This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Don't despair! It can be recovered..
Published on December 1, 2004 By ShadowWar In Personal Computing
Hello all,

In the past few weeks I have had to recover for some people images that they deleted on their digital camera cards. I then ran into a few that did not know that they can be recovered. So hence my post here.

Your digital camera card is a chip that stores images in memory. That memory, unlike RAM in your computer does not disappear when the power goes away or you would lose all your iamges everytime you turned off the camera or pulled out the card. When you delete the images using your camera or even a computer the images are not totally gone. They can be retrieved.

I had a fellow officer that had gone to Paris and shot 5 full CompactFlash cards full of images. (Why he would go to France is beyond me. ) Then when he got home he transfered the images to a CD. Or so he thought. He deleted all the images from the CF cards and then upon looking at the CD found that none of the image shad been transfered and he had not one image! Well before he began to take more pictures he called me and asked if I could help. Within about 2 hours he had a CD which had ALL the images he thought he had lost.

Without going into all the technical lingo, your digital camera cards, USB Pen Drives, And any hard drive can have the data retrieved if you need it. It just takes soeone with the right hardware, software and knowledge. So don't despair! It can be saved. Oh and don't pay hundreds or thousands of dollars. Shop around first.

The Ubergeek... LOL Aka ShadowWar.

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