Yesterday, a young man in his 20's was attending a meeting with a Community Group of his fellow New Yorkers and a small group of Iraqi's. The Iraq's were there to help the NYers understand their way of life.
While the group was standing outside the meeting place and getting redy to move inside a man wearing a jacket, and not part of the group approached. The young man mentioned above spotted him and was suspicious that the man may be wearing a suicide bomb vest, so he moved to him and pushed the man away from the group and physically kept him away. The stranger detonated his bomb, killing only himself and the heroic young NYer.
The people at the meeting were thankful for the young mans actions. One of the people at the meeting said the man saved countles lives of the NYers and the Iraqi's gathered there.
"I was about 12 feet away when the bomber came around the corner," said Sean Kane. "I was about to run when he jumped in front of us and intercepted the bomber as he ran toward us. As he pushed him away, the bomb went off."
"I spoke with his father," Kane said. "He said he has no remorse in his son’s death because he died saving American lives."
This act of heroism is not the first nor will it be the last of its kind. NYer's willing to die for thier fellow Americans and even Iraqi vistors.
What you did not hear about this? If this had actually happened do you think you would have? I am sure it would be front page news in every paper and on every channel. But you didn't hear about it because it was not a NYer that gave his life for fellow Americans and Iraqi's, it was an Iraqi that gave his life for fellow Iraqi's and American Soldiers. Thats right it really happened, just not here and it was in Iraq. American lives were saved, but you will not hear of it in the news, makes the Iraqi's look to good and that does not serve the agenda of the media.
What a sad statement on our press coverage of Iraq. Dead Americans, that will make the news, bombs blowing up and killing Iraqi's, that will make the news, but an Iraqi saving the lives of Americans and fellow Iraqi's by giving his own and stopping a suicide bomber? NOTHING.
You tell me, you don't find that interesting enough to make the news?