This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
from yor Average American...
Published on October 21, 2004 By ShadowWar In International
Dear Terrorist, Criminal, Murderer,

I am writing this in the hope that it somehow, someway finds its way to you wherever you may be. You see I am your average American. I live in an average home, I have a wife and a 5 year old son, and work very hard for a living. I am not rich and not poor. I think I feel like many of my fellow Americans so I thought I would write you and let you know how many average Americans feel.

We see on the nightly news the suicide bombings, the kidnappings, the murder of your fellow Iraqis and our countrymen. Some of them children and women. We wonder how can someone do this? How can someone murder innocents in the name of a God that is supposed to be so loving and caring for his people? By your very actions you prove it is not so.

Why if you are such great fighters and soldiers of Allah do you always wear hoods in your videos and pictures? If you are so brave why do you not show us your faces? Are you afraid we will find out who you are and come for you? Then you are not so brave after all. In fact most of us feel you are the most cowardly people we have ever seen. You hide behind masks and murder bound and tied innocents. Even a coward can do that. Show us your face if you are so brave.

We see on the nightly news the hatred you have for America, and we wonder why? Is it you don’t like our building more schools in your country? Is it you don’t like us fixing and upgrading your electric and sewer systems, your roads, your country?
Is it you don’t like us treating your sick and injured with our medical supplies and personnel?

Maybe you don’t like having our soldiers on your streets. I can understand that. I wouldn’t like it either. Did it ever occur to you that if the violence stopped that our soldiers would leave? That’s the whole idea behind our soldiers still being there. If you were to stop killing, beheading, and murdering your own and our countrymen, they would more than likely be brought back home and leave your country to you. So why the continued violence? The easiest way to get us to leave is to stop the violence.

You see the more you kill fellow countrymen, women and children, and our soldiers, the more we want them to hunt you down and kill you. Every time you blow yourselves up we are happy, yes happy, because it is one less of you to terrorize the world. Eventually if you all keep blowing yourselves up, there won’t be any more of you to worry about. So get on with it. You see here in America if you were to do what you are doing there the citizens of this country would hunt you down and kill you. We wouldn’t need the police or the military.

You see that is the difference I see between you and I. My fellow Americans would help our countrymen hunt you down here and help them ferret you out no matter where you tried to hide. You try to kill innocents here and you get the type of response you now see. I have never seen my country so united as it was right after the 9/11 attacks on my country. We would have gladly risen up and wiped you out had we found you here in our country. Many think we are very divided now, I think that is the media and politicians talking. I may not share some political views with my fellow Americans, but I would gladly stand right beside them and fight you to the death if that is what it took to eliminate your kind from our soil. Democrat or Republican, Independent or Green Party, I think most Americans would stand together to defend our country against you.

So I pose this to you, you see we average Americans are getting real tired of you killing your fellow countrymen and our American Citizens and soldiers. We would love nothing better than for our Armies to bomb you into oblivion. To wipe you off the face of the earth. The world would be a better place without your kind, and so we stand behind the fight to wipe you out. Word of warning though, continue to piss us off and we are likely to lose our civilized minds and if you think hiding behind a mask will protect you, you have never seen a pissed off America, ask the Japanese and Germans what happens when you make us really mad.

Sincerely yours,
An Average American.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 21, 2004

Word of warning though, continue to piss us off and we are likely to lose our civilized minds and if you think hiding behind a mask will protect you, you have never seen a pissed off America, ask the Japanese and Germans what happens when you make us really mad.

Yeah, but what about the more recent examples of Korean and Vietnam Wars. We ran like a .....
on Oct 21, 2004
Yeah, but what about the more recent examples of Korean and Vietnam Wars. We ran like a .....

Actually, try Vietnam and Somalia. We are still in Korea, and never ran there.
on Oct 21, 2004
Yeah, but what about the more recent examples of Korean and Vietnam Wars

Hey you can use Vietnam, but Korea is a different story, improperly equipped soldiers fighting an army that attacked in waves. My Grandfather hated the Chinese Army until they day he died because of Korea, but if it came to us fighting China again, we would not hold back. Not to mention we now know HOW COLD it can get in Korea. I was amazed seeing pictures of US Soldiers fighting in the snow with only a poncho on for protection from the weather, YIKES!!

Good post ShadowWar!

- G X

on Oct 21, 2004
Hey LIttle Whip,

Ha ha ha. Don't be so personal. I am a strong supporter of the Bush adminstration. I was simply pointing out that the terriosts aren't exactly looking at the WW2 generation. They are looking at our failure in Korean and Vietanam War as examples to how they can defeat us. Why would anyone use the WW2 as example, that generation is slowly dying. On the other hand, the Korean/Vietnam War generation is the one in power: Look at Clinton and Kerry. bin Laden has said American will run when causalties are high. He never said he can defeat us in a traditionally sense. He relies on the fact that we will run. As John McCain has said gracefully, "But an absence of complacency should not provoke an absence of confidence. What our enemies have sought to destroy is beyond their reach. It cannot be taken from us. It can only be surrendered." Now I am not comparing bin Laden with McCain. They should not be mentioned in the same sentence, and I didn't But you should know both friends and foes realize the key to victory in this war. It is not about developing more powerful weapons, it is not about getting more money, it is not about the UN. It has and will always be about our commitment.

Of course, the terriosts cannot defeat us from a tactical point of views. We as a nation has greater population, resource, technology and everything. The question is that will we withdraw just like the Vietnam conflict. If you go back and look at the Vietnam conflict, we won most of the battles in that war and we killed more enemies than they killed us.... so how did we lose that war. SImilar to what McCain has said, "it can only be surrendered". So what make you be so sure that our next president will not surrender? Are you even sure who is going to win our presidential election? Everyone says we won't run this time, and that we will be steadfast. I am unsure. Even McCain is unsure. Just look at the recent poll number, just look at what most American think. You cannot deny the fact that most American are not steadfast about the Iraq War anymore./font>
on Oct 21, 2004
Hey you can use Vietnam, but Korea is a different story, improperly equipped soldiers fighting an army that attacked in waves. My Grandfather hated the Chinese Army until they day he died because of Korea, but if it came to us fighting China again, we would not hold back. Not to mention we now know HOW COLD it can get in Korea. I was amazed seeing pictures of US Soldiers fighting in the snow with only a poncho on for protection from the weather, YIKES!!

As improperly equipped the US soliders were, I bet you 1000 dollar we were still more equipped than the Chinese Red Army. This is the problem, we complain about things which we already has the advantage. The Chinese Army might not be that much bigger than the conventional belief. It certainly wasn't a 2:1 ratio last I heard.
on Oct 21, 2004
Interesting info on the Chinese Intervention in the Korean War[LINK]

Trying to find exact numbers of all parties involved, so far I found a rough number of 300,000+ Chinese Army involved, still looking...

If the ratio was only 2:1 than how did my Grandfather an expert marksmen with experience in World War II fight against the Chinese and got down to fighting with his E-tool and machete when he ran out of bullets? Bad shots? I hardly think so, the man was an expert marksman his entire military career from early 1940s to early 1960s, he was a First Sergeant at the end.

He also got kicked out of Benning and sent to Fort Sill for having his Artillery Battery outshoot the local Marksmen Infantry unit.
on Oct 21, 2004
No offense. But exact how huge the chinese army was there? You think there was a 10:1 army force difference? Chinese army was not known to be well-equipped. Are you telling me that the Chinese has a huge army in Korea and that the Chinese government somehow has enough equipment for a huge army. Anyway, these are not my main points.

You have to agree on the War on Terriosm, we have every statues on our side. Economy, technology, diplomacy, equipment.... So the War on Terriosm comes down to determination, right?
on Oct 21, 2004
I was talking about the Korean War, 1950s.
I don't believe the Chinese Army is IN Korea now, but the intervention was a pretty drastic difference in numbers during the Korean War.

Now if we took on North Korea, China would most likely keep out of the picture out of fear of starting World War IV and being attacked from two different directions and Russia might step in as well against China, than again who knows.

The War on Terrorism does indeed come down to who is the most determined and who's will prevails. That is why I agree with General Cody saying the Iraq Conflict is now a battle of wills and it is a battle we cannot lose.

- Grim X
on Oct 21, 2004
Now if we took on North Korea, China would most likely keep out of the picture out of fear of starting World War IV and being attacked from two different directions and Russia might step in as well against China, than again who knows.

You mean if USA attacks N. Korea now, China would not defend N. Korea? I won't bet on that. What make you think China got involve in the first Korean War anayway? In term of the Russia China relationship, I believe the Chinese-Russian relationship is pretty good right now, much better during the Cold War. There is no reason for me to believe Russia would side with USA and not China if the next Korea occurs. Russia sees USA as a bigger than China and same for China. China see USA as a bigger threat than Russia.
on Oct 21, 2004
I like this article very much, ShadowWar. You get an Insightful from me.
on Oct 21, 2004
What make you think China got involve in the first Korean War anayway?

Hmm, could it be history, otherwise I don't get what exactly you are trying to get at with this. The UN Forces beat the NK forces but than the Chinese Forces stepped in and pushed the UN Forces back to the 38th Parallel, unless History books and the people who were there are lying?

Anyways, speaking of War on Terrorism, I wonder what is going to happen in France if they are not keeping a lookout for Terrorists from around the world since there are more than just Islamo-Fascists in the world who want to commit acts of terrorism. Something tells me if they get into deep trouble, who do you think they will call to for help?

- GX

on Oct 21, 2004

Reply #10 By: Chemicalkinetics - 10/21/2004 2:56:57 PM
What make you think China got involve in the first Korean War anayway?

I think you need to go back and read your history books some more. It sure wasn't the N Koreans that pushed the US back to the 38th parallel. It was Communist China!
on Oct 21, 2004
Ok, let me phase this correctly. You said you don't think China will get in the next Korea War between US and Korea because China will be too scared. If so, why did China got involved in the first Korean War? Why wasn't China scared of USA back then? What I am saying is that whatever make China got in the first Korean War is as good as the reasons for the next Korean War. That is why I said, "What make you think the Chinese was in the Korean War" Maybe I should have said "Why do you think the Chinese was in the Korea War".

I think French government is .... Anyway, I think the French has always believe in the policy of comprise with terriosts. At least it certianly looks that way in the past 50 years. That may be one of the many reason the French aren't happy with Bush's aggressive War on Terriosm. Because the French believes Bush has provoked the terriosts resistance, thus making terriosm a larger issue. I don't know if the French will get in trouble with the terriosts anytime soon. They aren't exactly on the frontline. Look, if I am a Islamic terriost, France isn't that high on the list.
on Oct 21, 2004
What I am saying is that whatever make China got in the first Korean War is as good as the reasons for the next Korean War.

Two words: Soviet Union
Either way Russia will stay out of a possible war leaving China on its own, because Russia has enough problems internally.

Still think it would be funny to have the French beg for help, yet again from the people they reportedly hate soo much.

- GX
on Oct 21, 2004

Reply #14 By: Chemicalkinetics - 10/21/2004 3:22:16 PM
Ok, let me phase this correctly. You said you don't think China will get in the next Korea War between US and Korea because China will be too scared. If so, why did China got involved in the first Korean War? Why wasn't China scared of USA back then?

No. They weren't scared of us back then. They had a saying. "You kill one Chinaman, 10 more take his place".
To them soldiers were expendable and they potentionally had a lot more of them then we did.
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