This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Want to know what was found?
Published on December 9, 2004 By ShadowWar In Current Events
I was amazed at how low key things were about what was found in Fallujah. Didn't we find anything like weapons, or IED's or anything that the people in America should see or hear about? So I started to ask around to my military buddies and guess what, magically in my inbox appears a very well done Powerpoint show of some of these things. You can view it (to large to post here) at :

But here are few of the more interesting facts I found:

Fallujah is roughly 20 square Kilometers in size.
There were 100 Mosques in Fallujah, but 3 out of every 5 (60) were being used as fighting positions or weapon storage.
They found 653 IED's (Improvised Explosive Devices) in Fallujah. The average number found all across Iraq per month from July to October was 772.
They found 11 IED factories.
They found 3 identifiable slaughter houses
1 out of every 5 blocks had a weapons cache. - (203 total weapons caches were found)
3 hospitals were being used as fighting positions

For those of you that don't know the "Law of Warfare" using a Mosque or Hospital as a weapons storage or fighting position is a violation of that and causes the Mosque or Hospital to lose its protected building status. Meaning that if they fight from it or use it, we can attack it or destroy it, within the "Law of Warfare".

They were also using the Fallujah cemetery as a weapons cache, again a violation of Law of war.

In one of the IED factories they found a Garmin GPS III Plus receiver. On this they found waypoints that started in western Syria.

What did they find?
Artillery Rounds - 25+
Mortar Rounds - 857+
Rockets - 147+
Grenades - 239
Anti - Tank mines - 596+
Anti-personnel Mines - 12+
Mines (unknown type) - 268+
Anti-tank guided missiles - 86
RPG's- 280
Recoiless Rifle Rounds - 328
Surface to Air missiles - 10
And many other explosive componets

So let me see what does all this show? Well for one it shows how very active the insurgants were in Fallujah, it also shows how our troops performed with outstanding skill and were able to capture all these things. I am hoping and guessing this will put a dent in the isurgant ability to use these items.

Way to go troops. If you have not viewed the Powerpoint you should.

You will find it no where else, because of course the mainstream media will have nothing to do with showing how well we performed in Fallujah. Or the print press for that matter. I invite others of the net to send that link around and get the word out on what really is out there in Fallujah and how well we did.


on Dec 09, 2004
thanx for getting the facts out , but dont expect any kudos from the luny left or the media elite, as all there concerned with is there own agenda, ie; bush bashing and nay saying.
on Dec 09, 2004

do you have any official numbers on a. the number of insurgent prisoners taken.  b. the number of foreign fighters captured. c. the number of insurgents killed.  d. the number of foreign fighters killed? 

in other words a. and c. would be the total number of insurgents of all nationalities.  b.. would = a - any prisoners whose nationality is unverifiable. d would = verified iragi nationals killed - dead insurgents whose nationality is unverifiable.

on Dec 09, 2004
kingbee, excellent questions and I am on it right now...I will post it as soon as I ge the numbers confirmed..

on Dec 09, 2004
OK Kingbee and all,

I have been able to find that the most up to date numbers are 2,085 Insurgents killed and 1600 captured. These numbers are in a statement from the Iraqi National Security Advisor, Qassem Dawoud.

I can not find a better breakdown. I will continue to look.

on Dec 10, 2004
They found 3 identifiable slaughter houses

Do you mean torture chambers/execution camps or something like that? I'm not familiar with this term beyond the farming meaning.

It's definitely a surprise though that the rebels are so poorly armed. With at least 3000 fighters killed/captured and probably more escaped that's not a lot of weaponry.
on Dec 10, 2004
According to the press, the only thing the Coalition is doing in Iraq is dying and abusing prisoners. I don't mind them reporting on such things, since it is "news", but it is telling that they seem to hate reporting anything about the progress being made.

Thanks for taking the time to learn the facts, and for posting them here.

Another good website that shows progress by our troops in Iraq is


on Dec 10, 2004
There is no doubt as to the quantity of arms found in falluja. Falluja was a haven for terrorists and the US did have to act on it.

In my mind, they have done a fairly good job of clearing the city out while minimising casulties. I also have no problem with them attacking any religious building which they are being attacked from, or assaulting any hospital from which they are being attacked. The important job here is to take video evidence of such an attack so that there is no doubt in anyones minds as to why they attacked such buildings.

They have admitted thoguh that they had to destroy a much larger quantity of the city than they originally planned and therefore will nto be able to meet their own initial targets for restoring living conditions for the citizens of Falluja. It sort of highlights the general issue with Iraq though, the US army is excellent at doing it's job when it comes to war. Where it does fail is in it's ability to provide civilian services and establish positive relations and peace. This is something the US government needs to address, and in my opinion soldiers should be completely seperate from such undertakings.

Fair respect to those soldiers who did fight in Falluja though. They did a very tough job with few casulties and few accusations of misconduct.

on Dec 10, 2004

I have been able to find that the most up to date numbers are 2,085 Insurgents killed and 1600 captured. These numbers are in a statement from the Iraqi National Security Advisor, Qassem Dawoud

the numbers i saw in the paper a day or two after the smoke cleared musta been pretty accurate cuz as i recall they were about the same...maybe +/- 100 or so.  in the same article i read said they had 1000 still in custody and that the total number of  verifiable 3rd nation fighters was about  umm  32 i think.  i got the impression they were captures cuz it said there was no way to determine the nationality of corpses without id, altho there were some of those found in possession of a copy of the qu'ran printed outside iraq so it seemed likely the guy had maybe been influenced by that ad:  'the qu'ran...dont leave home without it' 

32 confirmed seems like a very small percentage to me.