You may or may not have heard of the VBIED (Vehicle Bourne Improvised Explosive Device) that blew up on Sunday in Baghdad in the Azamiyah neighborhood market area. What makes this one a little different from the others is the tactic that was used to get the vehicle through a US manned checkpoint.
The driver and adult passenger of the vehicle had two children in the back seat of the vehicle. They were waved through the checkpoint as troops have a tendency to be less suspicious of vehicles with children in them. (At least they used to be, I am sure this will change now). The vehicle parked near the market and then the adults ran from the vehicle and blew it up. with the children still in the back seat. Reports vary on the number dead or injured but I find that it seems at least 3 people were killed, besides the children. The children have not been identified by age or sex yet, and maybe never will.
Link to AP Video report of bombing..
I wonder where the outrage is from the human and children rights groups. How come we don't hear of formal condemnations from the UN, or other groups that complained the US had naked prisoners, yet blowing up children brings no comments? Hmmm
In addition, for those that think this is a new tactic, it may or may not be.
In July of 2005 a suicide car bomber sped up to American Soldiers giving out candy to children and blew up his VBIED, killing 27 people, including a dozen children and a U.S. Soldier.
In late 2004, 35 Iraqi children were killed in a series of bombings that happened as American troops handed out candy at a government-sponsored celebration to inaugurate a sewage plant in west Baghdad.
There are unconfirmed reports of other incidents where children were used as decoys to draw soldiers into fire zones and ambushes, but I can not find confirmation of these in official channels.
Regardless it really shows the mentality of the enemy. Here is a group that is willing to sacrifice children (maybe their own, and of course others) in order to make their point. Does anyone remember Beslan Russia? (Beslan Information) With the recent FBI warning in the US about possible terrorist or foreign nationals acquiring school buses and licenses to drive them one has to wonder. What would stop one of these animals (I can't use the term I want because of readership rules) from acquiring a school bus full of our children, driving it up right in front of one of our busy schools and blowing it up and killing a couple of hundred of our children? Nothing, that's what. Unless of course we convince them somehow that that type of attack would be a VERY bad idea. But how do we do that?
I wonder what the people who defend these terrorist say about this. This is the religion of peace right? They do this believing that the children will go to their heaven right?
Get ready folks. How will your react when this happens in the US. It can't you say? Why not? What is to prevent a terrorist from using our own children to terrorize the US. What would happen in the US if this type of attack or tactic was used? Parents would keep their kids at home, schools would close, people would stay home from work, our education system would take a nose dive, the economy would tank and the US would be in serious trouble. Would you be willing to allow the troops and police to do what they may have to do? What would that be? These terrorist are animals, they have no human compassion or ability for compassion. All of the anti-war protesters, what would you recommend we do to stop this type of attack? (Other than pull out of Iraq, that will not stop it, just move it to our shores).
Do we have the determination to stop these kinds of people and do what it takes to end this before it gets started here in the US? What can we do to deter or stop these terrorist in Iraq? If we strike hard enough and swift enough can we convince them that it would not be a good idea to do this anymore anywhere? What do you think?