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One Americans view....like it or not..
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Suicide bomber captured, picture of his vest..
Why no media coverage of this?
Published on July 25, 2005 By
Current Events
With al the bombings going on in London and elsewhere, why no media coverage when one fo these animals is captured and the attack is thwarted?
BAGHDAD — Iraqi Security Forces and Task Force Baghdad Soldiers wounded and captured a suicide bomber before he could blow himself up near a Coalition checkpoint in central Baghdad.
“The actions of the Iraqi Police on the scene prevented an act of terrorism in Baghdad today along with the deaths of innocent Iraqi people,” said Col. Ed Cardon, 4th Brigade Combat Team commander following the attack. U.S. military officials said two bombers with explosives vests initially were spotted in front of the car that exploded, then they began walking toward the Iraqi police and Iraqi Army Soldiers who were responding to the car bomb.
Officials said they suspect the two bombers might have been targeting the first responders to the car-bomb attack. An Iraqi Soldier shot one suicide bomber, and, as the bomber fell to the ground, his explosives detonated. Shrapnel from that explosion wounded the second suicide bomber.
“The [Iraqi] Soldiers were about to pick him up and treat him like one of the wounded but then they noticed that he was wearing a suicide vest,” said Maj. Alayne Conway, 4th Brigade Combat Team spokesperson.
That bomber was then shot by the Iraqi police and put in the back of a nearby pick-up truck until an Iraqi explosive ordnance detonation team could arrive to disarm the vest, rendering the area safe and preventing further casualties.
“The Iraqi EOD Soldier was the real hero of the day as he approached the wounded suicide bomber and disarmed the vest,” Conway said.
The vest was eventually turned over to Coalition Forces as part of their investigation. The wounded bomber, paralyzed by bomb shrapnel and gunfire, was taken to the 86th Combat Support Hospital here,
where he remains in critical condition.
“This attack, which included three suicide missions, concentrated on a single target, failed in every way because of discipline and superb execution under fire by vigilant Iraqi Security Forces,” remarked Air Force Brig. Gen. C. Donald Alston, the director of strategic communications, Multi-National Force - Iraq. “Casualties were minimized because they performed their critical job so well. We admire their courage and offer our congratulations for a job well done.”
Four local Iraqi citizens were also wounded in the terrorist attack and evacuated to a local hospital.
“Once again, improved security measures are working. The Iraqi police and Iraqi EOD team performed their jobs well. These suicide bombers failed in their mission while the police succeeded in theirs,” said Cardon. “I am in awe of the bravery of the Iraqi EOD specialist that disarmed the vest on the wounded suicide bomber at great risk to his own life.
“These suicide attacks are acts of terrorism that show wanton disregard for the Iraqi people and the forces that are working to improve security,” Cardon said. However, not all attacks are being prevented. A Task Force Baghdad Soldier was killed July 13 from wounds sustained during a car-bomb attack at 10:50 a.m. in east Baghdad.
At least seven Iraqi children died in the explosion. Multiple Iraqi civilians and three other U.S. Soldiers were wounded in the attack, which also set a nearby house on fire. Iraqi police and firefighters responded to the blaze and immediately began evacuating the wounded to nearby hospitals. At least two critically wounded children were evacuated by U.S. forces to a U.S. Army hospital. The Task Force Baghdad unit on the site reported that the vehicle, laden with explosives, drove up to a Humvee before detonating. Many Iraqi civilians, mostly children, were around the Humvee at the time of the blast.
“The car bomber made a deliberate decision to attack one of our vehicles as the Soldiers were engaged in a peaceful operation with Iraqi citizens,” said Maj. Russ Goemaere, Task Force Baghdad spokesperson. “The terrorist undoubtedly saw the children around the Humvee as he attacked. The complete disregard
for civilian life in this attack is absolutely abhorrent. It is the responsibility of all Iraqi people to turn against the terrorists and protect their children, the Iraqi Security Forces and our Soldiers from this type of action.”
“The terrorists are attacking the infrastructure, the children and all of Iraq,” said one Iraqi man who preferred not to be identified. “They are enemies of humanity without religion or any sort of ethics. They have attacked my community today, and I will now take the fight to the terrorists.”
Terrorists’ wanton disregard for the Iraqi people continued Saturday evening as a suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest next to a propane fuel tanker near a gas station, setting off a massive explosion killing dozens and wounding as many as 100 more.
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on Jul 25, 2005
And FYI this is the first photo that I know of that shows the actual vest these terrorist are wearing. Note the front and back panels are held together with straps, and its very thin, would be hard to detect. Reminds me of my bullet proof vest! Also the detonation device can be seen in the upper right side of the front panel, the red cord coming out of the top. Interesting design. I did notice that there is no fragmentation material in the photo, I don't know if it was removed before the photo was taken or if there was none. I would guess the explosive used was some form of formable plastic type of compond.
You saw it here on JU!!
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