There has been a lot of talk recently, even TV adds on MTV and other youth target media on President Bush bringing back the draft if he is elected. SO I thought that was rather silly but hey I thoght I should check it out.
First thing was the debate the other night. President Bush was asked about the draft and he flatly said, he was not going to re-institute the draft. But of course that was not enough for those looking to use this scare tactic. So then the rumor came out that there was a bill in the congress to re-instate the draft. What were they thinking??? Trying to bring back the draft?? Those crazy Republicans had no idea how much that idea could hurt them so much. Who in their right mind would do this to their candidate just before an election? I thought I was going to have to find these Republican Congressmen and talk them into some common sense.
A draft would hurt the military, not help it. Having been a Sgt. In the Army I can say you don't want men and women who don't want to be there. Thats what a draft gives you, people who don't want to be there. In addition it hurts the civilian population by taking those men and women in situations that need at home.
SO I thought let me find out who this idiot Repub guy was and send them a blasting e-mail. So I fired up the search engine and what did I find? It was a Democratic Rep. that sponsored the bill!!!!!!! Thats right after all the talk about the Rep. President bringing back the draft it was a Democrate Rep. that put the bill in!! Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y was the one. Then I found that the Republican Congress forced a vote on it to put it to rest. The vote was a whopping 402-2 against the draft. So its dead!
And most people do not realize that the President can not bring back the draft. The Congress has to vote it in and then he can sign it. So it was a Democrate that tried to sneak a Draft bill in and it was soundly defeated by the House and Senate. Well I guess maybe the Repubs should now post a TV add that says, you worried about the draft? Talk to your local Dem. Rep.
Shame on all those TV ads and radio ads and MTV for lying to our young people. I hate to tell you they are not as stupid as you think they are. They have access and are better at checking things than most older people. You mislead our young people and you will send them to the other side.
So here you go folks:
1. There is no draft
2. President Bush has said he does not want a draft.
3. The military does not want a draft.
4. The Democrates sponored a bill to start the draft back up.
5. It was soundly defeated 402-2.
What part of "there is no plan for a draft" do you not get? Our young people should raise a stink about being misled by MTV and the other TV and Radio ads. Or maybe just make them pay in the voting booth.