This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
This is the stupidest thing he has done yet...
Published on August 17, 2004 By ShadowWar In Politics
John Kerry Confuses Himself With Bob Kerrey

Of course John Kerry is afraid to run on his left-wing Senate record, but does that mean he should pose as a colleague?

Imagine the screaming headlines and nationwide media ridicule if President Bush confused himself with another pol. But don't expect the New York Times and company to report this:

In trying to defend his horrendous record on intelligence "and spin their way out of his lousy committee attendance record," Kerry's campaign "claimed on its website Monday, 'John Kerry served on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for 8 years and is the former Vice Chairman of the Committee.' Fact is John Kerry has never – ever! – served as vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence," the Republican National Committee noted today.

"Turns out, there as a senator named Bob Kerrey from Nebraska who was vice chairman for a while. Kerry’s website later pulled the plug on the page, which might be construed as a metaphor for the whole campaign."

The RNC suggested: "Instead of posting false qualifications on the campaign website, maybe it would be wiser for John Kerry and the Gang That Couldn’t Spin Straight to follow the advice of House Speaker Dennis Hastert, who called on the Kerry campaign Monday to end the controversy by simply releasing his committee attendance records. What are the odds?"

And thanks to Bush-Cheney '04 for finding this quote Feb. 10, 1994 in the Congressional Record from Kerry's Democrat colleague Dennis DeConcini, then a U.S. senator from Arizona: "Mr. President, the Kerry amendment includes a $1 billion cut in fiscal year 1994 and $5 billion over the next 5 years from intelligence activities."

Here's what Rep. Hastert said Monday: "John Kerry served on the Intelligence Committee from 1993 to 2000, and according to official records, John Kerry missed 76 percent of the public Senate Intelligence Committee hearings during that time. This figure doesn’t include his attendance at closed door meetings. Those records can only be released to the public at John Kerry’s request. This is something that needs to be done, and I join Senator Roberts, Senator Chambliss, Senator Cornyn, and Senator Coleman and others in calling on him to do so, so that the American people can judge the whole picture for themselves."

Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said Sunday on "Meet the Press," "The easiest way out of this is for John Kerry and John Edwards to request of Senator Rockefeller and myself to release the attendance hearings; not only the public hearings, which they have rebutted, but the closed hearings."

Sen. John Warner, R-Va., said Sunday on CNN: "So I would go to what is solid, uncontrovertible fact, and that is the records that each committee keeps with regard to the attendance at every hearing of all the members, whether they're there or not. Now, those records are available. John Kerry, if he questions the authenticity of this ad that's out there now, should simply get those records and put them into the public domain."

Let's see, is there a positive spin to the fact that Kerry missed 38 of 49 public hearings of the Intelligence Committee, including the June 8, 2000, hearing on the National Commission on Terrorism's warning about the terrorist threat? Well, at least his 22 percent attendance rate was better than his Senate attendance recently.

This is absolutely the stupidest thing Kerry has done yet. Let me get this straight. He thought he was the vice-chair of a committee that he really wasn't the vice-chair of. He spouts that he is concerned about Americas secuirty yet he missed 76% of the security briefings? OK what part is ahrd to understand here, either he is a flat out liar, or he has deluded himself into thinking something that actually wasn't true. Or just maybe he was really in Cambodia when he was supposed to be at these meetings..

on Aug 18, 2004
Well, that certainly pinned the tail on 'em,
Lets all hope it sticks!
on Aug 21, 2004
Where are all the posts on this one? It raises huge credibility issues and as an Intel professional
it makes me hate him even more than I did before.
on Aug 22, 2004
Ya, it's strange that Kerry wants to talk about 4 months that happened 35 years ago and never talks about the resent 19 years of his life in Congress.
on Aug 22, 2004
Please!!! I would rather you all just say you hate all Democrats and regardless who it is you will not vote for them. But do not insult my intelligence and embarrass yourself by saying that Bush is actually a good and effective president. Give me a break! The dim wit cannot even read a prepared speech. He has engineering a smear campaign because he has no record himself to run on - unless you count an ill advised, get rich quick war in Iraq, record deficets (from a so called fiscally responsible Republican controlled Congress), a net job loss over his four years (last matched by another "great" president Hoover), no real domestic policy, and an arrogant and ignorant foreign policy. I guess all you can do is bash Kerry and assault his honorable and valorous service (oh yeah...Bush took the safe way out and that snake Chaney had how many deferments???). The hypocrasy is enormous! The nice thing is that Bush will go just like the few other presidents that didn't win the election by the popular term and out. He will quickly fade away as an ineffective president that history will only recognize as the guy who happened to be there during 911. The time's where the right wingers can continue to buy elections are starting to run out.....consider yourself at the high water mark. The GOP will contnue to fade over the next years.....
on Aug 22, 2004
PK- I said absolutely nothing in my response about his service in Viet Nam. I am referring to his "sevice" on the Senate selct comittee on Intelligence.
His record, or non record it seems, speaks for itself. His desire to cut budgets and then throw blame at the intel community, shows us that he truly is a chameleon
with no central guiding values except to do what is politically expedient at that moment.

You don't know my politics, but you assume that I am a republican, That assumption is 60% likely to be correct as I am on active duty.
I have served under presidents Carter, Reagan, Bush, G.H.W., Clinton and Bush G.W. I have no great love for any of them as individuals,
but at least a modicum of respect for all of them due to the position that they held. My favorite was Bush the elder due to his strong support
of the military, (even during BRAC, and downsizing) and his son, for similar reasons.
I did not like serving under Carter due to his lack of decision making balls. He did help to start modernizing our forces though, and his morals
were beyond reproach. he was probably too nice a guy to be an effective president.
Reagan embarrased me as an American with Iran-Contra even though I believed the sandinistas should have been removed. just not by thugs and dope dealers.
Clinton: A completely amoral piece of slime. the fact that they had to order people not to tell jokes about him says a lot. Quick to send our troops on so called
"peacekeeping" missions without the budget support to keep our equipment ready for a major conflict shows how much more he knew than the rest of us.
His elitist attitude extended to giving a high level security clearance to the tool his Chinese donors wanted without a background investigation. Etc. Etc.
I know for a fact that the present administration is not the Hydra that will remove all of your civil rights and put you in a camp for being liberal.
You may continue to have your delusions about the war in Iraq being for Oil and money, but war has never been a profitable business on the national level.
these claims have been debunked many times by more intelligent writers than myself here on the pages of JU. Find them and open your mind while you read.
on Aug 22, 2004
WYSIWYG my ass.
on Aug 22, 2004

The Surprising fact is that I'm an Independent. I don’t like the Republican Party anymore then I like the Dems. I would prefer that there were no parties at all and everybody would vote the way they want to. (not how the party tells them too). The comments given by the Dem. party like the ones you had given above, since the last election, has driven me more to respect the Republicans (and that Dem judges are trying also to change or ignore laws past by the people). I had no problems with Gore until all the tricks he pulled during the recount and all the things coming out of his mouth now.

If I had the choice of Voting for Mc Cain, Bill Bradley, Ford, Lieberman, or any other of the Moderates I would in a heart beat. But until the Dems and Reps start nominating respectable people more in the center and not on the political wings, I'm going to vote the lesser of the two evils.

Right now I know that when Bush says he is going to do something, he does it. I may only agree with about half of Bush's policies, but at least he don't change his strips like Kerry when ever it's more of a political advantage for him. An example is troop redeployments: Three weeks ago he was all for it, now that Bush decides to start the long scheduled moves (Army Times has been publishing that for near a year), he is now against it and criticizing Bush for doing what he said he would do on Aug 4th.

By the way, this post was about Kerry's changing views/image not slamming of Bush. Just another reason the Dems are loosing my respect.

My two Cents
on Aug 22, 2004
last matched by another "great" president Hoover)

Don't knock Hoover, he did a decent job and got associated a great number of negative things that happened during his presidency that weren't his doing. Furthermore, many of Roosevelt's programs were exact clones from the Hoover administration, with more popular support, and even many of Roosevelt's programs were still shot down by the Supreme Court in exactly the same way, but without the negative impact from earlier political association.

Oh yeah, and John Kerry sucks.
on Aug 22, 2004
wait can you even bring the economy ito this debate...OH BUSH'S PLAN ON THE ECONOMY IS HORRIBLE.....LOOK AT ALL THE JOB LOSES...OH WE ARE DOING SO HORRIBLE RIGHT NOW. If you haven't noticed...there is a war going on in Iraq and Afghanistan...Have you not taken your history lessons? Last I herd people were struggling to make a living....wait they had to ration everything just to support WWII. Frankly, I think he is doing a great job keeping the people as happy as possible while the war is being fought. And if you ever doubt this war and think we shouldn't be there, remind yourself that AMERICAN SOIL WAS ATTACKED! Something that hasn't happend since WWII. I can see the posts right now about how we are in a Iraq for the oil and that crap...believe it or not...there is more Al Qeida attack us in Iraq than there are Iraqi's. The tings you don't here about on the news will open your eyes up so much more and realize we are doing the right thing...Bush is a great man and I truely believe in him. Like everyone else has said, Kerry just keeps bending his truth.
on Aug 22, 2004
a net job loss over his four years (last matched by another "great" president Hoover),


Please check the Statistics before you open your mouth:

U.S. Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics

Employed in July 2004: 139.7 million

Employed in Dec 2000 (last months of Clinton): 135.8 million

Net increase of 3.9 million jobs


If you lessened to what John Kerry says: "Jobs have been lost under this administration, and I will do something about it."

He is right tectonically. Jobs have been lost, but he fails to say jobs have been created to replace them. You should listen to the guy, along with all politicians Dems and Reps., with an open mind. Both side do the same tricks.

I haven't started to check your other facts yet, because I don't have an axe to grind, but keep trying to kick dirt in people faces when they are having an intelligent discussion and I will.
on Aug 26, 2004
Of course he doesn't know who he is, he only says what his hatchet men and his wife tell him to, Just like he votes in congress.