OK, I have a real problem here. I have been hearing since yesterday that a report from the Intelligence agencies say the War in Iraq has made terrorism worse instead of better. This was picked up of course by the anti-war groups and Left and hailed as proof positive that the Bush Administration has made yet another mistake.
I have one question to ask though. If this is a classified report, that means secret. Who is crying about the leaking of the classified document? Who leaked it and why? Should there not be an investigation since the left and anti-war types want an investigation into everything they see as illegal or improper? Where’s the cry for the person who "outed" the information, like the cry for the culprit who outed the supposed CIA agent?
I read report after report on this and many do not mention that the information comes from a classified document or they mention it in the end or some obscure place. What’s the deal here?
I want a full Congressional investigation into who and how this classified information got leaked (sound like the left!?!?!). And before people start quoting it, or using it to point fingers, the whole document will have to be considered. Context is everything.