Has anyone here heard that Attacks against Iraqi civilians are down about 20 percent, and civilian deaths are down 30 percent nationwide? How about in Baghdad, attacks against civilians are down 20 percent, with deaths down 50 percent? I didn't think so.
Attacks using explosively formed projectiles(AFP's) are also down, from 38 in December to 22 this month, though the number of attacks against coalition forces has remained constant.
High-profile attacks, especially those using suicide vests and vehicle bombs, have increased by about 30 percent, but they are less effective now.
All of this even though only two of the brigades of the five scheduled have reached Iraq durng the "surge". Are things looking up?
Oh and over the past month in Baghdad, Multi-National Forces have found and seized morethan 300 weapons caches, detained more than 1400 terrorist and found and safely cleared more than 300 IED's!! But you won't hear about those facts either. Sad that the facts are not getting out, guess the press wants to fail so badly they leave these things out.