This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Don't like the US? Stop taking our help!
Published on December 1, 2004 By ShadowWar In Current Events
OK, I am tired of hearing in the mainstream media and print press that other countries are “angry” or “hate” or “disapprove” of the US or its actions, or its people. I have heard comments from the French, Germans, the United Nations, and others about how the U.S.A. is more of a detriment to peace than it is a help. Well I am here to tell you, as an American, I say to my government PULL OUT! Stop giving aid to other countries, stop supplying military aid, stop giving free surplus food to third world nations, stop giving medical aid, education aid, economic aid, pull out of the international picture. Isolationism? Maybe thats what it takes. Then lets see how France and the rest get along with the rest of the world. Need help? Call France and Germany, since they are such big players in the aid market and world peace makers.

The US government gave over $11 billion in economic aid in 2003, this does not include the private organizations and groups that provide aid for free to third world nations. Aids assistance, medical doctors and nurses that travel to third world countries and help the sick. This does not include the free food, farming equipment and other donations from Americas farmers. Pull our military out of other countries, the bases, the funding, everything, put them back in the US. Close all bases on other countries soil. How much economic impact would that have on those countries? What about local economies? What does the presence of the US Military in Germany contribute to the German economy? Korea, Japan? Phillipines? Others? Don't want that money? Fine don't take it!

I say pull it all back, stop helping anyone outside the US, take that money and invest it in American interest such as oil exploration and production, research into clean energy, research into medical issues such as cancer, aids and such. And use those findings to help Americans, not these cry baby countries that are a bunch of snobs and holier than though asses.

United Nations? What a joke. Without the US they have no power. What country gives the UN its teeth for military action? Not that it ever used them, the US. But you know what? We are getting sick of all the whining and crying from others about how bad we are, if we are so bad you do not have to accept one red cent from us, turn it down, I DARE YOU! You don’t like the US, then stop taking our help and aid. We would be very happy to put it back into our own country. If the UN doesn’t like what the US does, then take your headquarters and pack it up and get the hell off our soil! I am so tired of the crap they dish out I feel like we should pull out of the UN ourselves. Look at the Food for Oil program that the UN administered. What a surprise the head of the UN’s son is in it deep for cash. Illegal cash. What a surprise. France? Where is all the money you took in that project also? No wonder you were against the war in Iraq, it stopped a lot of cash from coming your way. I feel so sad about that. NOT!

I say to the cry baby people and the countries that whine about how the US is a bully and we are trying to dominate the world and the middle east. I regret to inform you, we don’t want it! We, most Americans, don’t want Iraq. Its not like I am going to pack my family up and move them there because we now “own it.” I sure don’t want to move to France, or Africa, or any other place like that. I like it just fine here, in this country that you all think is so screwed up. I do not want the middle east. I do not want to support those people who are to arrogant and stupid to put down their suicide bombs and help themselves to a better life. Stop killing each other and pick up a shovel and start building things rather than digging graves. Stop killing children of your own country to prove a point. The only point you are proving to us is you are ignorant and stupid and fail to see that building a better life accomplishes more than destroying your neighbor.
So all that said, I say you don’t like the US, so what, stop taking our help. You don’t like the war in Iraq? So what, then stop hindering our getting out of their, step up and help the Iraq government and people. You don’t think we should be there? Then put up your people to take our place and give democracy a chance there. Want to help alleviate AIDS and hunger in the third world? The stop taking our aid and take a shovel and farm some food for yourselves. As Americans go, this American is tired of all the whining and crying about how bad my country is, we are a great country of caring giving people and we try to help when we can, but if you don’t like our help then stop taking it! But I know you can’t so stop crying and start helping yourselves and others. I don’t know how much longer Americans are going to put up with the rest of the worlds bashing of the US before we say enough is enough.

on Dec 01, 2004
Pretty good rant Shadow.
I think you need to dig a little deeper for that simmering anger that must be in there.
on Dec 02, 2004
I have yet begun to touch my inner anger..