I keep hearing different claims. On one hand, WMDs were found, but on another WMDs weren't found because the WMDs that were found weren't "WMD" enough or some other excuse.
Because there were no WMDs, we had no reason to invade Iraq, but even after WMDs are found, we have no reason to invide Iraq? I don't see how crying about the lack of WMDs was relevant, if the existence of WMDs was completely irrelevant to the justification of the war. Why did they bother unless they were looking for ammo and had no other reasons to be against the war?
What's funny to me prior to 9/11 and the Iraq war in February 2001 both Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice went on the record and stated that Iraq posed no threat whatsoever to the U.S. that we have blocked them access to weapons and that sanctions where preventing them from getting the funds to work with. Now all of a sudden post 9/11 they pose a threat even though there still was no connection with any of the attacks...