This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
They should be offended at his lack of respect...
Published on October 16, 2004 By ShadowWar In Democrat
Recently on my local Radio I heard an ad that Kerry was funding. It was on a talk radio station I listen to and it was very disturbing. At first as I was listening to it I thought for sure it had to be from one of the 527 groups. I figured they were low enough to target the race issue like this ad did. Then the final voice came on and it was Kerry's tag line. But a little different than usual. But more on that in a bit. SO I had to hear this ad a few times and each time I heard it the more pissed I got at it at how it was very demeaning to my black friends. I know for a fact as my black friends are much smarter than this ad makes it seem. You decide, here is the ad:

"Bush said he would leave no child behind. But he wasn't talking about your child."

"Bush said prosperity was right around the corner, but he wasn't talking about the corners in your neighborhood."

"Bush has a plan for America. But you're not part of it."

"The Republicans want you to sit out this election and simply stay home…. Who are they fooling? These are the same folks that are against affirmative action, oppose civil rights. These are the same people against raising the minimum wage. And want to take away overtime pay…. Under Bush, 1.1 million more black folks live in poverty than they did before 2001."

"Don't keep getting played"

OK now for the kicker, Kerry comes on and says, "I'm John Kerry and I am running for President". Now at first it sounds OK but think about this. EVERY other ad I have ever heard so far ends with "I'm John Kerry and I approved this ad." Not this one. It dawned on me that he used this tag line becasue he thinks blacks are to stupid to know what he's running for? What an insult. And the language being used. Since when do they use "folks" and not "people"? And "getting played"???? The poor use of the English language is another insult to my friends. One of my black friends said that ad made them so mad that they were now going to vote for Bush just to spite Kerrys insult. At least he did not come out and overtly insult them in public.

Playing the race game is very very dangerous. But Kerry has to go and insult the Blacks as well as make it appear they are stupid? Whoever wrote that ad and put it out should be arrested for a hate crime. That or go get their Klan buddies and stay out of the political ad game.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 16, 2004
Yes, I heard this ad not too long ago and was thoroughly pissed because we make progress forward in the Anti-Racism Movement and somebody than drags us a couple steps back.

Oh if I remember right this was a ad or something close to it.

Also Hannity played this on his radio show (which I just happened to hear out of flipping through channels on my car radio) and asked the representative to name one African American in a high position in Kerry's campaign and also to give him names of those who have been disenfranchised or blocked from voting.

I always hear about voters being blocked but have yet to hear any names. With the names we can prevent this from happening to them again.

- Grimjamin Xarrison
on Oct 16, 2004
Well, Grim, you know and I know that NO voters were "disenfranchised" in the 2000 election, in Florida or anywhere else. It's just more dirty politics by the Democratics. There were NEVER any lawsuits filed by ANY disenfranchised voter ANYWHERE in the USA.

How low will the Democrats go to get the black vote? How low will the Democrats go to get the senior citizen vote? The Democrats HAVE NO LIMITS to their hypocrisy, political rhetoric, lies, half-truths, and overall nonsense.

What's next for the Democrats and their TV and radio campaign ads? Have Jesse Jackson, the race warlord, sing "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" to the black voters? Maybe have Al Sharpton pull a Tawana Brawley by spreading feces all over himself and claiming that George Bush did this to him?

It never ends with the Democrats, because they have no MORAL COMPASS, they have no CORE BELIEFS, and they have no sense of fair play.
on Oct 16, 2004
The times they are a changin'. The last couple generations of black children who have grown up without a family unit like their white friends did are realizing what is going down, pardon the Buffalo Springfield reference. The Reverend Jackson and his affair, the push from media to stay ghetto, the dumbing down of rap. Many can see through it, especially once they see the world.
on Oct 16, 2004
I'd expect nothing less from the Pander Party. They should just drop the whole Democrat thing and rename the party, in the interest of full disclosure.

on Oct 16, 2004
i can picture Kerry coming on with some rapper and saying "yo, vote for me"... wouldnt put it past him
on Oct 16, 2004
So the Democrats are the racists now? This is what you're going with? Of all the possible differences between the political parties to exploit, this is the one you're sticking with? Here's why its a mistake:

Aside from the fact the NCLB Act is a joke in its current state, let us indeed look at the use of the word "folks" instead of "people." The John Kerry ad used one word in place of another word that carries the same meaning. I suppose you could see this as racist. You could also see it as a synonym. As far as the phrase about "getting played" goes, it's certainly asinine, but no more racist than Bush blatantly preaching to Hispanics in bad Spanish so we'll think he's one of us.

While the final line about running for president is truly disturbing, I would not be so quick to judge it as deliberate. John Kerry is a politician with a staff of writers. Both writers and politicians are apt when it comes to inadvertently saying something offensive. It is just as likely that John Kerry thinks Blacks are stupid as it is that some writer thought it would be good to further differentiate his candidate from Bush by coining a new catch phrase.

Earlier today, George W. Bush gave a speech in which he said that the United States "would not have an all-volunteer army." After a couple of seconds of shocked gasping from the Republican crowd, he quickly corrected himself and said the United States "would have an all-volunteer army." I could take this as a Freudian slip and convince myself that if George W. Bush gets reelected, the draft will come down on America with the swiftness and agility of a condor. On the other hand, I could realize that George W. Bush is a human being, and not a particularly smart one at that, who is perhaps prone to slips of the tongue, mind, and trigger finger.

Stupidity and racism often coincide, but they are still two distinct things. It's useful to tell them apart.
on Oct 16, 2004
I could take this as a Freudian slip and convince myself that if George W. Bush gets reelected, the draft will come down on America with the swiftness and agility of a condor.

Was the commercial live? I think that Kerry knew exactly what he was saying when he said it.

and not a particularly smart one at that

had to add in the smear, didnt you?

Stupidity and racism often coincide, but they are still two distinct things. It's useful to tell them apart.

so is this stupidity, racism, or a mixture of both? (id go with the third)
on Oct 16, 2004
had to add in the smear, didnt you?

You can't deny it, he isn't especially bright.

I agree though, the wording seems questionable at best. However, I don't think anyone in the Kerry campaign is dumb enough to blatantly manufacture a racist commercial this close to the election.

And shadowwar, if you are honestly voting for Bush JUST to spite Kerry's "insults", you might as well stay home, that's a terrible reason. If that's the case, I'd go so far to say you're a terrible voter as well.
on Oct 16, 2004
And shadowwar, if you are honestly voting for Bush JUST to spite Kerry's "insults", you might as well stay home, that's a terrible reason. If that's the case, I'd go so far to say you're a terrible voter as well.

Are you saying the same thing to people who vote for Kerry simply because they dislike Bush?
on Oct 17, 2004
So the Democrats are the racists now?

Did I say the word Democrats? Is it not right to question our Government or is it only right when you are not the one who is at fault?

I value everybody's individuals rights but there is a difference between Freedom of Speech and Libel/Slander, without any names given how can we trust a party with that information? Would you trust the opposing party if they pulled the same stunt, be honest now don't pussyfoot around the question and give a half-honest answer.

I value everybody as individual and I do not seperate them or divide them no matter what differences there exist between them.

I follow the philosophy of Ayn Rand and believe in an individual's rights and that person's right to property.

I will fight for those who are persecuted whether it is racism or reverse racism (it is still racism) or whether it be because the person is challenged or different sexual preference or different religion or a gun-owner or United States Soldier.

I am for Liberty first always and every day from this day, the days preceding it and until the day I die.

'Give me Liberty or give me death!'
- Grimtrick Xenry

on Oct 17, 2004
So the Democrats are the racists now? This is what you're going with? Of all the possible differences between the political parties to exploit, this is the one you're sticking with?

Actually I never said the democrats. In fact I only said Kerry. I know better than to lump a group to gether and acuse them all of being this or that. Oh thats right thats just what Kerry did to the blacks.

And shadowwar, if you are honestly voting for Bush JUST to spite Kerry's "insults", you might as well stay home, that's a terrible reason. If that's the case, I'd go so far to say you're a terrible voter as well.

If you had read what I wrote I said a BLACK friend of mine was now going to vote for BUSH. I never said me. You need to read before you spout off like that. I read up on the issues, and the choices and make up my own mind based on what I think is best for my country and my family. SO again before you go saying something like that to me and calling me a "terrible voter" you should make sure you are writing about something factual.

You see your attack on me is just the type of thing that gets the gall of people who try to look past all the hatefilled ads and other non-sense and try to look at real issues. Instead of thinking about what I wrote about you think about me instead. Who is the terrible voter, one who looks at the issues and choices, or one who attacks other voters based on something they themselves made up??

on Oct 17, 2004

Reply #8 By: apdelong31 - 10/16/2004 11:09:29 PM
And shadowwar, if you are honestly voting for Bush JUST to spite Kerry's "insults", you might as well stay home, that's a terrible reason. If that's the case, I'd go so far to say you're a terrible voter as well.

Who gives a hairy rat's butt why he's doing it. Just so long as he does it is what matters.

on Oct 17, 2004
How is that offensive? I'm a minority, in a swing state and I hear crap like that from both sides, don't see how it's offensive
on Oct 17, 2004
I am Hispanic and I DO FIND IT OFFENSIVE!!

- Grimuerto Xican
on Oct 17, 2004
I'm hispanic too, and I don't, and I live in Florida
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