C2 element.
on Sep 06, 2006

OK I checked out the ABC, Mediapass web sites and they are using the same photos I am after they were put into a powerpoint that I got that included the raw images and altered images. Mediapass and ABC only have the altered images. I e-mail them the link to my postings and politley informed them they were not ABC or Mediapass exclusive photos and they may want to check the dates on the images themselves that they are using. Lets see what happens. Oh BTW here is the press release.

24/08/2006 - 12:43:36 PM

Iraqi police arrest suspected leader of insurgent group  

Iraqi police today said they had arrested the suspected local leader of an insurgent group in the northern city of Mosul.

Authorities identified the suspect as Abdul Rahman Ali Abdul Rahman, also known as Abu Hajir, believed to be the local leader of the Mujahedeen Army.

Abdul Rahman, from Tal Afar north-west of Baghdad, was arrested in a police ambush in central Mosul, 225 miles north-west of Baghdad, said police Brigadier Saaid al-Jubouri.
The Mujahedeen Army has claimed responsibility for scores of attacks, including the April 2005 downing of a helicopter carrying 11 civilians, including six Americans.

It was among 11 Sunni insurgent groups that offered in June to halt all attacks if the United States agreed to withdraw foreign forces from Iraq in two years.


on Sep 09, 2006
Why would the MSM interupt their mourning for the sniper to get out a story about his capture?