This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Oliver North says it all to well...
Published on June 29, 2004 By ShadowWar In International
Written by: Oliver North June 24, 2004

Washington, D.C. - The ancient Chinese warrior Sun Tzu taught his men to "know your enemy" before going into battle. For if "you know your enemy and know yourself," he wrote, "you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." But, Sun Tzu warned, "If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat."

In my 22 years as an officer of Marines - from Annapolis to The Basic School to the Naval War College - similar advice was drilled into us: to know your enemy. It's sound guidance, pretty basic stuff, really. Yet there are apparently those in our government - people with many years of experience - supposedly learned statesmen, according to their bios and press reports - who somehow don't get it.

Our present enemy, properly identified by President George W. Bush and his National Security team, is the radical Islamic jihadist terror movement. Our enemy is not limited to Osama bin Laden or al Qaeda, though they certainly fit the bill. Radical Islamic jihadist terrorists, principally financed by Saudi petro-dollars, also carry out their killing under the rubric of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Al Aksa Martyrs Brigade, Ansar al-Islam, and dozens of other names. And though they use different monikers, they all have a common goal: to kill as many Americans, Christians and Jews as they can, using whatever tools they have at their disposal.

While these barbaric groups prefer mass killings and spectacular events like 9-11, they are more than willing to settle for individual atrocities: a suicide bus-bomber in Israel or the gruesome beheading of a single hostage. They know they can count on the Internet, Arabic-language broadcast media, of which al Jazerra is but one, and even Western press outlets to help them spread fear.

These enemies are utterly ruthless, and indescribably brutal. Though the leaders of these groups do all they can to avoid death or capture, their "foot soldiers" are not only willing to die for their cause - they want to die. And unlike our adversaries of the past, this enemy is not motivated by goals that inspired armies of old: land, treasure, strategic waterways, or natural resources. Today's enemy is instead goaded by a twisted belief that they have a holy mission to advance their religion and drive Western influence - meaning Judeo-Christian values - from any Islamic territory.

The President and his team understand this enemy. Some Democrats, like Senators Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman do as well. Unfortunately, others who manage to command much more media attention, apparently believe that President Bush and his generals are the enemy. And their attacks on the President over these past few weeks have proved Sun Tzu's admonition, that if you don't know who your enemy really is, "for every victory gained, you will also suffer a defeat."

The brutal beheading of American Paul Johnson is a tragic, sanguinary example of such a defeat. In the original statement issued by Paul Johnson's captors, they referred to the abuses at Abu Ghraib and said Johnson would be treated the same way that prisoners there were treated. The prison issue has inflamed the Arab world because too many of our political and media elites have treated the shameful actions of a few soldiers in an Iraqi prison as though it was the modern equivalent of the My Lai massacre. The blood of Paul Johnson is on their hands.

This week President George W. Bush met with Hungarian Prime Minister Peter Medgyessy in the Oval Office. Hours earlier, a 33 year-old South Korean, Kim Sun-il, an Arabic translator working in Iraq, was brutally beheaded by terrorists. The terrorists took this man hostage and threatened to kill him in an effort to influence the South Korean government to withdraw its troops from Iraq. The brutal beheading came just days after the beheading of Paul Johnson and just six weeks after the beheading of Nick Berg.

Surely the sophisticated scribes of the vaunted White House press corps would want to know the President's reaction to the brutal beheading of Kim Sun-il and ask what more he can do to win this war and protect American citizens at home and abroad. But when the opportunity arose to ask about the most recent atrocity, the first question from an American reporter was to inquire of the "perception" that torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib was authorized by the Bush administration. This inquiring whiz also wanted to know if the President thought it would be wise to have an independent commission look into the matter.

The media wants to know, because Democrat leaders on Capitol Hill are calling for exactly that. This week House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and her brethren held a news conference to demand that a Select Committee of the Congress be established to investigate abuses, not just at Abu Ghraib prison, but at any prison in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

They are convinced that the men and women of America's military are the bad guys. Senator Teddy Kennedy, an expert in scandals and water torture, routinely refers to abuses at Abu Ghraib as "torture" and "sadistic abuses." Former Vice President Al Gore routinely accuses the President of lying and setting the "moral climate for abuses" by our Armed Forces. Regrettably, they have spent far less time denouncing murderous terrorists, calling Islamic clerics to speak out against such behavior, or even issuing press releases condemning terror.

The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration - not the terrorists - as the enemy, we are in trouble.

Written by Me:

Well that pretty well sums it up. I am still waiting for Teddy and others to talk about our civilians and others being killed, instead he would rather we focus on underwear on someones head? Wake up people, stop fighting among ourselves. Fight the terrorist, not each other.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 29, 2004
Radical Islamic jihadist terrorists, principally financed by Saudi petro-dollars, also carry out their killing under the rubric of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Al Aksa Martyrs Brigade, Ansar al-Islam, and dozens of other names. And though they use different monikers, they all have a common goal: to kill as many Americans, Christians and Jews as they can, using whatever tools they have at their disposal.

You know... you left out all the muslims and other nationalities that the terrorist's kill as well...

And it's also an interesting fact where the Saudi's get their petro dollars from... Everyone's hands are dirty.

on Jun 29, 2004
You know... you left out all the muslims and other nationalities that the terrorist's kill as well...

Usally only when they get in the way of killing those listed.

Hey this just goes to show you that you are not capable of carrying on a decent conversation/ Discussion on a subject - I DID NOT WRITE THIS ARTICLE - Oliver North DID so saying "I" left something out is a little dumb don't ya think.

BAM!!! BTW whats with the BAM?? You inciting violence?? Never right??
on Jun 29, 2004
Well said.
on Jun 29, 2004
One of the things that you seem to think is that you can't question foreign policy and still be united in opposition to terrorism. You mean to say that we must accept everything the administration says without question in order to obtain victory. Are you suggesting that it is in asking the question that we show we are not united and therefore cannot win?
You know, there has NEVER been a U.S. conflict where there has not been questioning. The Revolutionary War was supported by at most 60% of the people of the time, the War of 1812 was considered a disaster (as Francis Scott Key was writing the Star Spangled Banner Washington was being bombed) the Mexican American War caused fights to break out in the Senate, during the Civil War Lincoln was considered to be beaten by McClellan in 1864, the Spanish American War was considered a product of yellow journalism and World War I? Well, Woodrow Wilson ran in 1916 on the platform "He kept us out of War!"
The truth is that questioning is the American way. Clear and simple we are obligated to question to ensure that the right course is followed. We unite behind the soldiers in the field and we ask that they put life and limb in harm's way, BUT, we question which way that is every step as we go. That is what a free and open society is about, ensuring that every step is as close to the best one, not simply everyone facing right......
on Jun 29, 2004
When you are a hammer everything looks like a nail?

Reflect on that a moment.
on Jun 29, 2004
When you are a hammer everything looks like a nail?

Then let us nail, for only the hammer can release the nail once it is nailed.
on Jun 29, 2004
I agree with the thrust of the article but Shadow you really ought to put Ollie North up at the top as the author. This way you avoid the confusion... Muggaz and I rarely agree, but how was he supposed to know you didn't write it? You never gave a byline. It is also generally considered good form to link to the original article and list credit to the site hosting it.
on Jun 29, 2004

Then let us nail, for only the hammer can release the nail once it is nailed.


mmm thats good.... I will be plagiarizing *that* later Sir Peter....

on Jun 29, 2004

Sorry, I was under the impresion you were a talented writer capable of putting forth your own arguments... You would do well to be a bit less antogonistic mate... I also agree wioth the thrust of the article, just pointing out a few home truths...

If you have nothing better to do than insult me... I feel sorry for you.

on Jun 29, 2004
Muggaz - I didn't noticeĀ it either until I got to the commentary portion.
on Jun 29, 2004
It's hidden in the sub-title area. Please also note that it's impossible to tell (by font or other editing techniques, because they're not there) where LTC North stops speaking, and ShadowWar begins. (It's just that last paragraph... I think. Or maybe SW doesn't speak at all? :not sure: )
ShadowWar, I've read some of your articles, and it addresses some points I'd like to read about, but I've mentioned this before. Please cite, and edit better.

ObligatoryOnTopicComment: SW - I don't think the terrorists limit themselves to killing "muslims and other nationalities" (including Arabs) just when "they get in the way of those listed." Terrorist and insurgent groups in Iraq have been taking a decent number of non-Americans hostage as of late, including Arabs and muslims working as contractors in that region.

And I'm thinking LTC North is using some pretty heavy-handed rhetoric. The blood of Paul Johnson is on the hands of our political and media elite? It seems that ol' Ollie is indulging in some of the self-same cross-party bashing that he accuses the Dems of... eek.

(And back OFF-topic: I don't think Mug's signature "BAM!" is inciting violence, either. Do you really?)
on Jun 30, 2004
OK since puttiing the Author in the sub-title is not good enough I will post it better next time I cite someone..

on Jun 30, 2004
no I don't think his BAM!!! is inciting violence. It was just a social commentary on his writing.

And no one ever accused Olie of being light handed..
on Jun 30, 2004
Shadow - totally better after the edit.
on Jul 11, 2004
In a recent discussion with a business associate who was born in South Vietnam, and who served as a pilot for them during the Vietnam war, I posed the question "If you were Bush, what would you do?" His reply stated that the first order of business was to remove all press and cameras from any prison camps. The USA needs to recognize that we are in a war, and the only way to squelch the enemies flare-ups is to torture your captives into divulging their whereabouts.

He also added that the USA should use the existing Iraqi military to police and control its citizens. He said to replace the top commanders with lower ranking officers, and pay them well to do the job. The Iraqi people would respond much better to being handled by their own troops than by ours. It would also remove our troops from harms way.
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