They should be offended at his lack of respect...
Recently on my local Radio I heard an ad that Kerry was funding. It was on a talk radio station I listen to and it was very disturbing. At first as I was listening to it I thought for sure it had to be from one of the 527 groups. I figured they were low enough to target the race issue like this ad did. Then the final voice came on and it was Kerry's tag line. But a little different than usual. But more on that in a bit. SO I had to hear this ad a few times and each time I heard it the more pissed I got at it at how it was very demeaning to my black friends. I know for a fact as my black friends are much smarter than this ad makes it seem. You decide, here is the ad:
"Bush said he would leave no child behind. But he wasn't talking about your child."
"Bush said prosperity was right around the corner, but he wasn't talking about the corners in your neighborhood."
"Bush has a plan for America. But you're not part of it."
"The Republicans want you to sit out this election and simply stay home…. Who are they fooling? These are the same folks that are against affirmative action, oppose civil rights. These are the same people against raising the minimum wage. And want to take away overtime pay…. Under Bush, 1.1 million more black folks live in poverty than they did before 2001."
"Don't keep getting played"
OK now for the kicker, Kerry comes on and says, "I'm John Kerry and I am running for President". Now at first it sounds OK but think about this. EVERY other ad I have ever heard so far ends with "I'm John Kerry and I approved this ad." Not this one. It dawned on me that he used this tag line becasue he thinks blacks are to stupid to know what he's running for? What an insult. And the language being used. Since when do they use "folks" and not "people"? And "getting played"???? The poor use of the English language is another insult to my friends. One of my black friends said that ad made them so mad that they were now going to vote for Bush just to spite Kerrys insult. At least he did not come out and overtly insult them in public.
Playing the race game is very very dangerous. But Kerry has to go and insult the Blacks as well as make it appear they are stupid? Whoever wrote that ad and put it out should be arrested for a hate crime. That or go get their Klan buddies and stay out of the political ad game.