from yor Average American...
Dear Terrorist, Criminal, Murderer,
I am writing this in the hope that it somehow, someway finds its way to you wherever you may be. You see I am your average American. I live in an average home, I have a wife and a 5 year old son, and work very hard for a living. I am not rich and not poor. I think I feel like many of my fellow Americans so I thought I would write you and let you know how many average Americans feel.
We see on the nightly news the suicide bombings, the kidnappings, the murder of your fellow Iraqis and our countrymen. Some of them children and women. We wonder how can someone do this? How can someone murder innocents in the name of a God that is supposed to be so loving and caring for his people? By your very actions you prove it is not so.
Why if you are such great fighters and soldiers of Allah do you always wear hoods in your videos and pictures? If you are so brave why do you not show us your faces? Are you afraid we will find out who you are and come for you? Then you are not so brave after all. In fact most of us feel you are the most cowardly people we have ever seen. You hide behind masks and murder bound and tied innocents. Even a coward can do that. Show us your face if you are so brave.
We see on the nightly news the hatred you have for America, and we wonder why? Is it you don’t like our building more schools in your country? Is it you don’t like us fixing and upgrading your electric and sewer systems, your roads, your country?
Is it you don’t like us treating your sick and injured with our medical supplies and personnel?
Maybe you don’t like having our soldiers on your streets. I can understand that. I wouldn’t like it either. Did it ever occur to you that if the violence stopped that our soldiers would leave? That’s the whole idea behind our soldiers still being there. If you were to stop killing, beheading, and murdering your own and our countrymen, they would more than likely be brought back home and leave your country to you. So why the continued violence? The easiest way to get us to leave is to stop the violence.
You see the more you kill fellow countrymen, women and children, and our soldiers, the more we want them to hunt you down and kill you. Every time you blow yourselves up we are happy, yes happy, because it is one less of you to terrorize the world. Eventually if you all keep blowing yourselves up, there won’t be any more of you to worry about. So get on with it. You see here in America if you were to do what you are doing there the citizens of this country would hunt you down and kill you. We wouldn’t need the police or the military.
You see that is the difference I see between you and I. My fellow Americans would help our countrymen hunt you down here and help them ferret you out no matter where you tried to hide. You try to kill innocents here and you get the type of response you now see. I have never seen my country so united as it was right after the 9/11 attacks on my country. We would have gladly risen up and wiped you out had we found you here in our country. Many think we are very divided now, I think that is the media and politicians talking. I may not share some political views with my fellow Americans, but I would gladly stand right beside them and fight you to the death if that is what it took to eliminate your kind from our soil. Democrat or Republican, Independent or Green Party, I think most Americans would stand together to defend our country against you.
So I pose this to you, you see we average Americans are getting real tired of you killing your fellow countrymen and our American Citizens and soldiers. We would love nothing better than for our Armies to bomb you into oblivion. To wipe you off the face of the earth. The world would be a better place without your kind, and so we stand behind the fight to wipe you out. Word of warning though, continue to piss us off and we are likely to lose our civilized minds and if you think hiding behind a mask will protect you, you have never seen a pissed off America, ask the Japanese and Germans what happens when you make us really mad.
Sincerely yours,
An Average American.