This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
When it all goes as planned...
Published on February 17, 2008 By ShadowWar In US Domestic

The other day I was reading and posting on a polictical disscussion board when one of the posters wrote a post that quoted a news article and what he wrote was not so shocking as was his response to some posters who responded to it. Here is the orginal post:

Police set to search for guns at homes

As Boston police prepare to go into some of the city's most dangerous neighborhoods, knock on doors of private houses, and ask if they can search for illegal guns without a warrant, officials are trying to pitch the idea of the plan as friendly cooperation to residents who still see it as a threatening intrusion.

Now I know prisonplanet is not exactly the most reliable source, its just that this guy is one of the 911 conspiracy people and continually tries to bring all discussions to that subject. One of the other posters pointed out the fact the police were asking for consenual searches. But then he said this;

some residents will be afraid to say  no,  just because the police is asking.

if the cops have as much as clipboard and paper in hand,  that can further intimidate because the resident may think his name will be recorded if he says no
of course that can be feared  even if there is no clipboard

I'm guessing that 'yes'  homes and 'no' homes will be noted for future reference, such as when martial law arrives

Now this is what struck me as very funny. When martial law arrives? Like he is expecting it. Then when asked about this he pretty much said that it would happen beofre the Nov elections when Bush wanted to stay in power! Is it me or is he losing his ever loving mind? Are there more people out there that think this way that Bush is going to try and stay in office by declaring martial law or some other type of action?? I was astounded when this person said they actually thought that. Now I read a lot of political news and articles ( but I have not heard of this mental illness of the current administration going to take over power and stay in office even against all our laws and such. What would happen if that really did happen, I could see a very quick and fairly easy take over by the people or congress and such. Do you think our president could get away with something like that? I don't. What will this person and others like him do when nothing happens and the black helicopters never come for everyone, and the camps stay empty, and Bush moves on and retires quietly?


on Feb 17, 2008
Ah well, those loons are always good for a laugh.
on Feb 17, 2008
gun nuts are good to invent conspirations theories, or to say that the governement will set up a dictatorship tommorrow.

Truly, how could this EVER happen in the U.S. in the next 50 years? the only way such development could really happen is if the military starts having more loyalty toward their military organisation than the constitution it defends.