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One Americans view....like it or not..
This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
What we need to do..
In order of importance...
Published on July 29, 2005 By
Current Events
With the announcement now of possible large troop reduction in Iraq next year I would like to suggest it is time to start looking beyond the Iraq/Afghan war and start by following my list.
I have listed what we need to do in order of urgency, but we should do all of them simultaneously.
1. Locate and kill terrorists using any means we have available. To include the Military, special forces and covert assassinations if need be. (we are doing this to some level, but I would like to see the covert use increase, so the terrorist have to wonder when and where they will be killed, make them fearful, that would be a nice touch.)
2. Secure our borders to prevent planned attacks on our soil. This includes Mexico, Canada and our coastlines. Scan all incomming goods and secure our ports. (This is a very bad situation. I like the idea of using the military to do this, better to use them on our own protection at home than ship them around the world.)
3. Find who is funding the terrorists with money and take it all away and put them in jail, forever. (and se the money that is found to fund the war on terror)
4. Stop allowing the teaching of violent anti-American rhetoric in our schools, and the Mosque in the US. (If you want to teach this crap, go do it in some other country, freedom of speech does not mean that you have the right to incite violence. Check your Supreme Court Rulings, they have said this in several rulings)
5. Establish a Manhattan project-style government/private program dedicated to eliminating the need for fossil fuels ASAP. (If the US put its mind and resources to it, they could do this. Problem is getting around all the people that would be against it becasue they are making to much money in the oil business right now.)
6. We need to step up our training and equipping of our Local, state and federal police officers. Make them capable of dealing with this threat.
Well I feel better now.
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on Jul 29, 2005
all great Idea, specially the "manhatten style" solution for energy.
Securing the borders is another terrific idea, the porous borders make me nuts. {one of three federal prisoners are Illegal aliens}
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