Although the Kerry campaign and press have been quick to claim links between Mr. Bush and the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, there was little outcry yesterday over links between Mr. Kerry and Texans for Truth.
The group's biggest donor is Daniel O'Keefe, who gave $100,000 for production of the anti-Bush ads. Mr. O'Keefe, a Hollywood producer, also donated $10,250 to the Kerry campaign and $24,000 to the DNC, according to the Political Money Line Web site.
So what does this mean? Does it mean Kerry is behind the ads? You have to draw your own conclusions. If this was the other way around though the Dems would be crying foul and accusing Bush of being directly connected if this type of trail showed up on him and a 527.
Go get em boys, theres a hypocrite in the bunch and its not Bush this time.