This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
The positive things never make the news. Wonder why...
Published on April 22, 2005 By ShadowWar In Current Events
2d Brigade Combat Team uncovers weapons stockpiles

By Staff Sgt. Craig Zentkovich
2nd BCT PAO, April 21, 2005

MADAIN, Iraq – Following an early-morning cordon and search of a city south of Baghdad, Iraqi Security Forces supported by Task Force Baghdad Soldiers, discovered weapons caches at two separate locations Monday. Prior to Monday’s search, Madain (also known as Salman Pak) had for months been known as a terrorist staging ground for improvised explosive device attacks against Iraqi and U.S. forces. Items discovered and later destroyed by an explosive ordinance disposal team from Task Force Baghdad’s 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, included more than 50 82mm mortal shells, rocket-propelled grenades and launchers, rockets, high-explosive artillery shells, and a pair of 250-pound Russian-made bombs. Additionally, dozens of rigged IED initiation devices and spools of wire were found in a nearby shack.
A sports utility vehicle at the site contained three 155mm artillery shells wired and packed with additional explosives. Iraqi and U.S. forces provided security of the sites while EOD removed the threat. “The mission was very successful,” said Lt. Col. Michael Johnson, commander of 3rd Squadron, 7th Cavalry Regiment. “The (Iraqi forces) were able to secure Salman Oak … and find a large weapons cache where IED vehicle bombs were being manufactured.” In the town center, Iraqi Security Forces, numbering in the hundreds, celebrated after reclaiming a police station that had not been occupied by Iraqi Police personnel for months. “The U.S. forces had a very small part in the operation,” Johnson said. “(3-7 Cav.) served as a quick reaction force, if necessary. This was an all Iraqi-planned and executed mission.”

on Apr 22, 2005
If China invaded the USA, would Shadow War willingly accept the label "terrorist" if he decided he didn't like the Chinese military overthrowing the American government and started to act against them like a patriotic American should? If Shadow War buried a bomb to blow the hell out of the Chinese occupation armored vehicles as they drove through his neighborhood, would he gladly take the term 'terrorist' for his own? Or would Shadow War claim he was acting against the illegal chinese occupation and only being a patriotic American who wants self-determination for his own country? Would Shadow War be bothered if the world was being told he was a terrorist? An Iraqi killing an American is as patriotic and heartmoving as it was when George Washington's men were killing the Brits. They both decided they wanted their own voice in the world. What's the difference between George Washington's war and Iraq's war? If the US invaded Canada, I'd try kill Americans. If China invaded Canada I'd try kill the Chinese. If Russia invaded the US you'd try kill Russians. If Brazil invaded the US you'd kill Brazilians. Why is it hard to see the fact that the Iraqi people weren't terrorists pre-911, and they aren't terrorists now? Freedom fighters who want self-determination. That concept used to make Americans cum. But now freedom is a crock of shit which is stirred whenever the powers that be need something done. "We killed a baby? We're bringing freedom to Iraq!"...."We're shot at by Iraqis? It's because Iraqis don't want freedom." Load a shite.
on Apr 22, 2005
freedom fighters? so, ppl that supported Saddam and his killing machine ways is a freedom fighter, posted on the same regard, elevated to the same rank as American Revolutionaries? Do you think it is ok to kidnap young women, rape and beat them, then dump their used and lifeless bodies on the side of the road? that is what happened in Iraq before we eliminated that government. YOu think it is ok to torture and kill ANY who oppose you, by any ruthless and cruel ways imaginable? That is what happened in Iraq before we went and eliminated that government.

How about you were walking down your Canadian street....and you said somehting to the effect that the current leaders of your Canadian government were a bunch of moronic thing you know, you are in a black van, being taken to who knows are then tortured, with your fingernails first. by the time they are done with you, you are not even recongizable as a human being, just a lump of "flesh".....Now, the ppl that supports the government that does that, you call them freedom fighters?

You actually, consider ppl that purposely blow themselves up in a crowd, killing women AND actually consider THEM freedom fighters, on the same level as American Revolutionaries? Reiki, you are a SICK and TWISTED little think and advocate that what these "freedom fighters" are doing is heartwarming.....

Humanity continues to amaze me....if what you have can ever be considered humane. These "freedom fighters" only want death and destruction....not liberty and freedom for others....they want the iron hand rule of terrorists (yes, Saddam WAS a terrorist, especially to his own ppl) sir, make me sick to be a member of mankind.
on Apr 22, 2005
oh, and one more thing....if Iraqis don't want to vote, then who was doing all the voting when the polls were opened up a month or so ago?
on Apr 22, 2005
America is an invading occupying force. Which means any Iraqi fighting the US is fighting for his country's self determination. So yes they are as equal to the revolutionary fighters from your country's past. You can say what you wish about how the Iraqi people are animals who need the US to run their nation, but we all know that's a load of crap. Any invading force is legally subjected to violence and destruction. Talk about high horse bullshit with that attitude. The US had the right to kill the Brits to get their self determination, but Iraqis can't kill Americans to get their self determination. Total contradiction. Why you think you can argue this is perplexing. And the vote you speak of. China invaded your country. They promised you fair elections. The ballot has 2 thousand names on it. Only you don't know that until the last minute because the poll register was kept secret. Then the Chinese take your votes to their military base located outside of Washington D.C. They count your votes, only they don't give a clear winner 3 months down the road. And then the one who got way less votes was declared the winner.
on Apr 22, 2005

Actually your wrong on more than one front. But to make things really easy for you, all the Iraqi's would have to do to get us to leave is to stop attacking and let things calm down. Then we would leave. I know thats a hard concept for those who do not care why they attack except for religious reasons. If the "TERRORIST" would stop attacking the troops I would gues that the Iraq Government would declare it safe and we would leave. Now theres a tough concept to get used to, want us to leave? Stop attacking us and the Iraqi people. Oh and just for your information the vast majority of people to die in Iraq from the terrorist have been Iraqi's. Not Americans. Oh and we are trying to give them their own "self-determination" so whats the arguemnt now??

OH and so you can work with facts:
General Perceptions
• “Iraq today is generally headed in the right direction” 53.8 percent agree, compared with 42
percent in late September and early October. Thirty-two percent said it is headed in the
wrong direction. (Nationwide poll).
• Percentage of Iraqis who do not support the use of violence towards political ends is 92.8
percent (Baghdad & surrounding area).
• Sixty-six percent believe life will be better a year from now (Nationwide poll).
• Nearly half, (49.1 percent) of the Iraqi population believe the Iraqi Government has been
effective to date (National poll).
Confidence in leaders
• Over 60 percent believe Prime Minister Allawi has been effective (Nationwide poll).
• Fifty-one percent of Iraqis have confidence in President Yawer (Nationwide poll based on
6 major cities).
Confidence in IIG Institutions
• Percentage of Iraqis who are confident in the IPS: 74 percent (Baghdad & surrounding
• Percentage of Iraqis who are confident in the Iraqi Army: 65 percent (Baghdad &
surrounding area).
• Percentage of Iraqis who are confident in the ING: 59.2 percent (Nationwide poll based on
six major cities).
Support to MNF-I
• Percentage of Iraqis who support MNF-I/Coalition Force in Iraq: 18 percent (Baghdad &
surrounding area).
Support to AIF Activities
• Less than 3 percent of Iraqis support attacks on infrastructure and IPS (Baghdad &
surrounding area).
• Less than 5 percent of Iraqis support attacks on ING & IA (Baghdad & surrounding area).