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One Americans view....like it or not..
This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
More sucesses than failures
You add them up and see for yourself..
Published on August 9, 2005 By
War on Terror
Aug. 8, 2005 – Multinational Corps Iraq operations continue to place pressure on terrorist operations in Iraq, with coalition and Iraqi security forces conducting more than 182 combined and independent offensive operations throughout the country since late July.
Results from operations conducted between July 30 and Aug. 5
include the discovery and clearance of 109 improvised explosive devices and 32 caches; the capture of 805 insurgent fighters, with the subsequent detention of 493; and the death or capture of 11 foreign fighters.
"These are great successes for the coalition and Iraqi security forces. The terrorists' command and control will continue to deteriorate as the coalition forces continue to pressure terrorists and disrupt their operations network," Col. Jessie Farrington, MNCI chief of operations, said.
Highlights of operations from Aug. 6 and 7 include:
In Mosul, coalition forces detained two individuals for handing out terrorist propaganda. The two individuals revealed the location of their source and, during a resulting raid, Iraqi police killed one terrorist later confirmed to be a Syrian national. In a combined raid, coalition and Iraqi security forces captured three men connected to terror leader Abbass Fadhel Zangana.
* Near Hit, Iraqi Intervention Forces and U.S. Marines captured three terrorists in a truck towing another vehicle modified as a car bomb.
* In Haqlaniyah, coalition forces destroyed a booby-trapped house that contained improvised explosive devices.
* In Baghdad, coalition forces captured a car bomb and four terrorists who were involved in a car-bomb cell. Iraqi forces captured ten members of a terrorist cell in Sadr City.
In other developments, Iraqi army soldiers and coalition forces captured suspected insurgents in a targeted search Aug. 7 in Rawah, Iraq, according to a Multinational Force Iraq report.
Elements of U.S. Army Task Force 2-14 and soldiers from 3rd Battalion, 1st Brigade, 1st Iraqi Intervention Force, detained four suspected insurgents during the operation. The suspects included one Syrian man, one Sudanese man, a former Rawah police officer, and a civilian. The Sudanese man was in possession of an expired passport.
In Fallujah, Iraqi army soldiers found and eliminated improvised explosive devices while conducting search operations Aug. 6(see my last post), according to a MNFI report.
Soldiers with the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 1st Iraqi Intervention Force, discovered an IED while on a dismounted patrol. The IED consisted of one 130 mm artillery round enclosed in a white burlap bag with a car-alarm receiver, a washing machine timer, and a battery. The area was secured and the IED was disarmed and removed for later disposal.
Elsewhere, Iraqi army soldiers found IEDs in Rawah and Mugdadiyah. In Rawah, soldiers raided a building and found one 120 mm artillery round and two pounds of propellant. Two suspected insurgents were detained.
In Mugdadiyah, a patrol located one 155 mm artillery round and an unknown initiation device. An Iraqi explosive ordnance disposal team removed the IED.
No injuries or damages were reported during the operations.
In other news from Iraq, Iraqi security forces and coalition forces conducted a combined raid on a location known to be manufacturing car bombs Aug. 7 in Baghdad.
An Iraqi SWAT team and a coalition support unit discovered two vehicles in a carport partially wired as suicide car bombs. Both vehicles had holes cut in the dashboard exposing detonators with wire connections to the trunk and under the hood. Four male suspects were detained.
Elsewhere in Baghdad, Iraqi police and elements of the U.S. Army's 1st Battalion, 9th Field Artillery Regiment, located a possible car bomb on a roadway. The dark blue, four-door sedan was secured, and the immediate area was cleared. An Iraqi explosive ordnance disposal team confirmed the presence of explosives and conducted a controlled detonation.
No injuries or damages were reported during the operations.
(Compiled from Multinational Force Iraq and Multinational Security Transition Command Iraq news releases.)
Now this is the kind of thng I like to hear! "include the discovery and clearance of 109 improvised explosive devices and 32 caches; the capture of 805 insurgent fighters, with the subsequent detention of 493; and the death or capture of 11 foreign fighters" Thats good work, how many roadside bombs did you hear were exploded and killed troops in this same persiod of time? I tried to check and can count 4. 4!!! And we found/discovered/destroyed 109!!! What the heck is the problem? WHy not report all the informatin instead of jsut the parts that the MSM thinks will make Americans look negativly on the war. God forbid that you should learn that we are doing anything positive or are accomplishing things like the 109 found IED's. Did you know that in tha last month 43 more schools will be refurbished and will open up for Iraqi Children?
I didn't think so, because that would not make you feel negative, make you look negativly on the war. Thats how they want you to feel and they are doing by only reporting what they think will make you feel that way. Can't have you looking at a story and saying "Way to go, thats good news." That would not help their agenda..
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on Aug 09, 2005
yeh but, females still HAVE to cover there faces {just preemting LIBERALS} heh
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