If the Dems win the next election does it make them a liar? By that I mean since they have been whining that the last two elections were frauds, and stolen from them by the Republicans, does that mean that if the Repubs lose this one then the Dems have been wrong all this time and all that whining about the elections was a bunch of crap?
I mean if they can steal the election twice why not this next time, I mean if you’re going to commit fraud and steal an election why not do it three or four times in a row?
And if the Dems get elected what do you think will happen? Will they repeal all the tax cuts? If they do that and the economy starts to tank what will they blame then? If they decide to force a withdrawal from Iraq and we get attacked in the US or our interest abroad, does that mean they were wrong? Does that mean that the Repubs were right? If they fail with North Korea and we end up in a war were they wrong about wanting diplomacy?
You see I foresee a few things happening. If the Dems win this next election and even 2008, then you will see tax cuts being repealed and the economy slowing and beginning to get worse. Did you noticed we topped 12000 today in the NYSE? You will see a forced withdrawal from Iraq, and we will be looked at as having failed another war and even weaker then we were before. We will be attacked, most likely in the US. Borders will not be any safer than we are now, in fact I see it getting worse.
For all the Bush haters, what will you say when he does not declare martial law and lock up all you neighbors? What will you say when he does not declare himself dictator and lord of all the world? What about when the Dems who have been saying that they may think the US Government was part of 911, and they now have access to classified documents about it, and still find nothing? What about your conspiracy then?
Will all the supposed FEMA camps (That have been around since before FEMA) disappear or be exposed because the Dems are so much better? Or will you hear nothing?
I think that if the Dems get elected, you will see nothing coming to light, and things just get worse. And they won’t have Bush to blame (although they will try). It should be fun to watch as long as the US can survive until the next election.