This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Whats up Dems? Can't win so you gotta lie?
Published on October 15, 2004 By ShadowWar In Democrat
Today I read an article in our local paper, then I heard it on the radio, and then I do what I usally do. I check it out for myself to make sure what I am hearing is what is really going on. You see I do not trust completly any mass media source. They all are seriously flawed and have forgotten that its their job to get to the bottom of the truth, not put a spin on it. SO I was of course more than a little wary of what I was hearing.

What I was hearing was that there is a election day manual by the Democratic National Committee that calls for its members during election day to make false news releases, lie about voter fruad and to generally try to throw as many wrenches in the process as they can. What??? I thought this just can't be. I can understand some hard pressed lively talk, maybe even a protest or two but to actually tell your "operatives" to "launch a pre-emptive strike". My word that sounds a lot like a terrorist manual. Do we not have enough to do election day to make sure that people get to the polls, that people are not prevented in any way from voting? Yet the DNC thinks it should make false news releases, even if no voter problems are present.

The 60+ page manual list tactics and issues to raise. Here is the part that was found the most disturbing:

What the document says

A page from the Democrats' "Colorado Election Day Manual: A detailed guide to voting in Colorado" appeared on the Drudge Report.

• Chapter 2 says: "If no signs of intimidation techniques have emerged yet, launch a pre-emptive strike."

• Operatives are directed to issue a news release "reviewing Republican tactics used in your area or state."

• They should also quote "party/minority/ civil rights leadership as denouncing tactics that discourage people from voting."

OK now read those again. "Operatives"?, "pre-emptive strike"? What kind of comments/instructions are those? Is this a manual for Americans or someone trying to prevent voting in Iraq?

Whoever wrote this should be drummed out of the DNC. If the DNC wants those that think with open minds on the issues to even consider what they are saying, they need to say it without trying to use scare tactics and lies.

Shame on you DNC!!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 15, 2004
We need Ash, someone call Ash to fight the Army of Darkness and the Deadites!!

'Good, bad...I am the one with the gun!'

'Shop Smart, shop S-Mart!'

'Hail to the King!'

'Who loves ya baby?'

Speaking of that I heard rumors that a possible 'Evil Dead 4' is in the works.
on Oct 15, 2004
Where exactly in the material that is quoted does it tell people to lie? This just sounds like more of the same BS tactics that both sides use. If what you have quoted is the most damning thing in that guide then you don't have jack, except for what you are choosing to read into it.

Simply pathetic.
on Oct 15, 2004
Where exactly in the material that is quoted does it tell people to lie? This just sounds like more of the same BS tactics that both sides use. If what you have quoted is the most damning thing in that guide then you don't have jack, except for what you are choosing to read into it.

Once again if you had seen my reply #12 I included a link directly from the good old DNC website.

Not rumor, it is 100% legit, pay attention to Section II, Subsection 2 that implies that they take preventive action no matter what the action is.
on Oct 15, 2004
Grim, I read reply #12 and I read the link you provided. Where is it telling them to lie?

implies that they take preventive action no matter what the action is.

Implies? This is exactly what I am talking about. People are reading into this what they want to be there. It just isn't there.

If I were a Democratic activist and I read that I wouldn't think for a second that it was telling me to lie.
on Oct 15, 2004
2. If no signs of intimidation techniques have emerged yet, launch a "pre-emptive strike" (particularly well-suited to states in which there techniques have been tried in the past).

• Issue a press release

i. Reviewing Republican tactic used in the past in your area or state

ii. Quoting party/minority/civil rights leadership as denouncing tactics that discourage people from voting

• Prime minority leadership to discuss the issue in the media; provide talking points

• Place stories in which minority leadership expresses concern about the threat of intimidation tactics

Place stories, hmm, what if the minority leader says nothing because there is no voter intimidation in the area?

Alan Colmes was having a tough time defending this, wish they had asked Pat Caddell on this but they brought him in for the Cheney part.

- Grimcolm X
on Oct 15, 2004
What were we just complaining about a War and something about 'preemptive strikes' but I guess when you turn it to politics everything is alright?

'Vote early and vote often'

- 'Boss' Grim Xweed
on Oct 15, 2004
Do ANY of you expect John Kerry to disavow any knowledge of these voter fraud instructions, or denounce them?

You CAN'T be serious! Kerry probably WROTE the instructions!

The Democrats are the KINGS of voter fraud............I challenge ANY of you Kerry supporters to show me ONE instance of REPUBLICAN voter fraud in the 2000 or 2002 elections, and PROVE it with NON-PARTISAN internet links.
on Oct 15, 2004

Oh bad form MTV, bad form.

KiddieTV has hit a new low with this, don't you think so to?

on Oct 15, 2004
Place stories, hmm, what if the minority leader says nothing because there is no voter intimidation in the area?

Oh, I don't to other minority leaders until you get what you want? Wouldn't that be a more realistic standard operating procedure than lying?

Think about this from a common sense standpoint. Picture yourself as the person who wrote this manual. What would be the consequences of influencing thousands of activists to lie when you know that that the opposition will be watching them like hawks? Exactly, you know that a lot of them will get caught and thereby comepletely undermine what your "team" is trying to accomplish.

Doesn't make sense does it?

Alan Colmes was having a tough time defending this

That comes as no surprise.

What were we just complaining about a War and something about 'preemptive strikes' but I guess when you turn it to politics everything is alright?

I don't understand what you are trying to say here.

on Oct 15, 2004
KiddieTV has hit a new low with this, don't you think so to?

on Oct 15, 2004
Think about this from a common sense standpoint. Picture yourself as the person who wrote this manual. What would be the consequences of influencing thousands of activists to lie when you know that that the opposition will be watching them like hawks? Exactly, you know that a lot of them will get caught and thereby comepletely undermine what your "team" is trying to accomplish.

I will take your side on it since the RNC will be watching the DNC and the Liberty-tarians will be watching both, so if one screws up we will HAVE THAT ONE, MUAHAHAHAHA!!

Michael Badnarik, Libertarian candidate for president 2004: Link to Source, quote near the bottom

To people who ask me about wasting their vote by voting Libertarian, I tell them that the Democrats and Republicans both increase the size of government, both parties increase your level of taxes, and increase the level of government intervention in your life. If you want smaller government and you vote for either the Democrats or the Republicans, then you have wasted your vote.

- Grimas Xefferson
on Oct 15, 2004
KiddieTV has hit a new low with this, don't you think so to?

I was glad at one time that MTV was doing something good, but this really stinks. Why do good people want to drag their self respect in the gutter. Since I don't watch MTV, after they stopped playing music, my not watching them won't make a difference. Sigh... Aaah the good old days when MTV meant Music TV.

Think about this from a common sense standpoint. Picture yourself as the person who wrote this manual. What would be the consequences of influencing thousands of activists to lie when you know that that the opposition will be watching them like hawks? Exactly, you know that a lot of them will get caught and thereby completely undermine what your "team" is trying to accomplish.

You need to ask yourself why did the DNC (and Kerry's staff) distribute out a memo last election on how to discard all the absentee military ballets?

As I posted on my Post on the same subject, I think they want to implode and I'm going to enjoy watching it.

That's My Two Cents
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