This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)

Well being a cop for as long as I have (28 years +) I think its funny to watch peoples reaction when they ask me what I think of private citizens owning firearms, and I tell them that I think everyone who wants to and is capable should be able to carry one if they want. I know that sounds funny coming from a cop, but if more people properly carried firearms, I truly think violent crime would decrease.

The reasoning behind that is that criminals would know that the chances of their victim being armed and able to defend themselves is much higher in a society that carries than one that does not.

Take this to the question I asked the other day about the bystanders that watched a man beat a child to death and did not stop him. A armed/ trained/ licensed gun carrier could have legally stopped that crime. In Salt Lake city a man walks into a mall and starts shooting people. A man with a concealed firearm hears the shots and responds to the scene, his wife calls 911 to tell them what is happening and describes her husband in detail so police know he is not the shooter. The firearm carrier engages and shoots the shooter and police arrive and working with him, kill the mall shooter. In this case the concealed carrier of a firearm was a off duty police officer at dinner with his dispatcher wife, but it could well have been a civilian.

Criminals like to prey on weak, defenseless victims, no criminal wants to try and attack or otherwise victimize a armed citizen. They know they are likely to die in the attempt and they go elsewhere.

So the Supreme Courts decision is one that just confirms the idea that our founding fathers understood that the citizens not only should have the right to own firearms, but that they may actually need them, not only from the random criminal, but also to protect themselves from a tyrannical government run amok.

I am glad the decided the way they did, and I hope that many more of these firearms bans are removed and more citizens will take this opportunity to get some training in defending themselves and their families and carry concealed properly handled firearms.

You can walk out your door today and be defenseless against an attacker, or you can walk out the door today and know you are able to defend yourself and your family if needed. The second way is a great feeling of safety and security.

Be safe everyone...

Sources: Personal experience, and 28 years as a cop...seeing humans harming other humans.

on Jul 02, 2008
Thanks for a great piece, insightful and solid. I agree totally with you. What I find apalling about the Supreme Courts decision is the fact that it was 5-4. It should have been unanimous.
on Jul 02, 2008

What I find apalling about the Supreme Courts decision is the fact that it was 5-4. It should have been unanimous.

With Stephens and Ginsberg there, no way that was going to happen.

Breyer and Souter, not much better chance really.

Considering the way Kennedy has blown in the wind lately, and landed on the wrong side of a few decisions (no death penalty for child rapists ) we were lucky we got the decision we did.

On the other hand, it would be nice to think we'd see a different court make-up that was smarter about these decisions, but that isn't going to happen any time soon.  Stephens has made a deal with the devil to let him stay on the bench until he can be replaced with an even more wacko liberal.

on Jul 03, 2008

It's no surprise to me that you (as a cop) would support the 2nd Amendment.  In fact, most the cops I've talked to agree with you.  The fact is, the only people who are actually threatened by armed law abiding citizens are criminals.

on Jul 03, 2008
What I find apalling about the Supreme Courts decision is the fact that it was 5-4. It should have been unanimous.

I agree. This was not "interpreting" the intent of the founders, it was in black and white IN the constitution.

It is sad to say that liberal fear an armed citizenry for this very reason. They seek to subvert the constitution, and if the citizens were to revolt at their new found dictatorship, stones are an ineffective method of overthrowing despots - as we say in Tianamin Square. They cannot advance their agenda without first disarming the populace. But we have also seen they are patient. This is not the end of it, only the first step.