His statements have cost lives, and he doesn't care....
I have had it with this piece of fecal matter. I have read to many web sites and quotes that say it was an innocent statement he made when he said that Iraq was going to be another Vietnam. And that we could not win.
He obviously did not think before he spoke. The Iraq insurgents are empowered by talk that seems like anything that may show we are divided by the war. Anytime someone in any position of power says that we can not win, it makes it appear that what they are doing (the terrorist) is working to make America think we are losing. There is no comparison and we should not be publicly stating something that is not true. Especially from what is supposed to be a public leader (although that is another discussion all in itself).
Lets look at the results and compare Vietnam with Iraq. Ten years in Vietnam, we lost the war, at a cost of about 58,000 lives. In Iraq, in one year, we ousted a dictator, set the groundwork for installing a democratic republic government, freed 50,000,000 people from tyranny, at a cost of about 600 lives. So, 600 divided by 58,000 comes to 1.03%. That makes Ted Kennedy 98.97% wrong. However, since we are comparing apples to oranges, Ted is 100% wrong
He is a traitor and about as un-American as they come. He is a disgrace to the US Government and does not deserve to be called Senator.