This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Being PC has reached new lows...
Published on January 18, 2005 By ShadowWar In Politics
OK OK I have not been around in a bit but I have to say this issue brought me out of my slump.

Our local School Board had to decide on a few extra days to put into the school schedule to make up for some missed days due to our hurricanes. So after passing around a few ideas they decided to use a few holidays to make up the days. Here is where it rubs my rubarb wrong. The school board picked Veterans Day as a school day and left MLK Day as a holiday!?!?! What in effect they are saying is that MLK Day should be a holiday and Veterans Day was not as important.

HELLO!! Am I the only person in this lefty land of Alachua County that thinks this is wrong? Basically I look at it as a slap in the face of every veteran out there and how far we have strayed in the name of being politically correct.

Then I see its now MLK Week not just a day.???? Hey if anyone deserves a week its our veterans. The only reason you can have a MLK Day or Week or any other holiday to celebrate is due to the sacrifice of our veterans. Its because of these young men and women that MLK could even march and not be thrown in jail by a communist government. MLK owes it to our veterans to be able to give his "I have a dream" speech. Without them he would not have a country like the USA in which to voice his ideas.

Our School Board slapped every Veteran in the face and then our County Commission being duly afraid of not being thought of as PC goes ahead and makes it a week of MLK??

Here is what the School Board said on their web site:
The following days were originally scheduled as holidays or pupil holidays/teacher workdays,
but will now be regular school days: Nov. 11 (Veterans Day); Nov. 24 (Wednesday before
Thanksgiving); Jan. 14 (Teacher Workday); Feb. 21 (Presidents’ Day); March 25 (Teacher

OK whats is this, Veterans Day is right up there with Teacher Workdays?

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