Recently I let the whining of an person who rather than discuss the issue at hand ran off crying about plagerism to the admins drive me from my blog. I was ready to turn in my blogging keyboard. Then I sat down and really looked at what was wrong here.
I then decided that I was not going to let one little whiner(or two, or three...) run me off of my own blog. As I thoguht about it I really came to the realization that my blog is more for me than him. Why let someone else tell you how to post or say what you want.
The article in question was taken largely from another persons writing, and incorrectly I forgot to cite the writer (which I did in a comment later, and was acknowledged by others). But no, this sub-adult felt the need to continue. I had to think why? What was driving him to continue his complaint? Then it dawned on me. He wasn't really complaining about the article but the fact he disagreed with the contnet and could think of no other way to rebut the information. So he resorted to other tactics.
Well sorry to say, but I looked at my intentions (intent is a large portion of the law) and I in no way intended to claim anothers work as mine so I read my own blog title.
"One Americans it or not..." If you don't like my view, post a response to the subject matter or don't read my blog. either way I have learned a lesson in all this. There is a blacklist option for a reason, while I would rather not use it. In the years I have been here I have used it once. Only one time, now twice. And in the future I will restrict the posting of responses more also. Some of my blogging really needs no response. Its done for my own benefit. To express myself and my feelings on issues I feel important.
So to that end... I retract my last post about leaving this blog, in fact I may make it a point to be more prolific, more thoughtful and more on the edge with my posting, just to piss some people off.. LOL
Everyone have a good weekend and stay safe! See you soon!!