This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Did you hear about the ones that didn't blow up?
Published on February 9, 2007 By ShadowWar In War on Terror

Information gathered from: RELEASE No. 20070209-05
Feb. 9, 2007

Coalition Forces stop insurgent attacks in northern Iraq
Multi-National Division – North PAO

– Coalition Forces conducting routine patrols in several different areas near Tikrit, observed several terrorist teams while they were attempting to emplace roadside bombs in Salah ad Din and Diyala provinces on Feb. 5.      
Coalition Forces observed several terrorist teams planting improvised explosive devices along major roadways in the early evening hours north of Tikrit, near Bayji, in Balad and south of Baqubah. Once the terrorist were positively identified and the Coalition Forces identified the intent of the terrorist to harm Coalition Forces or other Iraqis, the forces engaged the enemy.
Among the 10 terrorist that were killed that night, three were in Balad, four near Bayji and three near Baqubah. Two were injured just north of Tikrit. The injured terrorist were transported to a Coalition Forces medical treatment facility. There were no reports of civilian casualties.
Coalition Forces rendered the roadside IED's harmless before continuing their mission. Coalition Forces continue to work along side Iraqi security forces in a combined effort to bring the Iraqi FOrces up to speed on security and battle tactics.

It should be noted that the soldiers were able to prevent 4 seperate roadside bombs from being placed. It is not immediatly known how many lives of American or Iraqi Solider were saved, or for that matter civilian lives.

Too bad this will never make it to the main stream media for reporting.

on Feb 12, 2007
This is because good news like this does not advance the story line. The official story line is that we are losing over there. Kill one American and it is news save one civilian and it is not. Remember the great Senator Kennedy when he stood up on the Senate floor and demanded of the president why Americans were dying over there and why not Iraqi’s dying for their country. We did the hand off on schedule and more Iraqis started dying than Americans and the cry came out why all the Iraqis were dying. Why did we leave them to die in a civil war? no matter what we do it is going to be bad news until the Democrats are in charge. Then it will be the republicans fault for starting the war and they are just trying to get peace with honor.