Its just a matter of when...
Lets suppose a nation is developing nuclear weapons and material. Lets suppose a nation refuses to let UN (useless nations) inspect their program. Lets suppose that nation is friendly to terrorist. Lets suppose this nation has a long standing dislike of the US. Lets suppose that this nation gives or allows terrorist to have or use their nuclear weapons or has one or more stolen.
There will be a nuclear attack on the US in a major city within the near future. That attack will be nuclear in nature or a dirty bomb detonated to spread nuclear material and kill as many US citizens as possible. This is my prediction if we do not take a proactive stance.
This is impossible you say? There is no country like that? The answer to every one of those questions in the first paragraph is IRAN. Did you get that IRAN.
What about missing nuclear material from the Russian Federation states? Here is a quote from one news article "According to the report, about 40 kilograms of weapons-usable uranium and plutonium have been stolen from poorly protected nuclear facilities in the former Soviet Union during the last decade. " "But Ms Zaitseva said that the real amount of missing weapons-grade material could be 10 times higher than the official figures." "We don't know what's missing. That's the most frightening thing".
Still think its not possible??