This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Whats up Dems? Can't win so you gotta lie?
Published on October 15, 2004 By ShadowWar In Democrat
Today I read an article in our local paper, then I heard it on the radio, and then I do what I usally do. I check it out for myself to make sure what I am hearing is what is really going on. You see I do not trust completly any mass media source. They all are seriously flawed and have forgotten that its their job to get to the bottom of the truth, not put a spin on it. SO I was of course more than a little wary of what I was hearing.

What I was hearing was that there is a election day manual by the Democratic National Committee that calls for its members during election day to make false news releases, lie about voter fruad and to generally try to throw as many wrenches in the process as they can. What??? I thought this just can't be. I can understand some hard pressed lively talk, maybe even a protest or two but to actually tell your "operatives" to "launch a pre-emptive strike". My word that sounds a lot like a terrorist manual. Do we not have enough to do election day to make sure that people get to the polls, that people are not prevented in any way from voting? Yet the DNC thinks it should make false news releases, even if no voter problems are present.

The 60+ page manual list tactics and issues to raise. Here is the part that was found the most disturbing:

What the document says

A page from the Democrats' "Colorado Election Day Manual: A detailed guide to voting in Colorado" appeared on the Drudge Report.

• Chapter 2 says: "If no signs of intimidation techniques have emerged yet, launch a pre-emptive strike."

• Operatives are directed to issue a news release "reviewing Republican tactics used in your area or state."

• They should also quote "party/minority/ civil rights leadership as denouncing tactics that discourage people from voting."

OK now read those again. "Operatives"?, "pre-emptive strike"? What kind of comments/instructions are those? Is this a manual for Americans or someone trying to prevent voting in Iraq?

Whoever wrote this should be drummed out of the DNC. If the DNC wants those that think with open minds on the issues to even consider what they are saying, they need to say it without trying to use scare tactics and lies.

Shame on you DNC!!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 15, 2004
Lee has posted the same thing as well under the title "Let Slip the Dogs of Law" and I agree this is a new low for any political party even Alan Colmes had a hard time defending it and agreed that Kerry should come out and denounce it by saying they will not use such underhanded tactics.

- Grim X
on Oct 15, 2004
Coupled with Republican backed "voter registration" groups tearing up registration forms of democrats in Oregon and Nevada -- both sides seem to be doing a high level of dirty tricks this time out...blah on both parties.
on Oct 15, 2004
True Myrrh but don't forget to add Colorado to the list of voter registration problems.
on Oct 15, 2004
Colorado? What's happening there? j/k

BTW to all -- I wasn't trying to insinuate that only Republicans are screwing around with voters this year. Dems are guilty guilty guilty, too!
on Oct 15, 2004
Coupled with Republican backed "voter registration" groups tearing up registration forms of democrats in Oregon and Nevada

Please show me your source for this, I heard the same thing and wanted to comment on it but could not find any factual basis or reporting on it, more rumor than anything else.

on Oct 15, 2004
Although I would put none of this past either party, this particular item -- the election day manual -- has fake written all over it.
on Oct 15, 2004
" Coupled with Republican backed "voter registration" groups tearing up registration forms of democrats in Oregon and Nevada"

Eric Russell, the guy who claims to have seen 10 forms shredded was fired by them over a month ago, and now is coming forward with skeery accusations.

The difference is pretty obvious to me. One is the act of the DNC, the othe an unproven accusation against a third party. Not really a balance, imho.

on Oct 15, 2004
Draginol posted a link to a voter registration fraud report site, which pointed out (amongst its MANY allegations of fraud, nationwide) how CBS, when it did a report on the subject, somehow managed to only report on the two instances of Republican-based fraud. Somehow the other 50+ instances (which were Democratic) went unreported.
on Oct 15, 2004
Politics - n - 1. From Latin "poly" meaning many and "tics" meaning blood-sucking creatures.

I forget where I saw this joke but I think it fits.
on Oct 15, 2004
I heard it on NPR yesterday. You can listen to their report here: Link

Here's a link to the story on a Las Vegas local CBS affiliate: Link

Here's one from an Oregon local station: Link

It's still under investigation, and I know the Republican Party in Nevada has issued a statement saying they won't deal with the company that did this any longer.
on Oct 15, 2004
Here's the link that Draginol posted:
on Oct 15, 2004
Although I would put none of this past either party, this particular item -- the election day manual -- has fake written all over it.

Uhm you do know this LINK here is from the official DNC website?

So if the official DNC website is not denying it but proving it exists than how is it a fake?

Let alone they had copies of it on Hannity and Colmes; the complete manual.

Pay special attention to part or section II, point 2.

- Grim X

on Oct 15, 2004
'Vote early and vote often' - "Boss" Tweed

Since we brought up Gangs of New York I figured I would plug Tweed's famous quote.
on Oct 15, 2004
Thanks for the links GX, Cita...
on Oct 15, 2004
I wonder if we'll have priests and vampire hunters stationed in Chicago to prevent the hoards of undead from voting. Nixon lost the 1960 election because of the undead vote. As long as entire cemetaries are registered and somehow cast their ballots, the Dems have a fighting chance, apparently.
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